I Was Caught up in a Hero Summoning, but That World Is at Peace

It means we have the highest technology in the world.

February 3rd of Fire. I was sorting out the gifts I received at the beginning of the night from my birthday party, which turned out to be amazing.

Much appreciated, but I got a lot of presents, so it's going to take me a while there to finish sorting them out when paired with the memorabilia for the Six Kings Festival.

By the way, with regard to the flying castle given to Lilia...... Shilo gave only the treatment of the castle, and Kronoa apparently recovered the fountain or something that doubled his magic power.

But the castle alone was outrageous, and Lilia seemed to haunt her mind about what to do with the treatment... so it was Amarier, the first princess of the Kingdom of Symphonia, who reached out.

Because Amarier seems to want to make the flying castle Lilia got a tourist spot in the King's Capital, and she's been negotiating with Lilia right after the party.

Sometimes it was a suggestion for Mr. Lilia to be considered a boat across the street, and the story was wrapped up in tongues of clapping. As a result, the flying castle settled in the form of rental fees paid by the Kingdom of Sinfonia and borrowed from Mr. Lilia.

Looks like Mr. Amarier is very uptight, and he himself visited Lilia's mansion this morning to exchange contracts, and with that leg he just embarked on tourist landscaping work.

Only the leading candidate for the next king of boulders, with great decisiveness and action. Well, it seems Lilia was saved because of that, so far as I'm grateful.

With that in mind, the door to the room was knocked on the pretend that I was checking and organizing every single gift.

"... yes, that? Yanaka?

"Senior Hayato, Senior Aoi wants you to come to the training space."

"Yeah? To me?

"Yeah, or to both me and Senior Fast Guy, right? I think I learned some new magic again, and he said he wanted to show it to me."

"Hmm... well, let's go"


I don't have a particular rush to attend to, so I immediately return my compliments and walk out with Yanaka to the training space behind the mansion.

By the way, this is not the first time these invitations have been made. Aoi has a strong interest in magic, and she remembers more and more new magic because she is keen to study.

And when you learn new magic, you mostly show it to me and Yanagi.

I'm usually a grown-up Aoi, but I'm also childish about that part. I know you want to brag about new magic, and you're smiling somewhat.

More than a dozen minutes about the training space...... Currently at the end of my gaze, Yanaka was releasing a sharp kick toward the golem made by Aoi.

Yanaka's kick, which is good at physical strengthening magic, is so sharp and fast that honestly I can't even follow it with my eyes. But even with such an awesome kick, Aoi's golem doesn't make it slight.

"... Ah, Senior Aoi. This golem is too hard...... my leg hurts. Even though it looks like the usual golem..."

"Hehehe, this is the new magic I newly learned...... it's a high-density golem!

The proudly chested Aoi is somewhat cute because she feels old enough. But I see... a high-density golem?

So far, the golem was easily broken for Yang Nai, so did you remember with that measure? There's something about Aoi that I hate to lose...

And the battle between the two? In anticipation of the end of Aoi's new magic unveiling, I get close to both of them, too.

"... new magic, let me see it. It felt like the top compatibility of a regular golem, and it was amazing."

"Thank you! With my magic, I can finally make it... but, hey, there's something I'd like to ask the Happy Man for."

"To me?

"Yes, this golem...... 'Would you try breaking it?


After smiling happily at my words of praise, Aoi has somehow asked me to break the golem.

I don't know why I say that, and then I snap my neck without knowing why I ask the weakest to do it.

"Actually, it also incorporates an effect that acts when destroyed, but I want to see if it works properly..."

"... why me?

"Huh? 'Cause I couldn't break it to Yang Nai...' cause the strongest of us are the fast guys"

To Aoi, who also tells me as a matter of course, I am more and more decapitated... and that's where I thought of it. I see, you're talking about combat power in "Pets Included".

... That's just a strong bell, not me, right? No, well, Aoi and Yanaka say I'm a demon, so it can't be a complete mistake...

But uh-huh. Bell hasn't brought him here because he didn't think it would be such a development. I can't help it, it's a favor for a cute junior, and bring him along for a run...

"... hey, what are you doing idiot..."

I tried to go get Bell to fulfill Aoi's hope, but shortly after, Alice appeared in front of me with a taski that said 'Pet III'.

Well, there are a lot of scratches... this is the time to come out wearing it!?

"... uh, Aoi, is this okay?

"... well, you just have to break it, so as far as I'm concerned, I don't mind a phantom king..."

"I thought Senior Aoi's new golem was also irregular...... I knew Senior Hayato was the most amazing"

Well, if Aoi is good... but I think there's something behind it.

Alice has handed me a piece of paper that says something to affirm my thoughts. Uh, what...

"Alice, one sword copper coin.

Alice, one punch silver coin.

Alice, one kick gold coin.

Five Mergers Great Alice Chan Robo One White Gold Coin '

I'm so curious about the last one!? Robots? Robots? Plus, a pentathomer... whatever you think, it's packed with a man's romance.

To be honest, I'd love to see it doomed... but instead of training space, I don't feel I can even guarantee the safety of Mr. Lilia's mansion, so let's stop it.

Then there are three things left...... why is the sword the cheapest? Is that you? When you're about as strong as Alice, does that mean you're stronger at hitting her directly than using a lousy weapon?

Well, look... let's just keep it a sword.

Finishing my choice, I'll have Alice hold a piece of copper coin in her hand. Then Alice took a piece of paper out of nowhere and started rolling it.

It is an array used by children in every chamber.

"... Alice, Sword!

And Aoi's high-density golem all over her...... turned into a 'straight two'. I'm kidding about the naming, and the material is paper, but the power is excellent.

Ma, well, now Aoi's request has been fulfilled. But, uh-huh... I don't think there's any change in the cut golem.

"... Oh, that? You don't play...... did you have the wrong procedure?

Apparently, what Aoi was incorporating into the golem is a playback feature, but it doesn't feel like it's working well?

"When I optionally 'playback disabled' for slashing - Aww!?

"... you..."

Hi Aoi. Apparently it wasn't caused by your procedure, but by Alice adding extra options to the attack.

"... Well, it feels like I saw it. It's a textbook procedure, and it would have worked fine. Except it's a lot slower so I can use it in action..."

"I see... after all, is Phantom King awesome at producing golems as well?

"Uh-huh, well, you can do one street... like this"


Alice gently turns her hand to the ground in front of Aoi, who asks about the flavor. And when a small magic formation appeared on the ground, it appeared a stunning earthy bird-shaped golem, flying through the patter and sky to show it.

When she sees it, Aoi opens her eyes wide and startles.

"Shh, wow... Shh, phantom king! Shh, just a little. Can you tell me how the Golem works?

"I don't like it. I'm not free enough to spend time on elephants."

It is too soon a powerful NO word. Is this you? Do you think you should ask me to do this?

For Aoi's sake, he thinks about asking me to do it too, and at the time he tries to speak to Alice, an unexpected word is uttered from Alice's mouth.

"I mean, if you're talking about the golem, you'd rather 'ask Mr Crowe' than me, wouldn't you?

"... yeah? To Cro?"

"Yeah, 'cause Mr. Crowe made a" Grow Yourself "golem in" Over 20,000 Years Ago "... well, technically, it's a magic puppet, so it's slightly different."

"... ah"

I remember it in the words Alice told me. About Zwei, who was a magic puppet and made a statement called 'The Body I Got for Cro'...

Dear Sir, Mother, Father - the more I thought about it, the more I had quite a hint. If it was Chro who made Mr. Zwei, then Chro means that when it comes to golem production - he has the highest technology in the world.