Stunning, and in a war-torn conference hall, only the voice of an orchid reading out the letter echoes.

"... 'Well, you can predict the movement of the kingdom of Symphonia from here on out, even if it's not me. Negotiate with the aristocracy living near Mr. Lilia's mansion and let him stand back and give way to Mr. Kite after giving him enough in return. Well, that's the place'"

Sole, indeed, was what Rise and Amarier had in mind, and what Chris and Ragna could also have expected. There is no doubt that it is a better environment for the fast man than near Lilia's mansion, where he was his lover and once spent a year.

However, in terms of the content after that, the faces of the Kingdom of Symphonia sweated like waterfalls.

"... 'But well, you don't need that. I have already legally secured the land and materials necessary to build Mr. Kite's house, and I do not need you to move on that." "

I'm getting the land. That's not surprising if Kate was expecting Alice to build a house. But that's not the problem.

The compartment where Lilia's mansion is located is a place inhabited by a fairly high nobility, and naturally both the King, Rise, and the King Prince, Amarier, turned a lot of consciousness to that section from day to day.

But... 'I wasn't uncomfortable this past year'. I didn't have a new aristocracy, I didn't have a new mansion, I didn't have a nobleman who took the mansion away.

But Rise and Amarier had a feeling that "about two years ago," there was an Earl who bought land near Lilia's mansion and set it up.

Combine that with what's going on, and that's what Alice was moving to prepare for, faster than the Fast Man ever changing from this world to the original one.

"... 'Well, even if you write too long, it's you, and let's get to the point. There are two of my demands, and I wrote down the patterns and people in the dossier I put together for each country that I would expect to put a little bit on Mr. Kite, so please hold on tight, okay?


So Orchid gives a hazy noticed look and distributes the materials for each country that were in the envelope to their respective kings.

Rise, Chris, and Ragna received it, and after glancing through it sassly and lightly...... they were out of line. As far as the content written there was concerned, there were some patterns that could have been anticipated in advance.

But I hadn't even imagined... but if it were written, there were many patterns that seemed possible, and we were in the mood to be able to make a difference between Alice and ourselves.

"... 'And two. This is very important. With regard to Mr. Kite's standing, please be careful not to be bound by the laws of each country. Originally, setting up a house in the Kingdom of Sinfonia would treat Mr. Kite as a King of Sinfonia national, incurring tax obligations, etc… which is not acceptable'"

It is inherently a disastrous theory. Houses are set up in the country, but excluded from paying taxes and obligations as citizens. But there was a certain irrationality in the heads of those who heard its contents that seemed to have been put into words.

"... 'No, I don't mind, but if Mr. Kite belongs to a country, or if he doesn't, the King is going to be in a position above Mr. Kite... I don't think the (unjustifiable) god of the other world (the Yabe guy) is silent, thank you" "

"… the Kingdom of Symphonia approves the proposal of the Phantom King on this occasion"

"The Alcresian Empire has no objection either… or if we speak differently, the country will disappear"

"The Kingdom of Hydra also approves it under the authority of the eagle... I don't know about that one, because he's not really the one whose reason works."

It should be noted that Eden has already threatened the Three Kings with a Six Kings Festival. Very simply, 'If you work disrespect for my dear child, you will erase every country'...

"... 'And besides that, I've compiled some things in national laws that might later affect Mr. Kite, so make a special treatment... Oh, yeah, King Hydra's Ragna?

"Ugh, yeah? Are you a weasel?"

"... 'You think that because the Kingdom of Hydra is a parliamentary system, amendments to the law cannot be made to one of the kings. Don't worry, if you suggest it, I'll do it."


"... 'That? Are you surprised? Oh, no, you think I can't move The Majority of Parliament?

Ragna trembled with a bluer face than she could normally imagine from her to its content that she could change the laws of the Kingdom of Hydra as much as she wanted if she wanted to.

"... 'Well, that's why I thank you. Oh, and make sure you have a fancy dinner next time I'm going to visit - then, like that'"

"... what is it? Only to His Majesty Ragna, that would be friendly."

"... I've barely spoken to the Phantom King..."

Alice basically has a dry personality to others while treating them brightly, but is somewhat tolerant of the person she once put into her nostalgia.

Only CromEina and Faith, with the exception of Kite, have publicly stated that they like him... but there are aspects to that, such as caring about Isis and Lilywood, who are family members, or turning their hands behind them and following them.

Ragna was once one of Alice's companions when she named herself Hapti, treating her somewhat more amicably than any other face.

... but Ragna herself, who didn't know it, would just snap his neck...

Meetings between the three countries have since been interrupted... Rises, the face of the Kingdom of Symphonia left immediately to speak to each department, and Chris and Ragna's entourage also left to communicate to the country, so there were currently only two Ragna and Chris in the conference room.

"... but the Phantom King is really horrible, how far are you reading it?

"... 'the fool fears the king of death, the wise man fears the king of the face deceased'..."

"Yeah? Miss Chris, what's that?

"That's like an adage passed down to the royalty of the Alcresian Empire. The Death King is indeed horrible. You won't be able to have a decent conversation with me… However, if you string history together, there are few instances where the Dead King killed someone just because he doesn't like it. Instead, there would be far more examples of that, wouldn't there, King of War?

"Well, that's not how Megido works."

Ragna, who knows Megido well, nods deeply at Chris' words. Death King, War King...... both are recognized as dangerous Six Kings with no life if they damage their mood in the world.

However, although Isis has the factor of the magic of death, his personality is not so harsh as to be harsh. There were parts of it that were poorly heard like children, but Sole also faded from meeting pleasant people, who are now more of a serene and well-heard personality.

In contrast, the King of War has long been consistent in his style of doing whatever he wants where he can't get into his own eyes, killing if an opponent he doesn't like stands in front of him.

"Regardless, as a king with a people, the Death King must be vigilant... but as far as I'm concerned, the Phantom King is far more terrifying than the Death King"

"I know how that feels..."

"The true horror of the Phantom King is neither the largest number of subordinates in the world nor overwhelming combat power. Information from all over the world…" The Brains of the Three Kingdoms "that can easily remember and fully use too much sole."

"... No, it's really horrible. And I guess such a conversation between the eagles is as expected for the Phantom King."

"... right"

Once again, recognizing Alice's horror, the two shook themselves small with distant eyes.

And Alice, feared from the bottom of her heart by the top of such nations...

"What can I do for you?

"I need a favor, will you listen to me?......" Dear Shalovanal ""

I was coming to negotiate with the top of the world.