I Was Caught up in a Hero Summoning, but That World Is at Peace

Christmas Outside/Starry Night Previous

On the earth of death, in the northern part of the demonic world, in the castle of Isis Lemnand, the king of death there, her men were preparing for the Christmas party tonight.

A woman comes in with a huge table in one hand in the hall where a significant number of people are likely to enter. Tactile grown from the head on a jade bug-colored short bob, feathers on the back reminiscent of beetles.

It is over 190 cm tall and gives a somewhat samurai-like feel from a total of six swords carried on both hips.

The woman...... to be part of the Death King's distribution executive six series of stars, Sirius, called 'Heavenly Blade Star', looked around after placing the table in the center of the hall where it would be the venue, and spoke to the woman who was a little further away.

"I'm sorry, Rasal. You got a second?

"Hmm? What the fuck?

Called by Sirius, Rasal Malfik, a 'earth-bound star', looks back and puts his neck around him, working with his hood on to cover his face in a pitch-black robe.

It has a slightly smaller physique of about 150 cm, but on its back it was responsible for a huge coffin that exceeds 2 m, and the total blackness of the body was combined with a unique sense of intimidation.

"I brought a big table, but I'm not good at setting it up...... sorry, can I ask for it?

"Ah, got it, yo. So ha, that's yo I'll take over. Sirius is pulling continuously, bringing a chair for everyone le"

"Um, I got it."

"Please yo"

Sirius and Lassal are both part of the six series of stars, but they are usually friends of the dog monkeys and fight all the time, but this time they work together without fighting.

Another Royal star shrugged emotionally as he watched the situation a little further away.

"No, you don't seem to be fighting between those two today. Helpful. If we had a fight and work was delayed, I would have been scolded by the head lord."

A woman with purple long hair, a white torrid hat, a robe of the same color, just the look of a witch...... "Far North Star" Polaris was somewhere bitterly smiling for fun.

Among the six stars, she was an ancient stock, after the lead, Iris, who turned into the Iris where she was cooking and headed the preparations for the venue.

"Oh no - the only way we can work together is, yeah or hey. I'm relieved."

Responding to Polaris' whining in a relaxed tone was a woman with blue silver hair and crystalline flowers. He was the Spirit of Blue Crystal Flowers and a spica with the name of "Crystal Flower Star", a member of the Six Series Star.

She also looks like an elegant nobleman dressed in a pure white dress, but the tone was somewhere unique.

Spica moved her gaze after answering Polaris' words and spoke to the other Six-League star, who was floating and working a little higher.

"Wol, how about that one?

"Well, I just want some more decorations. Spica, I'm asking you to add flowers."

"Yes - cheap."

When Spica puts up one hand, a ton of blue crystal flowers appear around her. And the ten white tails that have grown receive it.

The 'Fox Demon Star' Urpecura is decorated with ten long tails and two hands moving cleverly. In semi-short hair with strong habits of gray hair, about 130cm small body. The head has fox ears and the face makes you feel somewhere young.

Wolpekla, uniquely dressed as a witch-style costume on the upper body and leggings on the skirt on the lower body, lands next to the spica after finishing the decoration quickly. Sometimes the hair colors were similar, and when they lined up, the two looked like sisters as well.

"Well, here's the thing"

"Oh, good job. You have good taste, and I'm satisfied with it."

"Polaris didn't just watch... I'll tell Illis for now"

"Come on, give me a break. Then I guess I won't be able to attend the party...... Ha, I'll just have to admit that I did just look at the whole thing and wasn't part of the work myself. I can't help it, let's just say I'm a little strained from here..."

In no time, the large venue was beautifully decorated and the party venue was ready safely.

"Yeah, that doesn't sound like a problem. Thank you, everyone."

"If you're in Illis, it looks like it's still taking a while."

"This is Ha, there are five of us, sir. If it's inevitable, it's inevitable, yo."

"Right. If there's anything I can do to help, so are you. - Ah!?

Talking about the subject of Ilis, which is taking time from the number of people ratio, I look back as if Urpecura noticed something in the middle of the word.

My ears went down with pins stretched, and I could see what other faces noticed as soon as my tail was shaking as if expecting something.

Shortly afterwards, the doors of the hall, which was the venue, opened, and their Lord, Isis, came.

"... everyone... thank you... are you ready for the venue... are you done?

"Master Isis. Ah!

When Isis appeared, Urpecura rushed forward with a full smile, waving her tail vigorously.

"Yes! I'm done...... oh, that neighborhood and the Atashi decorated it, is that okay?

"... yeah... it's beautifully done... ul be a good kid"

"Oh, hey, you just did your job as Isis' subordinate."

As Isis reaches out and strokes his head, Wolpekla smiles a swinging smile and shakes ten tails with joy. The appearance was worthy of appearance...... in other words, it was like a sweet toddler to his mother, a smiling sight.

Isis gently strokes Urpecura's head as it is, while moving his gaze to the other six stars to open his mouth.

"... then... I'll pick up Kite... I'll be there... I'll be shopping... I think it'll take a little while... the party starts at the right time..."

"Got it. Take your time."

On behalf of Polaris replied, Isis waved gently after nodding satisfactorily and disappeared with metastatic magic. After a little silence flows, Polaris opens his mouth as he remembers.

"Speaking of which, I heard from the head lord... that Master Isis and Master Kate will each have a gift for us. Shopping is probably it."

"Really?!? Yah, because Isis and Kate are really sweet... the athletes are on the side of a lot of entertainment, and you don't have to worry so much about them... but I also love those things!

"Oh no - thank you for the story."

Whether the tension rose at once in Polaris' words, Urpecura shrugged happily as she waved her tail at every thousand cuts, and Spica, who saw the sole, smiled and agreed.

In such a soothing air, Sirius put his hand on his chin to think about something, nodding a little once before telling him.

"... if it were Lord Illis, we wouldn't be late, but we'd better have some manpower. This one seems to have one paragraph, and I need your help with Lord Iris. - Yeah?

Sirius tried to walk out towards the exit saying he would help Illis, who was cooking, but was pulled over shortly afterwards to stop his leg.

Looking back, Sirius had a pure white tail in his hand... wrapped around him with "The Power of All the Gripping".

"... hey, don't do anything extra, featherworm"

And I couldn't imagine the doss from the way she was being cute earlier...... no, Urpecura telling in a killer caged voice. On its forehead was a blue muscle, and its expression was at the level of a hell of a ghost as well.

"I'll tell you just in case... if Temeh's" play "gets into the mouth of Isis or Kate... Atashi will kill Temeh"

"... Ah, yes. Excuse me."

Unexpectedly Sirius nodded with a blue face as he became a salute to Urpecra, who was revealing a tremendous anger.

"... uh-huh, I agree with her, too. There is something about being unsuitable, so I don't think you should participate. [M] Mostly for us to enjoy our meals."


"Soya - I can't even follow Ouch on this."

"Even Spica!?

Regardless, Polaris was agreeing with Urpecura with a bitter smile to even the calmer and gentlest spica of the six stars, and Sirius had a shocked look on his face.

It should be noted that her poor cooking is muscular and her surrounding reactions are normal... even though she thinks she can do it there.

And in this situation, the other one who stays joins... there's no way he won't even oil the fire.

"Kukakakakaka! Yiya, I can't help it sa. You don't need to be depressed. Yo, Sirius. It's made up of all body muscles. It's just a mistake to seek a higher task: you ni, cooking, etc. Sa"

"... right. Well, still, I'm more proud to say it's decent than a dead meat woman who only seems to be able to mix dead meat with dead meat to make zombies."

"... a?

"... what?

There's no way Sirius won't stir it back to Lassal, who has stirred it up at last. Then the sparks scatter in an instant between the two, as usual, each gaining a price and moving into a state of battle.

"... if you want to fight, do it outside. If anything happens in a decorated venue, you'll be blown away by a scary headmaster."


Hearing Polaris' words, Sirius and Lassal moved out of the castle with their swords and coffins, respectively, staring at each other.

And a little later, he heard a roar, and Polaris activated the junction magic to keep the venue from breaking down as he sighed.

"Oh man, well I guess when it comes to the usual... well, my job is done and even tea..."

"Well, that was a good time. If you're free, help cook, Polaris."

"Lord Leader... when... no, no, I'm about to have a blissful tee time and a sprinkle"

"Come on, come on."

"Wouldn't the headmaster be too hard on me?!? I just played the executive role of overseeing the venue..."

Soon the venue will have Illis, and he will grab the root of Polaris and take him as he flows.

"Why, in the first half, I was just watching, and someone stuck me in and I joined along the way."

"... you're in trouble. I can't just say back to the facts. At the very least, it calls for improvements in transport methods. Whether you're young or not, being a maiden, I'm resistant to the way you travel to sweep the floor with your glutes?

"Well, then..."

"Ok, Lord Leader. It was my fault. Stand up and walk properly. So stop trying to magically blow it up and haul it...... sorry I get cooked before I cook"

This one, too, in a way. After dropping off Polaris, who would always be taken in the same exchange, the remaining Urpecura and Spica looked at each other.

"Ur ~ We don't have many. Shall we?

"Well, the Atasis aren't as good at cooking as Sirius' idiots... and helping them is going to get in the way,"

"Oh no - I think I might pull my leg"

"Then I'll do something else. We can still afford time, and we have a gift for Isis and Kate from the Atasis, so what do we do?

For the record, Urpecura and Spica are close. Innocent, bright Urpecura and a cheeky, serene spica go well with their character.

"Yeah - I'm sure you'd love to. I think I'll strain you."

"That's what you do! And I'm so glad you could stroke my head again... eheh"

"You two look great - I think you might have a match."

"Uh-huh, if it's accessories or flower decorations, you seem to be able to make them. I'll make it with you!

"Yes ~"

Unlike the first two pairs, this one traveled while discussing what kind of gift to make in a fun way.