Geiselik's ship was a sailing ship called a Carrack ship with three masts. The Veronian army was a bit surprising because it had the image of a galley.

"When he was a pirate, his ship was named Mother Elvir, a ship that saw the storm king and the end of the silent sea (silent blue). Not only that, when I heard about treasure, I went all over the world. ''

"The Storm King is a storm nest on the western sea route. On the dark continent?"

"Yes, maybe five months. We and the fairy pirates, Lirin Lara, led a fleet of seven ships to the dark continent. I put it in. "

The illusion crosses the stormy sea and reflects the gray earth.

Geyseriks were attacking the harbor where the dwarves and bearded tusks were exposed and the orcs lived. The weapons, weapons and monsters that have never been seen are shown there.

Whip-like thin-edged swords, alchemy explosive hammer with anchors, and strange weapons with chains attached to giant skulls.

Dwarf's mechanical bow fires arrows one after another just by triggering, and attacks pirates.

A scaleless spooky dragon (Drake), controlled by an Orc's Dragon Knight, descended on the deck and ate and swallowed an affordable sailor.

"You guys!

Geiselik shouts.

Raising a saber robbed from an Orc warrior, Geiserik took the lead and slashed into the dark continent dragon.

"Is this the dark continent?"

The king of storm (Storm King), feared, the end of the sea of doom, where storms constantly blow.

Like the eastern border, hindered by the Great Mountains' "End of the World" wall, the border that hinders brave explorers going west. We see the world where the Demon King lives beyond the sea through the memory of Rev. mist.


Rooty grabbed my arm.

This was the world Luti was supposed to go to, and it was his fate from the time he was born to fight here.

I hugged Luti's shoulders and leaned my body.

The sights of the dark continent are all wilderness. Avalon has no forest of overgrown trees. The ground is covered with wilderness and mountains, and the metropolis of the dark continent seems to be in a large cavity called underdeep, which extends under the dark continent.

Rooty was supposed to go by himself in the bottom of the land, which did not reach the barren wilderness.

"One full helm !!!! Full speed !!!"

Geiselik cried.

A herd of countless Wyvern cavalry flying in the sky.

"Captain! It's not good that we started to deal with the Demon King's supplies!"

"Dumb! What do the pirates do to the Demon King?"

Intense flashes and roars sounded from behind.

"Wow ah ah !!!"

Pirates scream. One of the fleet had been pierced by a thunder-storming spear, and was ripping in half.

"Gargantua Storm Javelin! When was it done!"

"I am"

A gray-haired demon squirting lightning from his hands straddles Wyvern and looks down at the pirates.

`` That is the four kings of the wind Gandor ''

Rooty whispers to me. Tise was surprised and his lips were slightly distorted.

One of the four Demon Kings who fought the Ruti after I left the party. A wind demon in command of the invincible Wyvern Air Cavalry.

It is these wind-powered air cavalry who have burned down the ruined kingdom of Flamberg, acting as a front commander of the Avalon invasion.

Gandall again creates a giant storm spear.

"You're on a very old-fashioned boat, have you stolen it from the museum? Rakugosha, the deserted people of the wilderness ... what's the blood that hit our warehouse?"

"Well, let's see if there's a treasure in front of you and you can be a pirate!"

Geiselik cried. She seemed angry at her own ship.

However, it does not seem to have been transmitted to Gandall, and his head is tilted with his eyebrows raised.

"Is that a pirate on such a boat? I don't know much more. Well, which way do you die here?"

"Let's do it! Don't fly in the sky and compete with me!"

Geiselik swings the saber with curse, but Gandor throws a stormy spear silently.

that moment.

"Control Winds!"

Missphere fires the magic with a cross.

When the wind surrounding Gandall's Gargantuar Storm Javelin spreads unnaturally, it gathers on the ship's sails and provides a strong tailwind.

"What !?"

For the first time, Gandall's expression has changed.

Gargantuar Storm Javelin tracks the goal to some extent. To avoid this storm spear, you must dodge shortly before contact. However, the area around the storm spear is full of lightning energy, and even if you avoid direct hits, you can burn yourself with electric shock.

It is powerful magic suitable for advanced magic.

I remembered when Ritt fell with the magic of Ares, and the fear and anger at that time seemed to come back.

In response to the deadly magic, Missphere countered with the control wind magic, an intermediate esoteric magic that manipulates the wind.

Of course, Gargantuar Storm Javelin cannot be stopped by manipulating the wind. But he manipulated the wind that the storm spears generated and turned it into ship propulsion.

As the storm spear approaches, the ship accelerates and moves away. The pirate ship has left Gandall with his storm spear.

"Hyah, oh!"

Geiselik cheers. But the mast flexed in the tailwind that was too strong, squeaking and screaming.

"Captain! The mast will break down as it is!"

One of the pirates says with a crying face. But Geyzerik grinned and kicked the mast.

Laughing at the blue pirates, Geiserik shouts loudly.

"It doesn't break! I'm gonna show my ship!"

"Such a reckless"

Missphere said stunned.

"Pirates are like crazy everyday! @ Kuhahahaha!"

"... That's true."

Despite the crisis, Missphere laughs with Geiselik.

"I was going to tell you what the King was doing ... but you remembered the pirate's behavior first!"

"It's all your fault, Geyserik! I take responsibility."

The second half of Misfia's words were drowned by the sound of the wind, which at this time did not seem to have reached Geiserik yet.