Now, do I work another time?

I get out of the bag with the medicine in hand.

Listening to the frogs, I hit the door of my home.

"Yes yes"

The old man who opened the door fought with Tise during the day.

"Oh, you're a guest.

"No, it's not good.

The old man scratched his head with a bitter smile.

"I look like you. Well, I'm too old."

"I'm actually a drugstore. I have the medicine on my eyes."

"Huh ... thank you, but my eyes didn't go away even with the magic of the lady.

"I'll cure it because it's a drug"

Magical treatment is useful, but it removes the cause of the disease. In other words, even if the germs can be removed, the internal organs destroyed by the germs cannot be healed.

In the past, Tanta's frustration at the time of the white eye disease, to cure blindness due to the disease, requires the magic of regeneration, not cure, after removing the disease. But few casters can use such magic.

"Arc Mage" can also remove the disease, but the regeneration magic could not have been used.

But the drugs are different. Medicinal herbs combined with alchemy can take some time, but some recovery, to a body that has been destroyed enough to malfunction due to illness.

Recovering from blindness due to white eye disease requires valuable herbs and advanced “advanced alchemy” that are not available in Zoltan.

"I think my grandson's eyes are nervous. You're narrowing your view?"

"Oh, that's right."

I take out the vial containing the medicine.

"This eye drop should improve the symptoms to some extent and slow down the progress of the symptoms in the future. It is impossible to cure completely, but you should be able to see as much as a normal person for about another 10 years."

The old man whispered quietly, saying "Wow!"

"What are you talking about, stand inside."

The old man said, and invited me inside.

"Okay, I'll buy it."

The old man, who received detailed explanations of the medicine, nodded, picked up the medicine I had, and returned 40 quarterperil silver coins.

I will explain the detailed usage of the medicine once again just in case.

"I'll bring it again when it's gone, so buy it if you like"

"Thank you. There is no peddler here, so I have to ask my daughter to buy it."

The mist master is a big player in Zoltan. There are assets as such.

And they said they lived by processing the meat and skin of the animals and monsters hunted in this forest.

"So, isn't there another bad thing?"


The old man was surprised and stroked his nose with his finger, with an unusual look.

"I'm looking forward. I'm sorry, I'm a partner who killed each other during the day, just in case."

An old man with a knife appears from behind a pillar and is drooping.

"Eagle, was this once a scary pirate?"

"It looks like your opponent was bad ... you're young, why do you give me medicine?"

"Well, if anyone in front of you needs a medicine, I'll sell it. I'm a drugstore."

"But I'm trying to kill you ..."

The old man sighed.

"Can't you say that you were almost killed?"

This old man, or the old man who was hiding, is not a threat to Tise or me.

If I had something in Tise, I wouldn't have come this way to sell medicine, I'm not a saint of the Holy Spirit.


"Wouldn't it be nice if we didn't hate each other?"

"Well, yes. I got weak."

The old man burst out and laughed.

"No, no, there's no way you're a master at Zoltan today.

Well, my job is up to this point, and I will leave it to the Rooties. Rooty will be able to solve it without any problems.

"Well, why would you like to see the other guys?-Jijii and Babaa, there's some play around."

"Oh, good. I'll come and sell my medicine about once a month."

Then I consulted the residents and sold my medicines and ordered my next medicine.

Some residents were sick and couldn't move, so they did a house call and took quite a while.

Well, a lot of medicines were sold, including orders. Since the population is small but one village, it is a good deal to take on a single pharmacy.

When I got a good business partner, I went outside with a happy face.

"I'm having trouble"

"Bi Xian"

Outside, Bishop Cien, dressed as a monk, was waiting with a mild smile.

"I'm saved. Given the secrets of the mist, I can't help telling you where it is, so it's quite inconvenient to those who once saved the Zoltan, I felt sorry. Thank you very much. "

Bishop Xian said so and bowed to me.

"I just did business. Are the people in this village Geyserik?"

"Yeah. They're subordinates of the mist, or they just yearn, those pirates."

A friend of the time Mistor pirated with Geiserik? Probably they would have had a position in Veronia, and would have forsaken the misttor to this day for the mistor who could no longer be in Veronia.

"I was admired."

"That's already. Seeing a ship with poor hygiene and moss growing around it, kicking up and cleaning Geyserik and the crew of the sailors, and reading various materials about nutrition necessary for long voyages He cooked with his cook, and he was very active. I just heard from them. "

I remembered the strong-willed eyes reflected in the elegant face of the illusionary Missphere, and nodded.

"But I used to study at the Holy Land of the Last Wall, and fought as an adventurer, and intended to stand up in my own way ... but that's the rule, I'm with you, I'm surprisingly close to the hero What are you doing? "

"It's just a small Zoltan drugstore owner and a younger sister running out of a medicinal herb."

"It was nostalgia to hear. This is rude."

Bishop Xian closes his eyes together.

"But you're in Zoltan in this predicament only because of the blessing of God Demis. I have to thank."

Bless you, Demis.

If this is God's will, I will secretly laugh at me if there is a kinky God.

But I know. This is not God's will.

Me and Rooty, Litt and Tise, and mist master and Leonor.

There is now because everyone has the will.