The day after returning to Zoltan from the mist community.

Rooty came to call me in a panic for an emergency.

I change clothes right away and run with Luti.


Tise is waving near the greenhouse. But Tise's eyes can tell that it's not a fun situation.

Me and Rooty went straight to the greenhouse.

"What do you do, Brother?"

Rooty grabs my sleeve anxiously. There is no figure of a girl who was forced to have a perfect spirit as a "hero".

Rooty, here, was a natural girl who was hurt by the sight in front of her.


I observe small buds of a little gray starfish grass lying forcelessly on the ground.

This is one of the greenhouses in Luti's medicinal plantation, where the green starfishes are planted.

The buds of the gray starfish grass are weak. Normally, the roots must be firmly extended to the ground, and the buds must protrude straight out.

But now he has withered.


"It's mold"

Asking Rooty, I scoop the soil with a scoop.

If you look closely, you can see that a few centimeters from the ground has turned yellow.

"The color has changed"

Lutey and Tise stare at the dirt on the scoop.

"Cold mold. It's a mold that absorbs the heat around it."

"I've seen it in caves and archeological sites, but it was bigger."

"Because the only problem on the adventure is the colonies that have grown large."

Cold mold is a type of mold found throughout the continent.

A special mold that has the property of proliferating by absorbing the surrounding heat. In the case of a colony with a diameter of more than 1 meter, a heat source that has penetrated into a territory with a radius of about 10 meters. .

Its power is so terrible that it will make you fall in about 30 seconds if you are a human with a low blessing level.

Because of the intense cold, it is usually not a problem if you move away immediately and warm your body.

"In a place where people live, they rarely grow to such a colony, but a small number can grow in warm soil in this way."

This cold mold reduced the temperature of the soil and caused the buds of Luti's gray starfish grass to be in this state.

"Why cold mold ..."

"I guess they were lurking in the soil. The numbers would normally have fallen to a negligible amount during the winter, but I think they were bred because of the greenhouse."

Should we be lucky?

But when it comes to changing the use of farmland, there are quite a few unexpected problems.

There will be many more problems in the first year.


Rooty is sadly bowing.

"Now, Luti noticed right away, so it looks like we're still in time."

"Countermeasures? Can you help?"

"Oh, it was dangerous."

Cold mold is a nuisance, but apparently has a small amount of breeding. Compared to molds that cause problems by directly infesting plants, removing cold mold and raising the temperature of the soil will return the crop to normal.

Rooty discovered this morning and came to me shortly to report it, so I'll be on time right now.

"Good is in a hurry, get medicine to get rid of cold mold"


The farm was left to Tissé, and me and Luti went immediately to buy what they needed.

Sprinkle the medicine dissolved in water several times and examine the state in the soil.

The progress is going well. Cold mold is not a very viable mold by nature, so it will be able to get rid of it all tomorrow morning.

"After tomorrow, when I see that the cold mold is gone, put a coarse cloth over the soil and raise the temperature of the soil."

"all right"

Rooty responds by holding both fists in front of her chest. There was a strong determination in his face. Rooty wants to save this little medicinal bud.

Ironically, it's an emotion that didn't exist when Luti was a Brave.

"I noticed well."


I reached out to try to stroke Ruti's head,


I stopped halfway.

My hands, which had been working on farming, are dirty with soil. You can't touch Luti's beautiful blue hair with these hands.


Rooty saw my hand stopped and sharpened her mouth.

And when I put my hands on my hands, I pull and put my palm on my head.

"Is it dirty?"

"It's okay to take a bath after this"

With that said, Luti presses his head with a muzzle to check the feel of my palm.

I laughed unintentionally.

"I see. Well done, Luti is always my proud sister."

I say so and pat my rooty sparingly so as not to get too dirty.


Rooty lifts her mouth slightly and laughs happily.

She sees her sister's cute gesture and is driven by an urge to hug her, but she is much more patient here.

Leaving the greenhouse, Tise, who had finished other medicinal herbs, was sitting and raising bait insects to Uge-Uge-san.

"Thank you very much ... are you okay?"

"Oh, I noticed right away. Some buds may be useless, but most will return."

"Was good"

Tise exhaled.

Uge-Uge also spreads his legs as if he was relieved and is weak with his stomach and stomach on the ground.

Looking at the situation, both me and Luti smiled.

"Uge-Uge-san, he seems to care that he did not notice the breeding of Cold Mold. He just noticed when he walked on the soil."

According to Tise's words, Uge Uge is down. It looks a little sad.

"I see, now it's better to have Uge-Uge-san help with the farm management."

"Yes. Uge Uge is a dependable spider."

Certainly, few farmers can feel the soil closer than Uge Uge.

In the words of me and Luti, Uge-Uge-san stood up and raised his arms to declare that he would do his best.

The case of Mr. Storm and Veronia is still to come.

But I have already looked at what to look for. All you have to do is wait for the answer from the Holy Church and get to the negotiation table with Prince Salius.

In the negotiations, where to drop it ... it's only after the church gets information on what is happening in the Kingdom of Veronia.

In short, we did what we did.

Then we should go back to our everyday (slow life) and do what we need to do this way.

The guard, Moen, laughed, stunned.

"It's a big thing!"

On our way to the bath in Luty's residence, we met Moen and the adventurer's guild leader, Garadin.

The two are reported to have been discussing the collaboration between the adventurer and the guards at the adventurer's guild in Kita Ward.

As we returned to Zoltan, the Galadins were returning to Zoltan.

Originally, their purpose was to send a mist master to that village, hide it from Veronia, and consider measures.

But the findings of the Luti and others changed the policy and left Luti to take the initiative in responding to Veronia.

The Galadins have thus returned to the Zoltan, and in a way, just like us, they are doing their daily lives as the original captain of the guard and the leader of the adventurer's guild.

"This is confusing for the first time."

Moen looks sober. At a meeting with Lutey, Moen and Garadin seem to be in a position to reject Veronia's request, but he seems to have been one of those who was confused by the situation.

"Zoltan guards have never experienced the arrival of warships from other nations. No manuals are available. With your direction, you can avoid somehow paralyzing, but how far if a battle occurs? I'm worried if I can move. "

"I'm okay because I've trained to protect Zoltan. I've heard that even in the turbulence of Goblin, where Mistom was active, it was almost a war, but it seems that Zoltan guards led by Mistom fought well."

"At that time, I was just a kid, but I remember all the adults were reliable. Well, let's believe in training and subordinates, what do I do without."

Moen nods to tell himself.

"You're encouraged by a young person like you. You don't want to hear what you've lived for, even if you know it's sloppy."

"Thank you for being a secret. Tell Ademi that you're going to play with a Wyverns race piece soon."

"Okay, my son will be glad."

When he was given his son's name, Moen's expression was stiff and he felt determined.

Yeah, Moen is fine.

"by the way"

Suddenly Galadin screamed.

"What happened?"

"It looks like the mayor was looking for the rules."


Rooty bows her head.

"The mayor's messenger was coming to the adventurer's guild."

"Did you not come to the farm?"

Rooty's farms aren't famous, but of course the mayor of the Tornado and the staff of the Adventurer's Guild know that Rooty's main business is herb farms.

"So that's it"

Rooty muttered small. I turned my bright red eyes to me and nodded.

"Oh, let's go to the bath first."

Rooty's eyes were serious.