"Shunfu-tei" is a relatively good hotel for captains and navigators in Minato Ward.

This is the inn used by Luti when he just came to Zoltan.

It seems that Prince Salius occupied it and used it as his main team.

It is the dark-tanned High Elf Veronia who guides us.

With a simple spear that is slightly shorter than the Halbert used by Zoltan guards and has nothing but sharp, thin tips, a short curved cutlass at the waist and a plywood short bow with a small but long range (composite short bow).

The armor is reinforced with a chain plate of chain mail with key points. The reason why wooden parts are used in each part of the armor is to gain buoyancy underwater.

"His Highness Salius. He brought a Zoltan messenger."

The soldier says so and pounds at the door.

It's a violent manner for a soldier with a prince, but he is always alert to our movements and is ready to fight, indicating that he is an experienced soldier.

At his disposal was a sharpness and swordsmanship trained in the maritime and military world, different from that of a sophisticated high elf in a city from Kiramin, the country of the high elf.

"Let me go"

There was a man's voice from inside.

Looking at Lutey and Tise, he nodded.

They have already met Prince Salius, this is the voice of Prince Salius.

A soldier opens the door.

Inside was a man dressed in equipment similar to a soldier, but only with the emblem of the Royal Family of Veronia and a rune indicating it was a magical item.

Prince Salius is supposed to be close to 50 years old, but his face looks young and only in his 30s.

"Lirin Lara is safe."

After seeing Lilinrara, Prince Salius said, laughing at us with white teeth.

The smile was a ferocious rather than a friendship, a threat that was more of a threat, and something to show your opponent.

Hm ... that prince's makeup ...


There was an intense sound.

It was a momentary event.

"Why, why?"

Prince Salius holds his cheeks down and stunned. Lirin Lara stands in front of her and exhales in a state where she cannot control her anger.

Hearing Prince Salius 'words, Lilinrara suddenly jumped out and beat Prince Salius' face.

"Why do you want to ask me !!!! Why did you do this stupid thing !!"

The high elves who were next to Lilinrara and the soldiers who protected Prince Salius were suddenly stuck. Missphere has been upset since she saw Prince Salius and was unable to move.

Of course, Lutey and Tise would have noticed that Lilinrara had jumped out and would have been stopped if they had. However, the two watched Lirinrara's appearance.

Litt throws his gaze at me. I shook my head a little and told him I was going to see it.

"If you let Leonor know this, you're done! This idiot ... you won't be so stupid that you don't know!"

Lilinrara's voice was shaking.

It was such a voice that it was mixed with various emotions that could not be suppressed and that anger managed to decide the direction.

Prince Salius clenched his teeth and was drooling.

"You're caught."

Say it like squeezing.

"That's what! You must have taught that you need to cut down the king's subordinates!"

"If you just want to cut you off ... then you don't have to be a king! I don't want to !!!! I know you !!!!"

Prince Salius was so loud that even outside soldiers could hear it. I can hear the soldiers upset from the outside.

It should not be said as a prince aiming for the throne, but ... Lirin Lara could not scold it.

I don't know how to express Lilin Lara's expression.

It seemed to be upset, desperate, crying ... laughing.

A heart-breaking, complex emotion swirls around Lilinrara's chest.

A quiet room. The Veronian soldiers looked around many times, uneasy and uncertain.

I move gently behind us, next to someone who is looking straight at Prince Salius' face.

"Are you similar?"

Mysphere shook his shoulders in my words.

"Why do I think?"

"I've been thinking about the possibilities for a while ... Lilinrara is a pirate, I guess he should move for 100% Geiseriku, not for the Kingdom of Veronia ... so Prince Salius would do it."

“Yeah, yeah!

Missphere mutters and trembles. After all, Prince Salius is the son of Geiserik.

And ...

"Why, why didn't you tell me the truth from the beginning ... Who was that child's parent ... and then ... I was ..."

Missphere covered her eyes with her fingers, like dead branches.

Who is the love and malice for, who betrays, who is sacrificed, and who gets what.

Prince Salius doesn't look young, she seems to be older than her real age.

The modest makeup on Prince Salius' face is not to make her look better.

If you remove your makeup, you will probably have a youthful face, perhaps a young man. It is not uncommon for their race to be less than 50 years old.

"Red ... Prince Salius?"

Litt whispered in my ear.

I nod and answer.

"Oh, Prince Salius is a high elf half-human."


"His father is Geyserik, his mother ... probably Lirin Lara."

Litt shakes her head in my words.

"A royal family is really ..."


Because of the world dominated by blessing, people seek bloodlines outside blessing for backing power.

People do not trust in blessing so that anyone with strong blessing can obey unconditionally.

Even the King of Geyserik, with the protection of the Emperor and who has grown Veronia into a great power again, has been seen by the people as a rogue of pirates.

Once you acknowledge King Geiserik, the bandits, robbers, arsoners, and others with the protection of Emperor will destroy the world and rules in which they live, and reign as the new ruler Maybe.

It seemed to me that the way the royals of this world were best represented the paradox of being blessed.

Lit, the princess of the Principality of Rogervia, may have seen a future in which their fate might have been.

Litt squeezed my hand to make sure I was with me now.

I replied, holding back Ritt's hand.