About 1500 km west of Zoltan.

A steel warship that exhales black smoke at sea.

In the cabin, a girl, only visible in her teens, is sitting on a sofa in a dress.

She is Leonor of Veronia.

It is no exaggeration to say that he is the queen of Veronia and that Geyserik's life expectancy is running out and he is now the largest power in Veronia.

"How? Is Salius moving?"

The two princes sitting in a Zen meditation open their eyes as they hear a roll of Leonor bells.

Both of the princes were beautiful, sculpted from their fortunate bodies, nearly two meters tall.

The beauty of humans and Asuras is different from the thin and supple beauty inherited from Salius' High Elves.

Silberio and Uzuku, the two princes slowly opened their eyes and smiled at Leonor, who was supposed to be his mother, with white teeth.

"Mother, finally Salius stormed Zoltan."

"Yes, well done."

Leonor hid his distorted mouth with a fan and laughed elegantly.

Of course, Leonor is not an elf. Her age is over 60 and she should be in old age.

Leonor maintains physical youth through various chemicals and magic. This body is made by pouring in more gold than it can hold.

But the word "physical" refers only to appearance. Even with the power of alchemy and magic, there is no known way to extend life.

If there was such a thing, the inheritance problem would not have occurred in the first place.

Leonol is also old.

I couldn't move as quickly as in the past. He had numbness in his limbs and his fingertips did not move as expected.

Unlike Misfir's Ark Mage, Leonor's blessing, Warrior, is not blessed to keep his power when he is old.

Even though it looks like a girl, Leonor's body is weaker than Missphere.

"This ends Lilin Lara, Salius, and your sister."

The cause of defeating Lilinrara is now complete.

After that, there are eight warships of the Demon King, Wendy Dart, and eight galleons of the Veronian Navy, which Lilinrara stripped off and took control of.

The sailors who did not obey were removed from the ship, and mercenaries were now moving the ship.

Zoltan is an army that can be easily destroyed.

"But my mother will not go by herself?"

Silberio's words are probably true.

Unlike Missphere, there is no skill to fight Leonor, no command of the army, no maneuvering of the ship, no reading of the weather.

Leonol has no role here.

But Leonor shook his head.

"I also care about my health because I want to live longer than my sister. She lives a disappointed life and I live a happy life. The longer that time, the better. So I did not kill my sister. ''

Leonor touched his side.

"It's a liver disease. I'm using drugs, but next to Geiselik is me."


"Did you also know? Prince Veronia's clairvoyant can see through distant outlying areas, but he can't overlook his mother's illness."

"Our clairvoyance is a glimpse of the sight around those who know the name and face. It can only be used once a day. Even better, it would be impossible to see the gut disease."

"And my mother has a fixed look, so I don't see any signs of illness."

"Hoho ... let's do that."

People, elves, and demons eventually die.

It is not in the immortal Asura.

"So I must see where my sister suffers and dies before I die."

Leonor's eyes are still burning in hatred of her real sister.

Leonol's heart was full of vitality just because he realized his death.

"It's interesting to be human"

"It's absolutely"

Asura in the form of two princes recalls the appearance of Geiserik.

Geiselik is clinging to a life left to wait for something, albeit weakened by a lung disease and dying at any time.

Given that suffering, and how much to endure the suffering, is the same death ahead of them, will the Asuras resist like Geyserik?

Both Silberio and Uzuku will probably give up and die. Even if it is the last life that can never be reincarnated, Asura will not endure pain without hope.

Humans are interesting.

So they chose to stay in Veronia and take the time to take over the kingdom.

Geiserik, who has a rare blessing called the "Emperor" and has become the king as he seeks.

Lirin Lara, who had been a pirate in his vocation by the protection of "Pirates", became a general for Geizerik.

Missphere escaped from her homeland while having the powerful protection of "Arc Mage".

And Leonor is trying to win the victory now, with the common blessing of a "fighter", playing around with the three heroes with a plot.

"If you don't see it until the end, you can't afford it."

"Oh, I'm looking forward to how my mother dies."

Asura was laughing at Leonor's lives, as if they were talking about a theater they were looking forward to.

Five days later. Zoltan downtown.

I am walking with a basket full of oranges.

"Red brother, what kind of oranges are you collecting. Do you make jams?"

Tanta seems to be in a good mood, just eating lunch.

"No, do you know that there is a party between Prince Salius and the upper Zoltan?"

"Yeah, it's from today's evening, right? Ms. Storm and Rooty did something!"

Although the problems of Prince Salius themselves still remain, all problems related to the Zoltan have been solved, such as the raid on the Muslim Ledger, the Minato Ward, and the life of the mistman, now a Zoltan people.

Prince Salius paid compensation as promised in the attack on the Minato Ward and dropped the demand to send the Christian ledger.

The Zoltan side also proposed modest concessions, such as replenishing supplies and allowing marines to enter Minato Ward, in order to set up the princes of the great power, and the ceremony and party that also served as formal signing of today It takes place after noon.

"So there's a standing party for the General Marines at a different venue than Prince Salius. They carry the oranges they use."

"Why red brother?"

"Why? ... I actually decided to make something."

"Is that so!?"

I tilt my head with a bitter smile.

I'm a herb shop owner, not a cook.

"But Red's cooking is delicious, so everyone will surely be pleased!"

"I hope it is."

Despite being healed by Tanta's innocent smile, I couldn't hide my anxiety in the unknown territory of serving that large population.

stomach hurts.

Why did this happen ... The story goes back a little.