Zoltan Capitol.

There is a fur carpet on the floor of the hallway where we walk.

Only a handful of corridors and rooms in the entire parliament are carpeted, though massive.

Part of this corridor leads to the conference room, which is an important room that can be called the state's brain, where the top layer of Zoltans gathers in an emergency to decide where Zoltan goes.

Nod that the carpet is laid.

But Zoltan is usually peaceful.

This room is usually used only when deciding on a budget for typhoon disaster recovery.

It has been used every day since the Winter Solstice Festival this year.

The myriad shoe prints on the carpet that seem to indicate the country's turmoil, as soon as they are cleaned.

Ritt and I are heading to the meeting room while traveling down such a corridor.

"Red, Litt"

Tise noticed us and called out.

Tise seems to be playing with Uge-Uge on the back of his hand near the door of the room.

"You two came too."

"Is the meeting taking a break?"

"Yes, I've been staring for hours, so I'll try to cool my head once."

"Is the meeting struggling? It's not surprising."

The only thing the Zoltan can do is to get Prince Salius out of Zoltan.

Prince Salius will not say that he will fight in a Zoltan.

Leonor's large fleet would not be able to penetrate the Zoltan, which is located a short distance from the estuary, but would only land and control the soldiers.

With Zoltan's easily accessible walls, you won't expect much protection.

In addition, even if you let the subordinates of the sea battle master Lilinrara fight on land, you will not be able to demonstrate their ability.

Zoltans can only be annihilated by differences in numbers.

So even for Prince Salius, he would have to leave the Zoltan as soon as possible and flee the Leonols ... fight on the sea.

"For both Zoltan and Prince Salius, I think it's correct for Prince Salius to leave Zoltan."

"Yes, at first it should have been a story ...

Tise bent her mouth slightly and shrugged her shoulders.

I and Litt looked down on what they were doing.

"Did something happen?"

"Problem ... is a problem"

Tise sighs a small sigh in response to Litt's words.

"At first, the meeting went smoothly. Prince Salius leaves the Zoltan, Zoltan cooperates as much as possible with the remaining supplies. Since then, Zoltan has no control over Prince Salius, and from the Veronia fleet, I can't refuse a request for cooperation, such as providing information or supply.

"Is it reasonable?"

"I think so, but the problem happened later, when the mist arrived late in the meeting."

"What about Mr. Storm? No way, Mr. Zoltan will do a thorough fight to protect Prince Salius and Lilin Lara ... No, it can not be because of Mr. Storm's personality."

"Yes, of course not. Mr. Storm agreed after seeing the minutes."

"After that?"

"Mr. Storm said he would leave Zoltan with Prince Salius."

"……So that's it"

Certainly, it's no wonder.

"So what about the reaction on the Zoltan side? Mr. Miststorm is loved as a Zoltan hero. Did you oppose leaving?"

"First, there was the opposition, where Rev. miststorm revealed himself to the members of the conference."

"I said she was the Queen of Veronia."

"Yes. So the Zoltans had no choice but to allow Rev. Storm to accompany Prince Salius."

"Is that the solution?"

"that is……"

At that time, there was a sound of rattle and metal rubbing from the stairs across the hallway.


"I do not understand"

Tise also turns her eyes toward the sound.

The metal sounds approach with the footsteps, and when you climb the stairs, you will see them in the hallway.

"Oh, hero lit for Red!-Did you come too !?"

The mayor who shouted was Tornado.

Behind them are Zoltan greats.

But standing out had never seen me or lit.

"What to do in the Kingdom of Veronia! It's time to show Zoltan's pride!"

A fat nobleman shouts his fist.

There was a bang again with the movement.

All of them are halfway through the middle age, and some of them are over 70, but they are all dressed in armored legs, and they go up the corridor with a vibrant expression.

A brand-new shiny shiny sword was also attached to the waist.

Both swords and armor are for sale in stores, but are enchanted luxury items that will be a lifelong goal for Zoltan adventurers.

However, the intact new sword and armor look like a recruit who does not know the battle, giving a slightly unreliable impression.

"Tornado mayor, this is one"

I heard without hesitation.

The mayor smiled with a brave smile with a full face.

"The Zoltan has decided to fight with Leonor, the evil queen!"

Indeed, why was this irritating?

But the cautious and pragmatic mayor of the Tornado did not expect this to happen.

"What the hell is this?"

"Mist Storm!"

Mr. Storm shouted in the hallway after hearing the commotion from another room.

From behind Mr. Storm, there are Prince Salius and Lilin Lara, who look as surprised as we do.

"of course"

General Lord William responded on behalf of the Tornado Mayor.

The middle-aged body is hidden in armor, and the appearance of Lord William, who has been practicing for a long time, is more dignified than the mayor of Tornado.

"We can fight to protect one of our revered Zoltan citizens."

Looking straight at Sir William, Mr. Storm was frozen without saying anything.

conference room.

The discussion resumed with Ritt and me.

"Huh? Is there any rooty?"

"When Mr. Storm comes and the meeting stops, he will be preparing for a fight soon."


"I told you to leave this to me and go to the mist master's hidden village with Garadin."

That's why Bishop Cien was there but Gallatin wasn't there.

Rooty may have moved to use limited time more effectively than wasted time on barren meetings.

"It's surprising."

"Yes, no way Zoltan will fight against the great kingdom of Veronia for a mist master."

Lazy land Zoltan.

The east and north are blocked by the "ends of the world", are stormy paths, and the wetlands that spread make it difficult to develop new settlements.

The water is abundant and if the soil where the crops grow is enough crops can be obtained without the hassle. However, storms often destroyed them, and Zoltan was characterized by its lazy nature and hated nature.

I can't do what I can do tomorrow today.

Adventurers also hate high-risk and high-return, and are only lazy to receive easy requests.

"Do you want to expose Zoltan to the war for me alone ?? What will be the responsibility of the Zoltan people?"

"Then ask the Zoltan citizens. If they want to escape, they won't stop. But we, the Zoltan army, are ready to bet on their lives to protect them."

"The Sorcerer's Guild is a big boon to you. It's time to test the value of our research."

"For the adventurers, Rev. Miststorm is a hero. I don't tell you about the situation, but if you tell him you're going to fight Veronia with Prince Salius, you're flooded with volunteers who want to fight together."

"We weren't just good friends with our bandit guilds, but even the inhabitants of the backstreet like us respect the same as they are here. Let's reduce the confusion. ''

Finally, the mayor of Tornado nodded and took over the story.

"Every citizen has their own responsibilities, and we want to protect you with our responsibilities. We can build the house again and again. Zoltan is used to losing. Zoltan also knows that if you lose something you can never get back. ''

There was no doubt about Tonado's words.

Lazy land Zoltan.

"But it is"

"Yes, that's right."

Looking at them, Litt nodded with me.

I and Ritt have lived in this town.

The lazy and sloppy downtown residents have seen the humanity that they show for their peers many times.

Even after the Big Hawk incident, the sloppy Zoltans still saw the people in the South Marsh Ward on the verge of riot, without any danger.

"This is what Zoltan is like."

Litt laughed at my words.

"While the princess of Rogervia might say it's ridiculous to have an unbeatable fight, Zoltan's lit is proud of their dignity."

Lilin Lara rushed in as we talked secretly.

"What are you talking about, stop these guys! I can't get involved in a battle that won't win!"

"While disturbing the Zoltan, pirates are really selfish."

"Is it browning!"

"Bad bad. No, I think it's really bad, but I and Litt feel the same."


When I look at her, she tightens her face and approaches the table with a confident face as a hero lit.

"The opponent is the great kingdom of Veronia. A rare villain, Queen Leonor, who will remain in the history book 1000 years ahead. He is led by seven state-of-the-art Galleon-type warships and a steel ship Wendy Dart. An old warship has three medium-sized sailing ships, the Zoltan's medium-sized sailing boats. It's easy to get over the walls of the Zoltan, there's nothing to block if it's invaded by the river, and there's no time.

The expression of Lord Williams becomes cloudy.

The strength gap is hopeless, and you can't even expect the land.

Litt smiled fearlessly.

"I'm done with the situation and I just win."

Why is Litt called Hero Litt?

It must be because of this confident voice and smile.

Litt's voice and smile have the power to make him believe it, if he can break any despair.

"I'm proud of Zoltan's dignity, but I'm proud of Litt."

I muttered so that no one could hear me, and I went next to the lit to find a way to win.