Devil's ship Wendy Dart.

A steam-exhausting steel craft made by unknown technology was stranded on the bottom of the Zoltan and no longer functioned as a ship.

That bow.

Prince Uzuku and Prince Silberio held a large-sword Great Sword.

Normally it is not a sword that can be swung with one hand, but it seems natural that it can be swung if it is held by the thick arms of the two princes.

Behind him, Leonor raised blue blood vessels, glancing at the mist master in the form of a demon.

"Sister, you always make me uncomfortable."

"It's because you're misfortune at others. Your arms are likely to tear off with the weight of hatred."

"Well, let's squeeze and kill your sister before you tear it off .... Unlike your sister's" Arc Mage ", my" Warrior "is a convenient way to kill your opponent just by crossing the seal It will take some time to kill because it is not a thing, but at best suffer and die. ''

"Try it, Leonor, if you can do it"

The battle is about to start, but there are princes between them.

You have to defeat them first.

"Please drop my mother, this is the role of our brothers"

"But, brother, isn't that the devil's egg?"

Prince Uzuku laughed gladly and fiercely at Luty.

"That's right, it's true that we meet in such a place. Although we are Asura, the Demon King must be destroyed."

"Can you win?"

"I can't do this."

I swung the sword to the top and ran toward Prince Silberio and swiftly closed.

Before assuming the appearance of the Asura Demon, he tried to pour it with a single sword, but was blocked by Prince Silberio's great sword holding a cross.

A high-pitched sound resounded.

"That !!"

"Mother! I'll have some free time! I won't be your son until the fight is over!"

"It can't be helped, but you have to erase everything you see? Although it's this frontier, it's too early to know your identity."

"I know, fortunately, this is on a boat, and you can kill all the mercenaries without losing them."

Prince Silberio and Prince Uzuku swell.

Four swords attack from above my head holding two swords.


In response to the falling sword attack, I raised my temper and jumped up the copper sword and slashed at the sword, piercing the sword into the prince's face with her body wide open and her fangs exposed.

But my blow was overtaken by Prince Silberio in a piece of paper.

Before the counterattack sword comes, I turn around and take a break.

By then, Prince Silberio and Prince Uzuku had transformed into a six-armed Asura Demon.

"Is there a hero like you besides the Demon King's egg?

Asura Demon shrugged. The bleeding blood stains Asuraemon's shoulders, but nothing seems to matter.

The face of Prince Silberio, Asura Demon, had been cut by my sword from his right cheek to his ear, and his ear had been torn.

"Oh, it's a demon!"

I heard a scream from behind.

Leonor's mercenaries were afraid of the prince who had turned into an asura demon.

"Now it's a lot easier behind you"

Most of the mercenaries lose their will to fight and slowly retreat.

When it happened, I and Galadin would stop it, but it seems better to focus on Asuraemon and Leonor.

Alright, I re-hold my sword.


"Should be fine"

I answered, looking at the cut sleeves.

There was no scar, but it was in danger.

"I can't stand my arm for more than 40 years."

The identity of the two princes.

Asura demon who has taken a dead Leonor's child and eats it.

Gashasra and Chugara, who once fought with the mist master.

The Great Sword is held on each of the six arms, each with a total of twelve arms.

I can infer the protection and level of the opponent from knowledge and experience and fight.

You can fight while knowing what your opponent can do, so you can fight with equal strength or weakness even if you are a weak guide.

But Asura Demon is the only race without blessing.

Even in the battle with the Demon Army, my way of fighting was restricted since the number of asura daemons increased.

"If you lived as a prince, wouldn't you be a big fight?"

Gashasla, who was Prince Silberio in my words, laughs and answers.

"We are not humans who cannot grow unless we kill others."

"……What did you say"

"My days as a prince were fruitful. I talk to martial artists and thinkers on this continent and work in sports."

"Mix with you, drink sake, eat goodies, hug a princess. Sometimes you mix with local weeds, plow the fields, boil the grass roots, eat, and sing bargains. All help Asura. ''

The two Asura Demon are intimidating.

I thought I wouldn't gain strength if I was away from the battle ... but it was a miscalculation.

"The nature of Asura Demon is strange"

"From our perspective, the creatures of this world whose souls have been twisted by blessing seem odd."

Gashasla says something, surely it's very important for this world ... but we're removing it from consciousness now.

I exhale once, put my strength in the hand holding the sword, and pull out.

Fast and sharp.

It is not power but precision that is needed to counter the sword's barrage from six arms.

"Galadin is dedicated to helping Tise, and fighting decently can help."

"A young man who doesn't tell me!

Galadin barked with regret, abandoned the warhammer and drew his sword.

Probably because of the quick attack.

Galadin is a Zoltan top-class warrior, but his opponent is much stronger than Galadin. If you meet properly, you will be beaten immediately.

It's a good idea to have Tise's assassin support her in order to be able to demonstrate her strength.

"Okay, then ..."

The magical power burst from behind me trying to hold the sword.


Asuraemon quickly overlooks Leonor.


A fiery flame envelops the leonols.

However, the flames did not reach Leonor because the Asuraemons were protecting it.

"What is Leonor !!"

The mist master shouted.

"Why the princes go to Gashasra and Chugara !? You must have returned to the dark continent!"

Mr. Storm also witnessed the identity of the princes as an asura demon, and understood why Leonor, who drank "poisoned by bombardment," got two princes.

The two Asura Demon looked at each other in the flames and shook 12 swords to cut off the mist master's magic.

"It's been a long time since Princess Missphere. The voyage with you was good."

"I'm a nostalgic princess. The country stealing with you was also good."

The two Asura Demon laughed carefreely with their terrified faces with their fangs exposed.


"I'm with Leonor now."

All that said, the Asuraemons bowed lightly and then closed their mouths to talk to Leonor.

No malice is felt from that appearance. It's just a smile when you're with a nostalgic friend.

He deceived Mr. Geistrik, who should have been an ally, and destroyed Mr. Storm.

They were reminded of the differences in values between them and humans.