General magical weapons enchanted with fortification are extremely rugged compared to ordinary weapons, and do not have a single rust at normal levels of pollution.

It is basically maintenance free.

That said, it is still a luxury item and a lot of attachment.

It seems that in some countries the maintenance of weapons is not a soldier's job, but at least at the Knights of Bahamut where I was and the Guards of the Principality of Rogervia where I had a lit, my own weapons were to be maintained by myself. It was a practice.

"The only way to sharpen the inside of the short is to hold the grindstone and go back and forth a few times. Make sure that the blade is sharpened rather than sharpened."


"I don't basically need to sharpen myself when the magic of enhancement is applied, but I can feel the condition of the blade by hitting a whetstone. If you don't have the odor, don't bother yourself.

Litt was in the courtyard of my store, giving lectures about shorts to adventurers who had longed for the hero Litt and started using them.

I'm sitting back and watching Litt perform with a shorttel.

Today is the day of adventure lectures held on the whim of Litt.

There is no prior notice because it's really whimsical, but regular adventurers go straight and participate in lectures.

Your bill is to buy my medicine.

If you buy a quarter-peril painkiller, you can participate, but all adventurers who yearn for lit will buy more than they need.

So, I had to prepare frequently used medicines to meet their demand.

For example, a drug called zombie oil, when swallowed up, increases its vitality against the name for about three hours.

Although it is not as effective as healing the wound, bleeding will stop sooner with some wounds.

It's like using a hemostat in advance.

It is an effective medicine in battle.

Price 7 peril.

Although it is called zombie oil, zombie body fluid is not a raw material.

It is a safe, secure and hygienic medicine.

"Well, how about care?"

Litt looked around at the adventurers' shorttel and said:

"It's fine to finish so carefully on the day you slash any monsters and return from the adventure. If you're a part-time adventurer and don't usually use a sword, it's a good idea to apply a thin layer of rust-proof oil "

By the way, we also handle rust prevention oil.

Please purchase it when you return.


At the end of the care lecture, a young female adventurer shouted.

She is the youngest of today's participants, and will be the first adventurer to get up and running.

"I received the Shortel yesterday, what kind of sword is Shortel in the first place?"

Litt nodded to the adventurer's question.

"Sure, you don't know what to do if you don't know the characteristics of weapons first.

Litt raised his shorts and showed them.

"Shotel is a curved, double-edged sword. It has an S-shaped bend."

The lit short has a griffon feather on its handle.

It's fashionable compared to me and the adventurers' swords.

That's the hero sword.

"A well-known feature is that this curvature allows you to attack over a shield."

Litt shouted out with Shortel. The unique trajectory of the S-shaped blade will pierce the opponent even with a shield.

From there, Litt swings the shotel left and right, with the elbow as the fulcrum.

"As you can see, swinging a sword can be converted into a piercing with a protruding tip instead of a slash. Even a small swing can hurt the opponent deeply."

A blade that is curved like a sickle works differently from a normal sword.

Even a veteran swordsman who has been dealing with ordinary swords will be like an amateur if he holds a short.

You need to train well.

Then Litt beckons looking at me.

"Redou, assistant please"

"Is it?"

"It's easier to have a partner"

Litt is waving.

Inevitably, is it a natural duty for shopkeepers to cooperate with lit contributors to store sales?

"Hey attention, this is my red, applause."

Crackling and applause occur.

A little embarrassed.

Looking at me with her red face, Litt grinned grinning.

Well, you have to figure out how to fight back at night and make Litt's face red.

Regaining my mind, I had a shield and a spear taken out of the lit item box, and lit had a smashed blade exercise short.

"This shape of the Shotel can be used in many ways. First of all, as I said earlier, there is one way to dodge the shield and dodge."

Litt demonstrated several tricks to me with the shield in place.

Adventurers are staring at the feat of the hero Ritt.

"Next, the other person's body is hooked and broken."

Litt's Shotel hooks on my leg.

Swiftly hit the place where your posture collapsed.

"It's a double-edged blade, so don't cut it.

Like my copper sword, a double-edged sword can be cut simply by swinging it left or right.

It is very useful if this is a real battle.

Some single-edged swords have only a double-edged tip, and some have a double-edged sword.

"This hooking application can also be used to drag down enemies on horses. When soldiers use shorts, they focus on training in that application rather than avoiding shields."

"So that's it!"

Adventurers nodded many times.

Shortel is emphasized for its ability to attack by evading the shield, giving the impression that its general function as a sickle sword has been forgotten.

Adventurers were amazed at the variety of shorts that Litt saw one after another.

"And this is the most important feature of Shortel."

With that said, Litt flipped her short and turned it around.

The reverse of the front and back is reversed S-shaped.

In other words, it is not a sickle-shaped sword, but a line similar to an ordinary curved sword like a scimitar.

"In this way, the center of gravity will be straightforward like a normal sword."

Litt had a glimpse of the flowing sword dance as if he were a scimitar.


The adventurer who seems to be the best among the adventurers here screams.

I guess the current movement has conveyed the greatness of Litt.

Although it was difficult to understand the movements specific to Shotel, it was possible to understand the movement of scimitars that had a dojo in Zoltan.

"I used it to drag down the enemy on the horse, but it can also be used to swing it down from the horse. It is an anti-cavalry sword and a cavalry sword.

I lay the shield, hold the spear with both hands, and serve as the opponent of the katana skill that Ritt shows.

A continuous strike with a different sword than the one used earlier as a sickle sword.

Adventurers are shining with Litt's swordsmanship.

After all, the reaction is straightforward, because the katana swordsman is more powerful.

"Shotel's all-around appeal is that it's versatile. If you use it according to the situation and your opponent, you can beat any opponent. But it is also a difficult sword. Yeah. "


Not only the adventurer who asked the question, but everyone responded with a single voice.

It should have been the theme of the shorts today, but it was quite fulfilling.

Adventurers are more satisfied and excited than usual.

"I'm going to the training center with everyone! I want to try what I was taught immediately!"

The adventurers said so and ran out of the store.

"I really enjoyed Litt's lecture."

"I wish I could become a strong adventurer and get me back to the adventurer."

The good thing that nobody was missing was Litt hugged me on my back.

I'm working on closing the store with it on my lit back.

"Thanks to lit, sales look good today."

"Done, give me a reward."

"I'm going to be rewarded ... I'll be told suddenly. Will I have a hamburger tonight?"

"I'm glad that too"

When I was worried, Litt's arm tightly hugged my body.

"... sleep together tonight"

"That's right.


After all, it looks like I was blushed today.

Today is also a happy day.

A highway near the Zoltan border.

"Girululuru !!"

A swarm of death worms groaning with a bruxing sound.

Two cavalry were running around in the Death Worm, which had a large mouth and was as large as a horse.


One of them.

Charles, a Zoltan adventurer, straddled the summoned spirit horse and slashed death worms one after another with a shorttail.

As learned by the hero, Litt, Charles holds the Shotel like a sword and swings down each other.

Shortel's blades easily cut through the body of the deathworm.

"I see, this is good!"

He has never practiced fighting while riding, but he has renewed his reputation for being able to fight against herds in the open air.

"I just imitated and imitated Mr. Ritt, but I didn't think deeply ... but it's a hero's weapon. The use of shorts has widened the battle!"

The opponent is a group of more than 30 death worms.

I thought I couldn't do it at one time, but she seems to be able to fulfill my escort request.

After finishing the last one, the adventurer Charles returned to the merchant escort with Yu Yu.

Other escort adventurers from other countries were amazed at Charles's role as a lazy Zoltan, and uttered praise and a bit of jealousy.

Even so, it was comfortable for Charles, and he was feeling a little hero.

(But, the best hero is her)

Charles sees another, this is a high elf woman fighting on a real horse.

Charles was free to fight because she was the first to deal with the largest and highest-level death worm.

Charles tries to reach out to the high elf, who had quarter staff and fought with plants.


The one who spoke first was the High Elf.

"I can do it pretty much, thanks to you fighting."

"That's this line. I was lucky to have such a great skill in this frontier."

The high elf smiles.

There were also high elves in the Zoltan, such as the Oden stall, Opalara, but Charles looked at her smile and thought she was the noble (higher) elf than any other high elves in the Zoltan.

"Oh, uh, I'm late but I'm late, I'm Charles, an adventurer in Zoltan."

"I'm just a Zoltan adventurer."

The high elf took the silver bag from his pocket and handed it to Charles.

"Oh, hey, what kind of ...?"

"I want to meet an adventurer named Rit, who is famous in Zoltan?"

"Eh, oh ..."

"The adventurers who use shorts in this region are rare, but maybe it's the effect of a lit?"

High Elf's words did not seem to be malicious ... but still an adventurous and somewhat experienced Charles was wary of the high elves in front of him.

(But where I've been demonstrating here, you can immediately tell the herbal shop where Litt is in the Zoltan if you ask me to guide you, so if you can help her, please help me)

Charles, who respects the hero Litt, decided so and nodded at High Elf's offer.

"That's good! Speaking of which, I didn't even say my name yet."

"Oh, I'd be grateful if you could tell me if you could. It would be rude to call you forever."

"Yes, my name is ..."

The High Elf told Charles his name.

From here to Zoltan, 4 days and a half at the speed of a chariot carriage.

She finally reaches him.