I was reborn as the oil tycoon

Chapter 136 a few fur money? !

Seeing Fan Shikang, he took the initiative to file his own company, Liu Shang took the inner emotions, asked to gently asked:

"Fan, how much is your company planned?"

"If you want to sell it, it is fast?"

Fan Shikang hit his hand at this time.

It may also be Liu Shang too much young, in the subconscious of Fan Shikang, there is no Liu Shang as a potential buyer.

So by this wine, the depression and troubles in my heart will be used.

"Hey, how is it so easy ?!"

"If I have nothing to do, I will have a company to buy."

"But now, the company is hung in the oilfield, no one dares to buy!"

"And now the company can sell, vehicles, raw materials, equipment, and even office supplies have been sold."

"To put it bluntly, this company has only one empty shell and there is still more than ten years of the park office."

"Everyone is in a circle, no one is stupid, in this big background, who is willing to buy?"

At this time, Fan Shikang has drank his mouth and sighed: "My company, when I bought the industrial park, the price is very cheap."

"The office building and the factory have spent hundreds of millions, but it has been used for a long time, nothing is unfortunately."

"Only that chemical plant, all spending more than 15 million, I was deeply dragged behind it."

"At the beginning, there are also foreign bosses to buy 9 million prices."

"At that time, I had to insist on the price of 1300, and the transaction did not talk."

"Today, the vehicle, the equipment is selling, this company can sell 600, I have steal!"

Finally, when I heard the price of Fan Shikang reported, Liu Shang only felt that his heart beating was accelerating.

When I was eating at the company, I heard the clock and I discussed many times.

However, the Liu Shang is only 78 million funds, and I don't want to think about Fan Shikang's company.

I didn't expect the world to change, and now this Fan Shikang's company actually entered its own projection.

Although there is no company to see the company and plant in the eyes, according to the integration of the information described in the multi-party information, single is the chemical plant, it is worth the price.

If you don't surprise, you can absolutely pick up a big pie.

This chemical plant is really too needed!

At this time, Liu Shang tried to pay down, slowly said: "Fan, don't tell you, recently I really want to have an idea of ​​acquiring a company."

"I don't know if it is inconvenient, I want to go to your company to see."


"Acquisition Company ?!!!"

Obviously, Liu Shang's sentence is too abrupt, so that Fan Shikang did not respond.

See him, Liu Shang kids say: "Fan Purchase company does not have age requirements?"

"Too young buyers don't sell?"

At this time, Fan Shikang is also laughing.

"Where can I, I only recognize silver and renminbi, and I am selling!"

"But Liu Shang, let's feel the feelings, business is business."

"You want to buy a company, I am naturally welcomed, but this is not a small number!"

"And involve it very wide, do you see if you still have to discuss with your home?"

"If your family thinks that I will kill you, no more enjoyment, and then hurt and gas."

Liu Shang also concluded a smile, and said very seriously: "Fan is always in the commercial speaker, you don't have to do this."

"And money is my own money, once the sale is talking, directly sign the contract, instant transfer remittance."

"Take 10,000 steps, when the money has arrived in your pocket, even if there is any follow-up trouble, you will have no relationship with your Fan."

I saw Liu Shang's confidence and extraordinary temperament, and Fan Shikang sighed again, and he was a young man in front of him!

"Well, Liu Shang, I really like your kind of cheerful personality."

"Then we are in the commercial speakers, my company can go at any time."

"I look, let's drink almost."

"If you don't want to see the company first, wait for the business, I don't do it, I will do it, and let's drink again?"

For his company, Liu Shang's heart can be more urgent than him.

Naturally, it is eager to agree.

Subsequently, two of them left the hotel, got the Jetta of Fan Shikang.

In the words of Fan Shikang, when he started, he opened a black and white square.

Today, his company is sold, and the vehicles are also sold together.

Also left this Jetta car for commemoration.

Soon, two of them came to the industrial park, and Fan Shikang's company interior.

It is a large factory area, which is even more big than the Huahai, Song Guangyuan!

After entering the gate, it is a four-story architecture and a long office building.

Every layer, not, there are more than a dozen office in public areas such as the bathroom.

In the yang of the office building is a big parking lot.

It is far away from both sides of the office building and is the warehouse of two rowless steel structures.

Very neat, air.

On the back of the mulberry surface of the office building, it is the newly set up chemical plant.

It is really not small in the size of the plant area.

Even so, in his area, he is still free to grow a wasteland of weeds.

Even Liu Shang is estimated to come out how much this factory is? !

After watching a circle, I have already moved empty, messy office buildings,

They returned to the parking lot.

Then drive and go to the warehouse.

At this time, Liu Shang didn't laugh smile.

"Fan, your company is too big?"

"Big a little scary!"

Fan Shikang is also laughing at this time. "Who let me have money at that time, someone, buy it early?"

"In more than ten years ago, the land was not worth money, and this industrial park was just a construction."

"And a total of 30 years of lease, the house has to be covered by yourself, at which time no one is bought, the government gives a very big offer."

"I remember that I bought it at the time, I only a few fur money."

"It is ingenious to catch up with the money, I bought nearly 100,000 square meters."

Looking at Liu Shang's shock, surprised look, Fan Shikang is smirking.

But then also shake the head, "But, after more than ten years, it has proved that there is no use of such a big area!"

"Let's relying on oil city, where is the large-scale company, business?"

"And this place, totaling for thirty years, I have to be collected back."

"In addition, add a lot of maintenance costs and risks of stealing!"

"Although the public security in these years is better, it is still relatively poor."

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