I was reborn as the oil tycoon

Chapter 309 He? ! Is he the new boss of the company? !


"The new boss will come to receive the company nine o'clock in the morning ?!"

"How is it so fast ?!"

"I still do it, hurry to call personnel and financial people !!!"

"Let them come over !!! Treat those messy accounts!"

When Pan louder and others received the news, everything is already too late.

As far as their company's personnel, financial staff are scattered.

Usually go to work at eight o'clock, they may not be able to go nine.

Nowadays, even if Pan litten them, how come it is?

At 7:25 in the morning, the two cars on Yao Jinlong appeared at the door of Jinlong.

At this time, Liu Shang and others also got off the bus at the same time. After the two gangs were mixed, they walked into the company's building with the trend of the wind.

Liu Shang and his face gloomy Yao Jinlong two people walked in front, the bear has gold and followed by Liu Shang.

Their chaldrops have gone through the car, walk into the company, and walk into the building, naturally, I have already alarmed Pan Ling and so on.

When Yao Jinlong, Liu Shang took the second floor, and these people also greeted it.


When they saw a casual suit next to Yao Jinlong, Liu Shang, who was handsome and temperament, and the bear on the side of Liu Shang, all stupid eyes.

At this time, Yao Jinlong voice was cold and said:

"Oh, people are quite complete."

"Then I will announce it directly in this corridor, and our Jinlong has been acquired by the Bright Wheel Group."

Said that he introduced Liu Shang, "this is the new boss of this company, Liu Shang."

"Next, please cooperate with your new boss, and Liu's instructions for the company's handover."

what? ? ? ! ! !

He didn't buy the new boss of this company? !

Is this a young man who was stunned by himself yesterday? ? ? ! ! !

Maleogi, yourself yesterday, playing mahjong in the face of the company's new boss.

Is it still specially equipped to educate your own boss? !

This is unpomeous of old birthday stars, live not impatient! ! !

When I heard the news announced by Yao Jinlong, Pan louder and so on, and almost swallowed his tongue!

At this time, the company is also surprised, and this new boss is too young. !

At that time, Liu Shang is very flat, and Liu Shang is very flat.

"Thank you, Yao, transferred this company to my hand."

"I will declare a few things."

"First, then, we have to transfer and invent all the company's business."

"Every employee of the company, from now on, with a payment for five days."

"You can leave after cooperating with the handover and inventory, you can leave."

"Of course, please feel free to cooperate with the company in five days, you may come back to the docking part of the docking part, or the new leadership."

"I want to announce the second thing is to introduce the company's new general manager."

"Bear has Jin, the bear is always."

"From now on, he is responsible for the company's all business."

"Below, please bear the bear to start today!"

After Liu Shang said, the people of Jinlong's original company have a little bit.

It is really a little too much not to make a sign!

As far as Pan loud and others, at this time, it has been covered with frost, and it feels a thick chill.


"Oh, Yao, Liu Tong ..."

"I am yesterday, really ..."

I didn't finish it, Liu Shang did a gesture.

I am lazy to have the same place with him with the standing gesture.

And Yao Jinlong, but also can't hate people who interrupt his legs, it is even more impossible to give him a face.

At this time, the bear has a gold smile, it is more "polite" and splendid.

"Oh, Pan, please please!"

At this moment, look at the deep smile on the front of the bear.

Pan louder and other people's hearts simply have 10,000 grass mud horses.

However, there is no way. In this case, Pan Liang and others can only work hard from the scalp and the bear with the bear.

Subsequently, everyone in the field moved.

Xiong Guo Jin and Guo Peng Tong Pan Liangliang work for the work of the rigid seams.

Shen Sincegriculture is also the most critical technical department, the engineering department.

Other, Ren Bing, Li Huaoyuan, He Yuyu, etc., also entered the respective area for comprehensive takeover.

It can only be said that Pan louder is not equal, and it is not prepared, and the entire Jinlong Company is giving this handover.

The current time is at 7:40. It is 8 o'clock.

Most people really report the time between 8:30 to nine.

This also gave the opportunity and time difference of everyone who broke through all people.

At this time, Bear has Jin also notified the few people again, telling them to immediately report.

They started to work on work!

Only two of these eight people, Bear Gold did not know.

Over time, I came to Jinlong Company. I received a priority, personnel, personnel, personnel, personnel, personnel, personnel, personnel, personnel, personnel, and ministry of people who came to the time before they came to come to the time.

But a pity, they are too late.

These people, they all panicked at this time at this time.

Subsequently, they were taken away by any ice, Li Huaiyuan and others took away.

Then when you have a few professionals, open your computer, take it out of your account, and start the inventory and handover.

It's just a serious problem that this is discovered, letting Ren Bing, Li Huaai, He Yuxi and others are black.

It's just a shocking! I don't know much!

When the other employees of Jinlong Company have come to the company, they have been contributed to the previous supervisors, and they have been in the conference room.

After the key nodes of these sectors were completed, those other ordinary employees did it.

If the transaction involved is less, it will be given to the home.

If you have more affairs, then you will leave slowly.

At this time, six people who have been carefully selected by Xiong have also come to the company.

At this time, the bear has gold and high efficiency. In the past, he prepared it in his heart, assigned them to each key node.

In particular, the Shen Si Si Si Rong Engineering Department and Li Huaiyuan's warehouse supplies have.

At this time, the two of the two beans who have been abandoned outside the bear have received a friend's news.

When he met, he was the leader.

"I said that the old bear, what happened, I forgot my buddy when I call a notice ?!"

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