I was reborn as the oil tycoon

Chapter 333 Landmark Building, Light Wheel Building

After Liu Shang queried, Shen Zi was sighful to sigh.

Then the whole person seems to be sad, depressed to the extreme.

"Liu Tong ..."

"If you look at it, it is estimated that you can only push all the tops of the project ..."

When Xiong Guo, I really took my head and took my head.

"If you push all the buildings, the tens of thousands of direct economic losses will not be said."

"More importantly, our first phase of the project cannot be pre-sold according to the plan, but it is not at all timely return."

"We must face an extremely serious capital chain problem."

Liu Shang shouted at this time, then got a table.

"Then there is nothing to hesitate."

"Directly dismantled!"

"As for the problem of the chain, it is my boss to solve."

"I found out you, just to cover the house."

"So old bear, you should not blame and get angry."

"Can this live people still die?"

"Also, you take out a demolition scheme as soon as possible."


"Eat a long wisdom, if there is any risk potential during this period, you must find it in advance, consider comprehensive!"

After a day, the bear has gold and they took the demolition plan.

But seeing their faces of these people, they have poor than yesterday.

"Liu, the demolition plan for the first phase of the project is already done."

"But ... this is two more questions."

"The first is that the building demolition on our ground is easier."

"But for those parts of the underground, foundation pits, the piles that have already been turned, it is more troublesome."

"The cost of overall plan is much larger than expected."

"This second question is more difficult."

"Since our first phase of the project is in the seal state."

"Even if we want to dismantle, you have to take a lot of processes and procedures."

"But yesterday I have found a lot of our relationship, I am afraid that it is difficult to operate."

"This kind of thing, three or five days are it, it is also it in three or five months."

"This is not afraid of no good things, I am afraid that there is no good person."

"Hey, let's wait for our plan, I finally sure, I have to find a relationship."

At this time, Liu Shang frowned thought, and then traditionally came to the global engineering diagram of the wall.

The bear has gold and others to see, and rushed to follow, and detailed for Liu Shang.

"Liu, our current plot consists of four small plots."

"It is 04, 05, 06, 08, respectively."

"Our first phase of the project is the top 08 plot in the overall position."

Liu Shang took some heads at this time. "If we say that our foundation pit keeps the original situation, but change them into underground parking lot, no floor parking lot on the floor, is it possible?"

The bear has a rush to nod, "it must be it."

"The project indicators of a simple underground parking lot can be much lower than the cover building."

"If it is changed to underground parking, there is a lot of money."

"But such a big plot, we have to cover the building, it is impossible to get the surface in white, just get a simple parking lot."

"What many cars come to us later?"

"If you want to, don't we get a joke ?!"

Liu Shang smiled and shook his head, and then used his hand and said:

"My idea is this."

"Next to the water bank of South Lake, build a wind city landmark building, and the light wheel building."

"That is similar to the kind of Magical Center Building, integrating business, catering, sightseeing, hotel, etc.

"At the same time, in this whole plot, I want to build a business, shopping, play, office office, including many functions such as business, shopping, play, office office."

"It is the most prosperous huge commercial circle of the whole province, even the province."

"The above is the square, below is the underground parking lot, so, the first question you just mentioned is not solved."

"Right, this is designed for this Bohel building, you must choose the world's top designer team."

"What is Zahadad, Hhakus."

Listening to Liu Shang said, everyone is like listening to heavens.

"Mr. Liu, do you know? Like Zahahadad, this world-class designer, single or design fee is high!"

"And according to your description, the total cost of this light wheel building is at least eight million."

"This kind of thing is not the turn of our company to play!"

"I think our current top priority is still to return to the funds as soon as possible, relieve the problem of the fund chain."

Liu Shang is still firm, "" According to the current situation, it is definitely no hope for the first phase of our project. "

"You will prepare it according to what I said."

"As for the issue of funding and process approval, I will solve it!"


After Liu Shang left, the bear with gold and others were still confused.

At this moment, there is only one idea in their hearts.

That is the light ram industry.

Liu Shang's idea is simply too awkward and whimsical.

A company that even a wave of debt, I don't know how to spend the company, but I still want to cover the skyscraper?

This is simply don't know what to say.

Two days later, on the weekend, Liu Shang took a few bottles to the Maotai to come to the clock.

Because he is not the first time, Zhong's wife is also very natural and enthusiastic.

Just like it is the same as your own children.

On the sofa, Zhong Zhong smiled: "If you are busy now, if it is nothing to take the initiative to run?"

"Say, this time I come to find me for something ?!"

I heard the total interest of Zhong, Liu Shang was also smirk, and immediately said that the troubles encountered here.

At this time, there was no embarrassment of the clock and didn't wrinkled.

When Liu Shang was buying his own pastoral herd, the church of the church of the church helped.

It is also that the bear he got to know.

When Lu Wenjun entered the door, I saw Liu Shang, who had already stood up and greeted him on the sofa, and I couldn't help but have a dark.

However, after a short stagnation, he also showed a smile in Liu Shangzhu.

"Hey, Liu Shang is coming ?!"

"You don't want to tell me in advance, or do you buy a drink directly to buy a drink?"

At this time, Zhong Zhong smiled and said: "If I say that Liu Shang, he is here, do you dare to come back?"

"Wenjun, Liu Shang this kid is the same as our own children."

"Now he has to go to you, if you can help, try to help one by one!"

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