I was reborn as the oil tycoon

Chapter 422 is blown!

Yan Guotao is even more than a lot of , it is useless.

After all, he is the boss of Fengcheng.

So, he ran to Yao Jinlong, and persuaded him, and finally took him with Liu Shang.

On the other hand, Wanping is directly given the fake by Yan Guotao, rolling home.

Others, when I look at this dispute, they will no longer start.

In short, this customer appreciation will be completely smashed today!

Moreover, this is only one start.

After today's customer appreciation, although the video in Liu Shang mobile phone has given Yan Guotao's face, it will be deleted in his face.

But when the scene at the scene was present, how can there be no other person to shoot?

Because numerous factors are, it is very good to give faces like the media and many media.

There is no news that happened here today.

However, no one is controlled, and now a few versions of the video streams to the network media.

In addition, the provincial capital of the province is due to the scandal of Zhao Wanshan, the bad behavior is exposed.

So this time, the video is first class, which directly attracts an uproar in the network.

Especially in the video, a suit, a majestic Wantong, pointing to the insults of the insults of the lens, "small scorpion", "Mao is not long", "What do you want to fight with me", etc. More young people's anger!

This is also getting bigger and bigger.

In the end, domestic mainstream media has begun to report on this matter.

More decent, Crowne Plays also directly distrusts the province of Fengsheng.

Subscription: When will we change, the bank under the new era market economy?

Here, the Wind City government is not dry.

Direct wording is strong, and the attitude is clearly given the wind city province investment bank warning.

Urges them to immediately launch a role in the influence of their row on the city 's city of Fengcheng.

The subtext of the city: I can't see your shadow when I add a flower, and you can take this kind of thing!

Is it hints not to let us stop?

Ah, our government agency is so easy to accumulate that a little famous sound, then fold your stinky fish hand? !

Not only is a wind city, but this matter has also attracted attention.

In the province, a provincial, government agency, various levels, and the transformation of the transformation of the service awareness are carried out.

After all, this matter of Crowdy is vocal, you have to take out the attitude!

What happens to the province's investment bank? Close your eyes can be opened.

I can't use a tragic word!

Soon, the senior leaders of the provincial capital headquarters came directly to Fengcheng, accompanied by Yan Guotao, and apologized Liu Shang.

And said that it has been expelled from the purchase.

At the same time, because when I was investigating his work, he found that he had a privacy of malpractice, corruption and acceptance of bribes, and has been handed over to the public security department.

For the attitude and handling of provincial investment banks, Liu Shang is naturally satisfied.

When you meet with them, the attitude is very good, so you can't pick anything.

However, his attitude is the most helpless, and most reluctant to see.

So, in the second day, Yan Guitao personally found the door.

It is simply a pushing to tell Liu Shang, this time is really a lot of trouble.

If it is developed like this, even if he is hard to have a background, it is absolutely a final reserved sheep.

Be a discard.

In that case, his efforts and hardships in this life are completely destroyed.

In a row of Zhao Wanshan and Wanping two stupid, he really fell eight days!

So, this time is completely his personal is asking Liu Shang, helping.

And Liu Shang, and finally waited for this most suitable timing.

And he also told Yan Guotao very seriously, he was rushing on his face and helped him.

Unrelated to the provincial capital!

The next day, the Bright Wheel Group took a repayment activity in direct and high-profile investment banks in Fengcheng Province.

In order to assist the provincial capital of the difficulties, the passenger company decided to pay 6 billion loans in advance.

At the press conference, the Vice President of the Overemployes of the Equipment Group also said very seriously.

Our Bright Wheel Group, which was supported by the provincial investment bank and the relevant departments, in order to go to today.

This is a person, can't forget, drink water, can't forget to dig the well.

So, I have this activity today.

At the same time, it is also a statement on the large wind wave in front of the front.

That is where there is something uncomfortable, it is not possible to help and support our help and support for our company because he is a person to completely deny the provincial capital market.

We reiterate that the friendship between the Bright Rong Group and the province's investment is indestructible ...

At the end of the road, Lu Dynasty was generous and passionately read, and Yan Guitao held Liu Shang's hand.

"Liu Qi, your kindness is really too big!"

"You can't use saved me to describe it."

"It is simply saved my life!"

"You can rest assured, in my heart of Yan Guotao, this love is more than six billions!"

"In short, thousands of words are not enough to express my gratitude, oh, it's really grateful ..."


With the voice of the Bright Wheel Group, and the positive publicity of many media, this wind wave has finally passed.

Yan Guo Tao was successful from a difficult.

Because Liu Shang's sake, Cheng Meng's girlfriend has entered the province's investment bank.

And the post is better than before.

Not only that, but the parents who have successful Mengmei are also got, and there is a small promotion.

After a few days, according to the contact of Liu Shang before the oil and Liu Shang, the large four students of the hospital began to batch, and the Bright Wheel Group Chemical Plant was visited and learned.

This day, it happened to Liu Shang's chemical major.

Almost the gate of the glutinous wheel chemical plant, the academics students have felt.

The buildings, facilities, management, and completeness here are highly ordered.

It's better than the previous visit, Fengcheng Refining Group has a better than double.

It feels like two ages!

The light wheel is really advanced, too luxurious, many things here have adopted the most advanced automation.

And penetrate to every detail, is so high.

Even the ground outside the factory, it is all levels of highway quality!

You said how much is you want to build this large-scale chemical plant?

It is also until this time, they understand, why teachers should take them here to visit them.

It is simply the top most in the country!

In the long team, the other three of the Liu Shang bedroom walked into a triangle and convenient to chat.

Cheng Meng hesitated at this time, still frowned: "Do you know?"

"Before I came today, my mom actually told me that this whole pastel group belongs to Liu Shang ..."

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