I was reborn as the oil tycoon

Chapter 426? ? ? (This chapter doesn't look at you will regret it)

The other party's movements are extremely fast, and the efficiency of doing things is extremely high.

Haven't wait until at night, Xiong Guo received a call from the corresponding leadership.

"... Old bear, who you have to sin?"

"Now your project has encountered great resistance."

"You are going to handle it, I am afraid that I am helping you how long!"

I heard this news, the bear's walking is also scared by the brain.

It is also a mist.

Since the past, he wanted to work with this matter, so that the boss Liu Shanghe Road always took a look.

So he is careful, we will have a grandson, sprinkle money, and maintain all the parties are very in place.

I can't sin, especially those who have such a big power and energy? !

In the phone, he also inquired about where the resistance comes from?

But talk about this, this leader is like a deep, only the word is not mentioned, just hung up the phone.

At this time, Liu Shang is also frowning. Is it the legality of the beach? Is there any conflict with other companies or people?

Xiong has a golden head at this time, "should not be!"

"The background of this financial crisis, and the situation in the domestic real estate industry, these large real estate developers have cut meat, sell, and spend."

"As our project's high land price, no one will grab it."

"And returning to 10,000 steps, if you really touch their interests, they should have a movement, never wait until now."

"Moreover, listening to the words of Chang Chen, I don't think those real estate developers can bring him such a big pressure ..."

That night, Xiong Guoyin has played a lot of calls in a row, or some of the relationships will meet a meal.

But there is meaningless, it is passed away by various reasons.

Almost everyone has kept silent.

There is no way, they have to tell this matter to Lising.

On the same day, Lu Ling will set the ticket and fly to the emperor.

As a result, it is a waste of the past.

In the next three days, Lu Ling uses his own strong person, starting around, and detects the situation.

But it is just a little bit better than the bear, how many clues have.

When I saw such a situation, the heart of Lu Ming was completely sinking.

He also told Liu Shang and Xiong Jin, this time, it is afraid that it is really conducive to the Emperor Iceberg.

We are still prepared to give up!

Sure enough, the Director Chen is also very soon, I can't stop huge pressure. It officially informed the bear Guo Jin, assist relevant departments to prepare to exit the procedure.

Such a heavy bomb, directly let the bear have gold to sink.

Emperor's project, he poured all his thoughts.

His old bear has never been so serious, and it is going to do such a thing.

Unexpectedly, finally only fell such a result.

Finally, at this time, Lu Ling finally got a message.

Target direct refers to the super in the Emperor circle, Lu Jiu is less!

At this time, Lu Ling shook his head to Liu Shang.

"Mr. Liu, I really don't understand how we will sin to the existence of this level."

"In the emperor circle, people who can be ranked, it is very very unhappy."

"Their lives of their family are all the true people we have to go up."

"Like these, if you ask them, this is not necessarily."

"But if they want you to do things, it is absolutely absolute, the board is nail."

"So, I don't think we have to waste time and energy here."

"Timely stop loss, transfer funds to Magic Development."

"The other side, some Jiangshi and the help of the Liao Group, the prospects can be much more than the emperor."

Listening to the way, I also looked at the depression of the bear's gold, Liu Shang sighed.

"The road is always, although I am absolutely knowing that your suggestion is correct."

"It is also what we should do now."

"But I am still a little unwilling."

"You can see if you can find a relationship, arrange me and the Lu Siu rare?"

"Even if I am for the old bear, I have you always try again."

When I heard Liu Shang, the Xiong Jin suddenly raised his head, and his eyes were shocked and touched.

And the road is light, and it is also gently sighed, and it will be arranged.

After two days, Xiong Guo has begun to start with the exit process, and Lu Ling has finally tested the relationship, and it really helped Liu Shang as little.

When I met, Liu Shang only felt that this Lu is less, and the temperament is quite followed, is lazy.

And it is ordinary to the streets you absolutely can't recognize his existence.

Liu Shang also couldn't help but feel emotion, and the emperor is really a magical place.

In this way, it seems that ordinary one, has such a large energy in its body.

And this Lu Six is ​​small, and it is also shocked after seeing Liu Shang.

"You are the boss of the Boys Group?"

"Brothers, which family are you ?!"

Liu Shang was smirking at this time, "I am an ordinary family, there is no background."

"It is the coincidence of the opportunity, earn some small money."

"Lu Shao, the truth is true, that is, now I am a misty water, I don't know who I am sin."

"But, I will definitely know that I am sinful, you are not."

"We are a company, and the emperor is in order to make a fortune, and the other don't want anything else."

"I also know that Lu is very busy, I just said."

"Lu Shao, can you really raise your hands, let us go."

"As for Xie Li, you open a number, even if they invite you ten times, hundreds of times, even hundreds of millions of.

"If I feel that I can accept it, I don't hesitate, I will give Lu Shao, you sent it to the government. I don't know how you think?"

Listening to Liu Shang, this Lu Sai is also a fun smile.

"Don't say, you are very interesting, tall my temper."

"Since you are all frank, I will talk to you."

"You guilty, please gave me a hundred and flat buildings."

"Not a few money."

"However, there is a rule in the circle, and I am also a matter of people, the loyalty."

"There is no way, say sorry, the brothers have not yet become the real estate business in the emperor this time!"


After a few words, after a few words, this Lu Xiu went.

Liu Shang's last hint in the heart of Liu Shang is also completely filled.

It turns out that in the emperor, many things can't be flattened with money.

In desperation, he had to tell Lu Ming and the bear with gold, turned around, and turned to the development of the magic.

At the same time, he also called his old sister.

I have been coming for a few days. If I don't have the same last time, I will estimate that my old sister can kill yourself ...

Moreover, before coming, he also made the bear have gold in the emperor to buy two sets of real estate.

A set is to the old, a set is to give my father.

They are old, and they have a good medical treatment, and they have a photo with the old sister.

As soon as I heard Liu Shang's news in the Emperor, Liu Wei was still very happy.

It took a lot directly to the leadership, and I ran to find Liu Shang.

In Liu Wei's Magotan car, Liu Wei asked Liu Shang to the emperor?

Liu Shang LI is yesterday, this, let Liu Wei have a question, why did the emperors come yesterday tell your sister now? ! !

Liu Shang is scared to calm sweat, what is the doctor and brother-in-law?

Liu Wei laughed, every day, it is flat, that is, that is.

I graduated from Liu Shang, I don't know if there is any interest to come to the emperor.

Although your sister has no money, it doesn't work, but it seems that there are several distant relatives to give a little thing.

If Liu Shang can enter the interview, you can still operate.

For the sister's inquiry, Liu Shang is still smiling and shaking his head.

Subsequently, they came to a very good hotel in the emperor.

Liu Wei said, I heard that Liu Shang is coming, his cheaper sister is easy to wait for blood, please Liu Shang's big gather.

And Liu Shang, also smiled and handed a exquisite small box to the old man, saying that the first time, gave a small gift for my sister and brother-in-law.

Let Liu Wei will open again in the face of his brother-in.

Liu Wei smashed his head and said what gift is also sent to his sister? !

Soon, Liu Shang followed Liu Wei into the box.

However, this moment, Liu Shang is completely stupid, completely.

In this legend, there is no such thing, but I love my old sister to life, don't, what I have just seen today?

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