I was reborn as the oil tycoon

Chapter 452, there is money, don't know how to spend!

In response to the comprehensive outbreak of the international financial crisis, the growth rate of domestic economic growth fell quickly, and there was a negative growth in exports, and a large number of migrant workers returned home, and the economy faced the risks of hard landing.

The country finally launched ten measures to further expand domestic demand and promote steady economic growth.

One of the most important points is to speed up construction of affordable housing projects.

Increased the support of low-rent housing construction, accelerating the renovation of shantytowns, and implementing the renovation project of the nomads, and expanding the renovation of rural dangerous houses.

In addition, there are also major infrastructure construction such as railways, roads and airports; promoting medical, education, automotive consumption, etc.

It is expected that the overall investment fund size is 4 trillion within a year and a half.

Overall, this plan is advantageous.

In terms of interest, it successfully helped the country's fast-moving impact in the global tsunami.

Economy maintains rapid growth.

At the same time, it also accelerated the construction of domestic public health and other undertakings.

Domestic high-speed rail system, second-tier city subway system, highway network in the Central and Western non-developed regions, is unmatched in any country in the world.

However, it is not an intention, stimulating inflation, leading to excessive growth of virtual economy.

In particular, the real estate field, housing prices are like rockets soaring.

This big wind has made too many people and companies, but also let more people regret it because of the most difficult opportunities for missing.

In the impression of Liu Shang, when this year, after this policy was launched, financial institutions released a massive loan.

In this context, banks are in order to complete performance and tasks, put low loan thresholds, encourage corporate loans, and increase financial institutional loans.

Some banks are even blocked at the entrance of the enterprise and mobilize the company to apply for loans.

Sure enough, he received the call from the news of the province, and Yan Guotao.

In the phone, Yan Guotao told him that this year's lending task is very large.

He also knows that Liu Shang's company has developed fast, and he has taken two large projects in the emperor.

So, ask if Liu Shang is not included here?

For Liu Shang, at this time, it is simply a long time, and you can reject the arrival of God.

Without any hesitation, Liu Shang told him that he needs a loan here.

Just don't know how much how much can I learn from this side?

I heard Liu Shang's affirmation, and Yan Guotao is big!

Before giving Liu Shang called, he has passed his own channel, and he learned other banks, especially a few big lines, and was quickly crying.

And this kind of Bright Wheel Group, last year's profits do tens of billions, and there are many large-scale projects, quality assets.

In the eyes of Yan Guotao, it is simply a super huge fat.

Ever since, Yan Guotao told him directly that you will take your company's financial statements and corporate industrial structure, project collateral, you will say it!

At the same time, in order to express his sincerity, Yan Guotao will invite the main leaders' for the next day, and personally ran to the emperor to see Liu Shang.

At this time, Liu Shang laughed, and there is a reason to let God of God in the sky.

He will take people tomorrow, and you will go to the province to negotiate this.

However, for this time, Yan Guotao is not willing to live.

Erafeted that the glitbell company was grabbed by other banks, and the time to live and live tomorrow.

No matter when Liu Shang goes back, when they have been waiting!

After hanging up the call of Yan Guotao, the night was 9 o'clock, Liu Shang directly held the internal meeting of the most urgent group company.

Li Huaoyuan, Yuan Hui, Guan, He Yuyu, and Yuan Huo, Ren Bing, Yu Xin, etc. in the Magical, all in the video form.

At the meeting, Liu Shang directly told everyone to currently undergo new policies in the country.

The Bright Rong Group has money, but it is very rich.

Previous Plan, Conception, Project, All Fast Action * 2, * 4, * 6, Rockets Promotion!

"Yuan Bo, you have been in the Magic for two or three months."

"It is also the longest time in all areas of the light ram."

"At the same time, there are some people who are in the river of Rivers."

"So I am strive for your requirements."

"Limited to you within half a month, get the best possible epithelium in the Gulf Garden,"

"And the corresponding loan work."

"I don't want the process, don't rejection, I just excuse."

"Only success, no failure."

After hearing the military order of Liu Shang, the Magical Branch Yuanbo et al., It is not much nodded, and it is not stopped on the book.

Subsequently, Liu Shang also looked at the past, Yu Zhen, Song Yuang, Hu Xuehai and other regions, several people.

"I still remember a month ago, let me talk to you."

"Is there a money in the company, the army has a grain, which is what I solved."

"And you, the only thing you need to do, that is, I am a command, you bring the team to charge, attack the city to pull!"

"Now, I will tell you, capital, more flowers can't spend, and you can't get the position of your respective regions, I have not finished with you!"

"This is your test paper, I am looking forward to your perfect answer."

"The disglier is in front, the deadline is one month, if I can't do what I am satisfied after a month, please take the initiative!"

"After a while, you can take your team's master actions."

"I am absolutely decentralized, or the sentence, I don't want the process, as long as the result!"

At this moment, listening to Liu Shang's dialect, Yu Zhen's eyes are red.

There is a little screaming, directly rushing up the excitement of a big one.

After they, Liu Shang also looked at Xiong Guo Jin, Lu Ming and others.

"The bear is always, tomorrow, you will go to Lin Guoqing, be sure to get his support, contact the infrastructure force, do not hesitate to cost the Emperor's two projects!"

"The road is always, tomorrow you go to my brother-in-law, first give him 50 million zero money."

"Then maximize the mobilization of his people, especially the loan links of the Emperor's project."

"Yang Ji DIT, you and Lin Manganese forest together, the overall optimization of the combing of all working nodes within the group company and improve work efficiency."

"Especially in several other areas, relative to Magic, Emperor, Fengcheng, they are missing."

"In this respect, Yang always has to strengthen its help to them."

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