I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become a Righteous Partner Chapter 17

The identities of the masters can only be confirmed by their respective declarations, but as long as the number of servants that have been summoned and their professions, as soon as they appear on this land, the supervisor will be able to obtain relevant information through the "spiritual disk".

It's just a pity that the supervisor has already reached a cooperative relationship with Tosaka Tokimi.

Yes, the supervisor who is equivalent to the referee is a black whistle who has received Hour Q coins.

"According to my father, the existing followers in the land of Fuyuki City already have five riders, so Saber and Lancer, who have not yet appeared, are bound to be in the hands of Einzbern and the monarch Elmero.

However, because the war was advanced a year earlier, the other magicians were far from taking action.The only thing to worry about is the Ma Tong family, they are most likely as well prepared as the teacher.Moreover, the teacher, you plan to adopt Ying to them, it is hard to guarantee that they will not take Ying as a hostage to threaten the teacher."

"No. Makiri's dirty inkstone has signed a self-enforcement certificate with me. As long as I adopt Sakura to Makiri's family, they will abandon the Holy Grail and even choose to assist my Tosaka family." Said elegantly.

"In other words, is the Ma Tong family also the cooperation of the teacher now?"

Shichen nodded: "The heirs of Makiri's family are not as good as one generation. I want to adopt Sakura to avoid the [designated seal] of the clock tower in the future. Makiri's dirty inkstone does not want to get Sakura's excellent magic skills. Child. So, I asked, and he agreed."

"Really worthy of the teacher. Now because of the change in the opening time of the Holy Grail, the other masters have not made corresponding actions, and the teacher is already fully prepared here, and even has joined Sanqi." Qili praised.

"It's not a big deal. It's a surprise that the Jian Tong family will work together. However, the room is surrounded by other envoys placed by the lord, and it is only a matter of time." Shichen smiled.

"Because this is the same as the house of Matsumoto and the villa of the Einzbern family, it has been determined to be the base of the master." Qili said.

The advantage of foreign magicians over the three families is that they live in the dark.Therefore, in the early stages of the Holy Grail War, the door of each of the three major families was full of espionage wars.

Qili didn't believe in Shichen's intelligence network, but had to be wary of the unknown master who summoned Caster and forced the Holy Grail ceremony to begin a year earlier.

If you really encounter such an enemy, the Assassin that Qili gets can play the best role.

"It's okay here. Assassin, continue to be on guard outside. Be very careful."


After receiving Qili's instructions, Assassin escaped into the void again and disappeared from the house.

In essence, the followers belonging to the spirit body can flexibly switch between entity and non-entity.

Assassin has a special ability that other job agencies don't have-"sneak hold his breath". When he disappears, no one can follow him.For Kirei, who is not hoping for victory but to support the minister, calling assassins is the best choice.

Shichen and Qili walked out of the basement, facing the extremely dark sky, chatting about family life in the living room.

"Speaking of, teacher. Where did Gilgamesh go?" Qili asked aloud.The reason Shichen was able to face the Holy Grail War that suddenly began a year earlier in such grace and calmness was that Shichen held the trump card of Gilgamesh in his hand.

"Wang... I went to inspect the people's sentiments." Shichen hesitated for a long time, but still could not say "walking" this kind of popular entertainment.

Tosaka Tosaka prides himself on being a nobleman and respects the true king, so even as a master, he treats Gilgamesh, the "hero king" as a servant, as a monarch.In addition, what he couldn't understand was why the noble Gilgamesh was so obsessed with the mass entertainment of "walking".

"Since the minister Zili, dare to arbitrarily discuss the king behind his back? By the time, your courage has grown a lot."

With this arrogant voice inserted, Gilgamesh's figure gradually appeared beside Shichen.

"Don't dare, Lord." Shi Chen immediately followed the courtesy of a nobleman.


With a chuckle, Gilgamesh said while lying on the classical leather sofa bordered by gold silk, "This king is in a good mood now, so I will save you from sin."

"Xie Wang," Shi Chen breathed a sigh of relief.One is that as a master, he is unwilling to engage in evil with his followers. The other is that he is self-proclaimed aristocracy, and he is unwilling to offend the king if not necessary.

Gilgamesh poured himself a glass of red wine, while lying on the sofa, gently shaking the goblet, watching the red wine swaying in the glass.

Shichen didn't understand why the noble hero king would be obsessed with walking. It was natural that Wang was always difficult to understand.What's more, a world of hybrids?

Even those who claim to be heroes, achieve kings, or are praised as gods, will not understand.

The virtuous king once praised by everyone eventually became the tyrant in the epic.

Can't understand this sadness, this helplessness, this anger, this expectation, this disappointment, this loneliness, this kind of everything... because the only person who can understand is long gone.


"As an after-show program, it hasn't ended yet."

Chapter 14 Disguise a mad demon, Fujimaru Shiro![Third more]

Shirou felt very sorry for Sakura's fate.This kind of sympathy for the little girl's tragic fate is an emotion that most people have, and this is the reason why many type-yue fans must save Ying.

But really came to this world, really crossed the dimensional barriers, came to this real world, how can we still carry out this matter?

Now I am no longer a high-dimensional reader who sits in front of a computer desk and a mobile phone, can read novels with peace of mind, and joking about the protagonist.But the people who really live in the world of the moon.

People who can see real people, touch real things, can sleep, eat, suffer pain, and even die.

Obviously, as long as you survive the four wars and rely on your grasp of the future, you can be a rich man in the world of the moon, a business celebrity, often on the Internet, then log in to Time Magazine, and finally marry a beautiful girl from a normal family background. Perhaps at that time, the rich man himself was corrupted by money, and his soul would then take care of a few lovers?Isn't it okay to live the life of a normal person so beautifully?

As a moon cook, come to the world of the moon, don't you have a series of national-level "wives" such as Altria on the left and the master on the right?Don’t pass through without presumptuousness, waste the opportunity of crossing?... The basic premise of a series of YYs is, as a normal urban youth of 450 million celestial dynasties in the 21st century, can he live safely in a world full of murderers?

Therefore, after confirming that he had come to the world of Xingyue, he immediately forced himself to stop the fantasy and be pragmatic.After the Fourth Holy Grail War, he became a simple rich man and spent his life in the moon world.

Therefore, he suppressed the guilt in his heart.A normal person knows the girl's tragic fate, but he doesn't stop it.

However, Gilgamesh's news brought his mind to life again.

Shirou felt very distressed.

The most important thing is that his mother Fujimaru Hinao actually did Sakura again.

"I don't know what kind of person Mr. Tosaka is, why Sakura has to run away from home. Alas... I'm in a hurry. Even if I can't be my daughter, I can be my niece. I bought it for her. Clothes, you can also take them away." Fujimaru Hinaqing muttered, God knows how much she wants a well-behaved and obedient daughter that she will love.

Shirou was a little angry.


Whether I am troubled, or Gilgamesh’s news, I hear my mother’s thoughts when I return home now... as if the whole world is telling myself to save Sakura!

For a moment, Shirou's rationality could not control his rebellious flame.

It seemed that the whole world was forcing herself to save Sakura, as if she didn't try to take a risk once, and she would be troubled by this in the future.

Then yourself--

Just save it.

Correct!It's not that you have violated your original wish, or burned your own rationality, let alone want to violate your own way of living, but you are forced!

Because it was forced, there is no way!