I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become a Righteous Partner Chapter 222

"Great!" Gao Wen patted the table, stood up, and said with joy: "If you join the sword in the stone, it will definitely boost morale! I will take you to church. Meet the Archbishop of Cantrebe!"

Shi Lang nodded cheerfully.

Follow Gawain to the church of Kahnli Castle. On the way, Shi Lang stopped Merlin and asked in a low voice, "Is there a problem with this mountain giant and the dead man, Merlin?"

"I don't know." Merlin shook his head, then pointed to his eyes, and said helplessly: "My eyes are not omnipotent! Some things cannot be observed, such as you."

"Then do you really don't know now, or are you fake?" Shi Lang asked.

Mei Lin and Shirou separated, and then said seriously: "Guess~!"

Shiro: "..."

This guy is starting to owe again!

At this time, a group of beautifully dressed girls came in and surrounded Shilang and others, and refused to let Shilang and others go forward or retreat.Twitter, very noisy.

Shi Lang couldn't figure it out, and stepped forward and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Excuse me, are you your Royal Highness Arthur?" A girl with a peach blossom face gathered courage and asked.

"Yes, I am Arthur. Is there anything wrong?" Shi Lang was a little strange. These girls had peach blossoms on their faces, as if spring was coming, and they kept getting rid of goose bumps.The cold is endless.

"Excuse me, is Sir Kay here now?" the girl asked.

I don't know if it is an illusion. Shi Lang felt that when he mentioned Kai, the *** on these girls' faces was heavier.

Kay's spring is here?... Shirou looked dumbfounded, and then pointed his finger at Kai, who was also dumbfounded, and said, "He is Kai."

"Master Kay!!!"

The girls immediately abandoned Shi Lang and others, and surrounded Kai.One by one, with peach blossoms on their faces, they stared at Kai hungrily, like a hungry wolf, staring at Kai.

Kay shivered like a lamb falling into a pack of wolves.

"You...what are you looking for me for?" Kay asked timidly, shaking all over.No wonder him, but the eyes of these women are so terrifying, like monsters that eat people without spitting out bones.

What's even more frightening is that many of them, wide and fat aunts, are like young girls with a spring heart, and secretly give him a look.

At this moment, there happened to be a wide and fat aunt who secretly sent Qiubo to Kai, coping with her huge body, and said shyly: "Sir Kay, please have a fruitless flower love with me!"

Kay: "???"

"Kay, is this peach blossom luck coming?" Shi Lang touched his chin, a little envious.This scene of being surrounded by young girls and courting is something that any man has dreamed of, and Shi Lang is no exception.But whether it was in his previous life or in this life, he had never enjoyed this kind of treatment.

"Huh... Arthur, don't you know?" Gao Wen looked at Shi Lang strangely.

"Know what? Or should I know what?" Shi Lang looked at Gao Wen blankly.

"It's really weird, Sir Kay's reputation came out after traveling with you. As the team leader, you didn't even know about it." Gawain pointed to Kay who was surrounded by women and said: "Sir Kay Now he is a famous merry knight."

Shirou and Altria looked at each other, and asked puzzledly: "The Merry Knight?"

"Not bad!" Gawain nodded and said: "It is said that Sir Kay, every time he passes through a town, he will have a flower encounter with a local woman. It is said that even the fifty-year-old lady has not let it go. So Sir Kay is now Already the most famous merry knight in Britain, from the fifty-year-old woman to the young girl who is pregnant, all longing for a flower encounter with Sir Kay."

Shi Lang looked shocked: "There is such a thing! I was so surprised! This kind of thing happened to my side, but I didn't notice it at all!"


He glanced at Kai who was surrounded by girls, Shirou couldn’t express his envy, and thought about how to learn some tricks from Kai afterwards. In this way, even if he returned to the modern age, he would not worry about not finding a wife. Up.

Glancing enviously at Kai who was surrounded by the girls, Shiro suggested: "It seems that Kai wants to communicate privately with these girls, so let's not disturb him. Go to the Archbishop of Cantrebe first."

He is not an ignorant person and has no interest in being a light bulb.Furthermore, afterwards, I have to learn the tricks of picking up girls from Kai. How can I destroy others now?

Altria also nodded, and solemnly said: "You are right, my king. Iketo sometimes complains that my brother is not sexually interesting, and I am afraid that he will not find his wife. Now that we have learned the trick, we still Don't bother brother."

After a few people put it together, Kay was left behind, and he turned and left.

"Wait...! Wait...! Arthur, my king, Altria...!!! Wait for me! Don't leave me here alone! Help... Help!" Kai issued He heard the cry for help, but no one answered him.

Do not.

It shouldn't be said that nobody cares about him.

There should be a lot of people who are reasonable about him.

For example, these peach-faced aunts at this moment.They smiled cheerfully and said, "Sir Kay, we will definitely love you well."

"Help...Help ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

Kai howled and screamed, then was submerged in the female sea.

Chapter 43 As long as it is not broken, my words are the truth![Second more]

Walking towards the church of Kahnli Castle, Shirou noticed something and couldn't help but stop.

"What's the matter, my king?" Altria asked.

"Have you seen Mei Lin?" Shi Lang looked around and found that Mei Lin was gone again.

Altria also looked around and said, "Speaking of which, every time Merlin passes through a city, she disappears, and I don’t know what to do. In short, let’s go to the Archbishop of Cantrebe, my king. Master Merlin. There must be something to do."

——Too naive, Al!That guy must have no idea what to do!

Shi Langxin said, but did not say it, just thought for a moment, and then nodded.

Several people came to the church at the Castle of Kahn, and the Archbishop of Cantrebe was doing Mass.

Shiro comes from an atheist country, and he instinctively resists the gods and pursues people-oriented, but he will not disturb the beliefs of others, so he waits for the Archbishop of Cantrebe to finish the Mass.

"Isn't this Arthur?" Archbishop Cantrebe finished mass, and was surprised to see Shi Lang.

"Long time no see, Archbishop Cantrebe." Shiro smiled and nodded.It was the Archbishop of Cantrebe who performed the sword-drawing ceremony at Taylor Beer.

"It's been more than two months." Archbishop Cantrebe laughed: "The rumors of your travels are now spreading throughout Camelot. Even the royal capital Camelot is rumored by you. Red. The incarnation of the dragon, the destined king Arthur, the pure knight of lilies, the magician Merlin of flowers, and the romantic and passionate Sir Kay who has made thousands of girls infatuated."

To be honest, Shirou knew everything about himself, Altria, and Merlin’s travel rumors, but Kai’s love and passion was indeed the first time he heard it, which made his heart firmer to learn from Kai. Tao.

Shi Lang and the Archbishop of Cantreber exchanged greetings for a while, and then under the recommendation of Gao Wen, they made clear their intentions.

Archbishop Cantrebe was overjoyed: "It turns out that it is, that is really great! With your leadership of Arthur, our crusade team has a few more chances of winning."

"I can't talk about leadership, but I can do a little more." Shilang said.

At this time, a gentle male voice came from the inner church of the church: "Is there any distinguished guest visiting, Archbishop of Cantrebe?"

Following the sound of footsteps, a young silver knight walked out of the inner church of the church.