I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 540

Orlock Sisalmond asked: "Young Lord, what kind of assistance do you need?"

Weber said: "There are very few clues at the moment, and we can only temporarily designate the prisoner as the holder of this stripped city, Grevin Ashburn. I need you to give me your respective invitations. Collect all the invitations. , Maybe some clues."

"So that's it." Orlock Sisalmond nodded, and then handed the invitation letter to Webber from his arms.

However, the others did not move.

A magician said: "Griven Ashburn's invitation letter is about inheritance. If you give the invitation letter to you, you will be declared ineligible for inheritance."

"It's no longer a matter of inheritance, now..."

Webber was about to argue, but Shi Lang stretched out his hand to stop him and walked slowly to the front of the stage.

Everyone's eyes were on him.

Shirou [Projection] showed the Holy Spear Lungominiad, raised his head, his eyes swept across the crowd like sharp blades, but anyone who was watching him couldn't help but lower his head.

He slowly said: "Listen--this king is the eternal king! This king has already designated the modern magician monarch, and Weber Velvet is in charge of this incident. If you want to get out of here alive, please cooperate. His actions would otherwise be regarded as a provocation to this king. If you have the patience, you can come forward and try it, the power of this king's gun."

The magic power was slowly poured into the Holy Spear Lungominiad, and the thunder was mixed with the storm, and the violent magic aura caused the surrounding space to fluctuate slightly.

The shining holy spear shining brightly on De Shi Lang's side face, like a holy spirit.

Everyone was sweating.

This time, even Bathemelo Lorelai's fifty-man magical force had a cold sweat on their faces.

They had no way to manifest this violent magical aura.

Shiro's gaze swept across Orlock Sisalmond, Luvia, and everyone else, and the person he looked at lowered their heads incomparably.

Even Busmero Lorelai, who was always proud, couldn't help lowering his head.

"Who has any objections?" Shi Lang asked.

No one echoed.

Shiro said: "According to Weber's words."

At this time, no one had any objections, and one after another handed over the invitation letter to Weber.

This made Webber had to sigh, it went so well.

Subconsciously, he glanced at Shirou who was holding the holy spear.

"Don't look at it, this king is standing behind you. You just need to use your talents as much as possible, and the rest is the king's business." Shirou said.

Webber nodded and took a deep breath.

Chapter Thirty I want to see you [third more]

Under Shirou's duress, the magicians who received the invitation letter had to bite the bullet and hand it over to Weber.

It's just that Heine Istari died, and his invitation letter didn't know where it fell, so he accepted it all except the one he received.

After Heine Istali and the other dead Magisters were buried in the ground in the back garden, Shilang dismissed the crowd and brought Webber to his room.

On the big bed in his room, there was also Ryori Kanano, who had cheated to death.

The wound on his abdomen has slowly healed, and it seems that he will be resurrected tomorrow.

Shi Lang threw her to the floor casually, and then lay down on the bed.

After passing through the warm bed of the man who swindled his death, the bed is warm and very suitable for sleeping.

Weber looked at Shi Lang who was already lying on the bed, covered with bedding, and was about to go to sleep, with a dumbfounded face, and asked: "Yong...Eternal King, you...what are you doing?"

"Didn't you see it? It's already night, of course it's sleeping." Shi Lang said.

Weber pointed to the invitation letter on the table and asked, "Don't you read it?"

"Leave it to you. I don't need to ask about the process, you can tell me the result tomorrow. By the way, turn off the light, and turn on the light when you sleep to waste electricity." Shirou said naturally, and then put the quilt on and said "good night" , And then fell asleep.

Weber: "..."

Isn't it that the King of Eternity is very dedicated, and Su Xing Yemei handles government affairs?

What kind of eternal king is this!

Under the light, Weber was alone, looking at the invitation letter with a stomachache, looking for clues.

Shi Lang came to his dream, logged into the eternal king's account, and then used [Clairvoyance EX] to contact Mei Lin.

Shi Lang said, "Mei Lin, use your clairvoyance to see from the outside, can you see where I am now."

"Please wait, my king."

Merlin nodded, and then expanded [Clairvoyance EX], overlooking the world from the stone tower, thus locking Shirou's position.

Merlin said: "You can only see the castle where you are, but you can't go inside."

"Sure enough..." Shi Lang touched his chin, frowned, and said, "I can't interfere from the outside world, nor can I interfere with the outside world. No wonder, I used clairvoyance before and could only see the inside of the castle."

"My king, are you involved in trouble again?" Merlin asked.

Shi Lang rubbed his temples, and said with a headache on his face. "Yeah. Originally, Gem Weng said that there was a sign of the resurrection of the gods, it was enough trouble, but now it seems to have something to do with the real Holy Grail again, and two things There seems to be some connection."

"Contact?" Merlin asked.

Shirou nodded, and said, "Yes. In this castle that has formed a different world, the gods particles are gushing out of the ground, and there are also rank cards, which seem to have some relationship with the parallel world."

"What you are talking about, that parallel world called **Inzworth?" Merlin asked.

Shirou said, "Not bad."

"Everything is mixed up, this is really enough trouble." Merlin said.

Shi Lang sighed, "Who said no."

"I really hope you can live the life you want, my king." Mei Lin said.

Merlin knew what kind of life his king wanted.

His king is different from other kings.Other kings become kings based on their own ambitions, or they become kings because of the general trend of the times, but they are obsessed with the throne, and obsessed with the adventure and passion of the king.

But his king is different. Although his king has become a king because of the general trend of the times, he has never been infatuated with the throne, let alone the days of adventure and passion of being king.

Wang, what I really want is to be able to live leisurely.