I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 558

Luvia frowned and said, "But as far as I know, Greven Ashburn's child died prematurely. How can I inherit it?"

Weber said, "This is the question of Lord Orlock Sisalmond."

Orlock Sisalmond who transferred his personality to the cyborg asked: "Is it butterfly magic?"

"Yes!" Weber said: "His Excellency Orlock Sisalmond told me and His Royal Highness the Eternal King that he and Griven Ashburn studied butterfly magic. Butterfly magic is a simulation of a caterpillar passing through a pupa. The magic of a series of changes to become a butterfly. In a sense, it can also be regarded as a ritual magic of resurrection."

Orlock Sisalmond said: "The old man once told His Royal Highness and the young monarch that this may be a game for the resurrection of Griven Ashburn himself. But looking at the meaning of the young monarch, Grivin A The real purpose of Sauburn is to resurrect his son?"

"Yes." Weber nodded and said: "The moment we entered the Stripped City, the resurrected'pupa' was already planted in the body of the invitee who had the invitation letter. No matter it is this The'evil spirit' in the city, or the beast, is the guarantee for the pupae to emerge from the cocoon and be resurrected."

Everyone looked at each other, the state of affairs was a little weird, they were a little unbelievable, but they were admitted by Orlock Sisalmond, they did feel a bitter chill again, as if the next moment they were going to disappear, and then another person Gained their flesh.

A magician asked, "Then who is the invitee who was planted with the'pupa'?"

Webber paused, glanced at Rosalind Istali, and then said, "It's Heine Istali."

"I... my brother?" Rosalind Istali covered her mouth.

A magician frowned and said, "But, Heine Istali has been killed."

"Yes." Weber nodded, and said: "He was the element that was originally selected, and he was eventually to be regarded as the resurrected element. This was originally selected by Grevin Ashburn, but It is a pity that Heine Istali discovered this."

Luvia asked: "What do you mean?"

"Heine Istali discovered his anomaly, or that his personality has been eroded, and went to Griven Ashburn's magic workshop to complete the resurrection ceremony. It is a pity that he found the magic workshop There was already a foreign object in the house. So without disturbing the Lord Bathmelo, he invited Lord Bathmelo’s magister to the underground workshop. It’s a pity that he miscalculated the power of that foreign body, and then Was killed." Weber said, "Yes, that foreign object is the heroic spirit hidden in the underground workshop, Lancer-Dilumdo."

Luvia frowned, pointed at Weber, and said, "Your reasoning is too trivial, the lord of modern magicians! It is full of loopholes! If nothing else, it is Grevin A who invited us. Xiuburn. The separation of the city from the outside world is also due to the power of the Holy Grail of Greven Ashburn. And the heroic spirits that exist in the city are supposed to be fakes of Greven Ashburn. "

"Don't worry, Lady." Weber said, "The next thing is the highlight."

Luvia clenched her eyebrows and said nothing.

Weber's gaze swept across the crowd, and finally fell on Shirou's face, saying: "Before the answer is announced, Your Royal Highness, do you really want to say something?"

"Does this king want to say something?" Shi Lang folded his arms and asked.

Weber closed his eyes, then opened them again, and said, "Griven Ashburn is just being used."


Everyone looked at each other, and the rumors began to rise.

"Griwun Ashburn did indeed turn the invitee into a'pupa' that resurrected his deceased child, but he was taken advantage of. I even suspect that he was killed because of this!" Weber took out the invitation letter and said: "The invitation letter has been consciously modified."

"What has been revised?" someone asked.

Orlock Sisalmond said solemnly, "Holy Grail..."

"Not bad!" Weber nodded, looked around at everyone, and said: "It's the Holy Grail! The invitees have not changed, and the content of the invitations has not changed greatly. Only a paragraph has been added, that is, the news about the Holy Grail! The most important thing is , There is a forged invitation letter for "Tosaka Tokimi", and I even believe that there is another forged invitation letter for "Emiya Kiritugu"."

Shiro said: "Copy the Fourth Holy Grail War."

"Yes!" Weber said.

"But what is the connection? And in the invitation letter received, it seems that there is no invitation letter from'Emiya Kiritugu'." Shirou said.

Weber said: "Because, it was supposed to be the last to enter, but he entered first."

"The last one to enter?"

Everyone looked at each other, and then all their eyes fell on Shilang.

"You mean, the problem lies with the king, Weber?" Shirou asked.

Weber was silent. He knew that it would be dangerous if he said it again, but that was the truth he found out.

"Whether the heroic spirits or the people of the church who came from the interrogation, they all reproduced the Fourth Holy Grail War artificially. The purpose of copying the Fourth Holy Grail War is not to make the Holy Grail come again, but to record Integration." Weber said.

"Record integration?"

Everyone wrinkled.

And Orlock Sisalmond was taken aback, then he thought of something and looked at Shi Lang, sweating coldly.

"Butterfly Magic..." Luvia glanced at Orlock Sisamond, and then her gaze fell on Shilang again.

Looking at everyone, Shi Lang's brows were furrowed.

"Whether it is Tosaka Tokimin or Heroic Spirit. It is to integrate the records of the relevant personnel of the Holy Grail War, and the integrated record is the record named'Fujimaru Shiro'." Weber said.

Orlock Sisalmond was sweating, and quickly said: "But... But if it is for record integration, to make someone's record complete, so as to achieve butterfly magic... But... But if this is the case, fundamentally There is no need to invite the ancestors of the dead!"

"No." Weber said: "In fact, it was strange at first, why is it that Princess Alte Luci is here, but the other ancestors of the dead are not there. If it is good, it is Alte Luci. Princess Qi’s subordinates, tell you the news about the Holy Grail, right?"

"Not bad." Eltluci glanced at Wallachia Night subconsciously, then looked at Weber again and asked, "What do you want to say?"

Weber said: “Princess Eltluci is a related person of the Eternal King, Princess Elquette is a related person of the Eternal King, and Lord Bathmelo is a related person of the Eternal King. There are memories of the Eternal King. In other words, it is a record. The Fourth Holy Grail War is to integrate the record of'Fujimaru Shiro'. The existence of the ancestor of the dead is to integrate the record of the'Eternal King'..."

After a pause, Weber said: "The true face of this resurrection ceremony is to allow the King of Eternity to completely occupy Shiro Fujimaru's body, completely resurrect and return to the world!"

Everyone looked at each other in shock.

But some smart people are sweating coldly.

For example, Orlock Sisalmond, or Luvia.

If this is really the resurrection ceremony of the Eternal King, how can they survive this ceremony?

Shi Lang couldn't help it anymore, and asked, "You...did you overdo it?"

"How many times do I need to talk about? This king is both the Eternal King and Fujimaru Shiro, you shameful crap!"

Weber said: "The nine years since Fujimaru Shiro disappeared in Fuyuki City, he came into contact with the record of the Eternal King, His Highness!"

Shirou was silent. In a sense, the disappearance of a few years can indeed be in a sense contact with the record of the Eternal King.

Because in those few years that disappeared, he passed through [Root Cause] to more than 1,500 years ago and created the great cause of the Eternal King.

Calculated in this way, it can indeed be said that it is contact and the record of Eternal King has been achieved.

Shiro did not tell Weber about the crossing, but Weber derived this based on limited clues.

Although the crookedness gave him some headaches.

Luvia asked, "What about the Holy Grail?"

"There has never been a Holy Grail here!" Webber said.