I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 619

ps: The third one is here~!That's it for today~!

This should not be considered out of context.QWQ

Chapter 61 It turns out that my brother is always by my side

Early the next morning.

Alice Phil came to pick up Ilia.

"My daughter, I really caused you trouble, Shirou." Alice Phil said softly while touching Ilia's little head.

Shi Lang waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter."

Standing on the side, Gray found that the knight king Altria Pendragon was looking at Alice Phil, who was like a lady, showing a gentle expression.

Grey asked in a low voice, "That... Your Highness, do you know that person?"

Altria glanced at Grey, nodded, and said, "Yes. Alice Phil, is it my Master during the Fourth Holy Grail War."


Grey's gaze fell on Alice Phil, and she said silently in her heart, as the Master of His Highness in the Fourth Holy Grail War...

Altria's gaze fell on Ilia next to Alice Phil, and she whispered softly, "Alice Phil's daughter... So that's it, this child is that child. Really grown up. Quite a lot."

At this time, Alice Phil's gaze fell on Grey's body, who was taken aback, and asked softly: "Saber?"

"Ah...?" Grey was taken aback, and then said in a panic: "No...no. I'm not your Highness...I...I..."

Shirou said, "She is Grey, not Saber."

After a pause, Shi Lang added, "However, you are not admitted. Because of some relationship, Saber is lodged with her, but you can't see it."

"That's it..." Alice Phil nodded, and then smiled softly: "Saber, although I can't see you, but I want to tell you. In the fourth Holy Grail War agreement, I reached Oh. I survived. And oh, your suggestion is very good."

Alice Phil blinked, and put her hands in a scissor-like shape on her head, like a snow-white bunny, winking playfully.

Ilia buried her head, afraid to see Alice Phil.She felt that Alice Phil at this time was a child younger than her.

Grey also lowered his head.She was a little frustrated, facing strangers' questions, she didn't even have the courage to answer completely.

Why is she so timid?

Altria saw her troubles, patted her on the shoulder, cheered and said, "Don't feel inferior, take your time."

"Is this temperament still saved, Your Highness?" Gray asked.

Altria showed a serious and solemn expression, and said, "Of course!"

Looking at Altria, Grey had courage.

Altria looked at Grey.

Why does she care about Grey so much?

Except for her personal temperament, and Grey is the body that resurrected her, the most is probably still in Grey's body. Did you see her own shadow?

I was closed by righteousness, my emotions were restricted, I didn't understand people's hearts, and I didn't understand myself.

And it is her king who opens her heart.

But it was Alquette's magic eye that unlocked that restricted emotion.


Altria stared at Shirou's profile.

Shirou exchanged a few more words with Alice Phil, and Alice Phil was ready to leave.


"Can you give me the sapphire, Shirou?" Alice Phil asked.

Shi Lang couldn't help but was taken aback, then frowned, and took Alice Phil to a separate room for questioning.

In the room, Shirou and Alice Phil are alone, while Ilia and others are eavesdropping outside the door.

Shi Lang asked directly: "Alice Phil, do you know about Sapphire and Ilia?"

Alice Phil nodded and said, "Yes. I knew it from the beginning. I know that Sapphire will sign a contract with Ilia."

Shirou asked again, "Does Eimiya Kiritugu also know?"

Alice Phil nodded.

Shi Lang asked puzzledly: "I don't quite understand, why do you want your children to do such a dangerous thing? Yesterday, if I hadn't arrived in time, they would have been horrible."

"No." Alice Phil shook his head and said, "Because that child is already the Holy Grail."

Shi Lang frowned.

Alice Phil smiled and said, "The meaning of Kirishu and I is not to let Ilia do dangerous things, but to give Ilia the choice."

"What do you mean?" Shi Lang asked.

Alice Phil said: "This world is too dangerous, Shirou. You never know, what things, what will destroy your normal life, destroy everything you cherish. If it is not strong enough, there will only be powerless I cried bitterly."

Shirou frowned and said, "I don't think how powerful a magician is."

"What about the heroic spirit?" Alice Phil asked back, and then continued: "The Fourth Holy Grail War is a war of heroic spirits. If you didn't make a wish with the Holy Grail for the last time, how many people would die in this city? Nine years ago, There is also the attack by the ancestors of the dead. If you were not fighting to stop it, how many people will die in this city? And in the nine years of your absence, do you know how much happened in Fuyuki City?"

Shi Lang shook his head.

Alice Phil smiled gently: "A lot, a lot. There are many magicians, even dead men patrolling the city of Winterwood, but fortunately, it didn't cause much impact. Now, there is an invasion of parallel worlds."

"Do you know this?" Shi Lang was a little surprised.

"Sapphire and Ilia told me when they concluded the contract." Alice Phil said gently: "Now there is an invasion of parallel worlds, then in the future, will there be an invasion of enemies from outside this planet? What Kirishu and I mean is not to allow Ilia to enter the world of magicians, but to let Ilia have the power and the power to protect herself."

Shirou understood the thoughts of Alice Phil and Kiritugu Eomiya.

Alice Phil said: "Neither I nor Kirisu Eomiya can stay with the child forever. When we are born, old, sick, and die, one day, we will leave that child away. We can truly accompany the child to finish ourselves. She is the only one in life. And she is the only one who can protect her from harm."

After a pause, Alice Phil said, "Shirou, this is the same for you. You are seventeen years old this year. One day, you will get married and start a business. You can protect for a while, but you can't protect your entire life. Just like nine years. As before, if you encounter another enemy who makes you have to leave the city and the people you want to protect. Then, who will protect you while you are away?"

Shirou lowered his head, showing a reflection.

"Papa." Alice Phil clapped his palms and said with a smile: "Well, that's all for the communication as a parent. Can I return the sapphire to Ilia, Shirou?"