I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 671


Wei Gong Shirou's palm slowly clenched.

And at this moment--

"Rumble, rumbling--!!!"

The earth shook suddenly.

The three of Wei Gong Qisi were taken aback, staring at each other, and then rushed out of the cave and looked into the distance.

"Then... what is that?" Eimiya Kirisi couldn't help being taken aback.

Not only him, but even Shirou Wei Gong was stunned.

The sky pierced through the thunder, and the sky, which was still clear, suddenly dimmed.

In the distant sky, a huge black cube stands in the sky.




The thunder flickered, and the sky was like white paper, torn open a huge hole.

"Is this... what is going to happen?"

Eimiya Kiritugu muttered to himself.

Chapter 83 Angelika [Second More]

It was July, and the summer sunset spread from the west to the whole world. The silent red was like a layer of oil paint, changing all pedestrians to a different color.

People who pass by are all smiling.

On July 20th, this is not only the birthday of the three of Ilia, but also the celebration of the summer fireworks festival.

There are as many as seven or eight cities in which fireworks festivals are held, including Tokyo, and Fuyuki City is no exception.

After the birthday celebration during the day, Shirou and others did not leave, but on Alice Phil’s proposal, they went to the celebration together.

"Brother, I want to eat octopus balls!" Fujimaru Tatsuka pulled the sleeve of Shirou next to him, and her little hand had pointed to the octopus ball store stall on the side of the road. You could see that the octopus balls were fried golden and distributed. With a seductive fragrance.

Shirou glanced at the shop selling takoyaki, and then said to Fujimaru Tatsuka, "You have already had dinner."

"I haven't eaten enough, brother!" Fujimaru Tatsuka said with her cheeks puffing out.

Shi Lang calculated for a while, then sighed, walked to the boss selling octopus balls, and asked, "Boss, how do you sell it?"

"500 yen a box, a box of six, buy a box for my sister." The boss said with a smile.He had already seen this young and old, who wanted to eat octopus balls.

Shirou bought a box and handed it to Fujimaru Tatsuka's hand.

Fujimaru Tateka smiled, and said with a grin, "Brother is really nice!"

Shiro poked her forehead with his finger, and said, "This is not an example."

"Yeah." Fujimaru Tatsuka smiled, then holding a wooden sign, said: "There are six in total, I will eat two, one for each of my brothers and sisters, and one for ruby."

"What about another one?" Shilang asked.

"Hehehe." Fujimaru Tatsuka smiled and did not answer.

This is of course the demon messenger for her!

People come and go on the street, waiting for the fireworks to bloom.

Very lively.

Shiro grabbed Fujimaru Tatsuka's palm, and walked the street with Fujimaru Tatsuka.

"Huh? Isn't that Sister Altria?" Fujimaru Tatsuka pointed at a person not far away.

Shi Lang looked around, and saw Altria, wearing a white dress, sitting on a seat on the street, desperately eating fried noodles, with a lot of food piled around.

They were scattered to play, Shirou did not expect to encounter Altria here.

He walked over with Fujimaru Tatsuka and greeted her, "Yo, Al!"

Altria, who was eating fried noodles, raised her head with some doubt when she heard someone calling her, and saw Shi Lang approaching, hurriedly looking for tissues and tidying up her manners.

Seeing Altria who was so flustered, Shirou took out a tissue from his pocket and handed it to Altria, saying, "Don't panic like this."

"I'm... ashamed of you, my king." Altria blushed, took the tissue and wiped her face, lowering her head in shame.

In these days in the present world, in order not to be ashamed in front of Shilang, she consciously controlled her appetite, and ended up starving. As soon as she separated from Shilang, she ate gluttonously.

Shirou held Fujimaru Tatsuka in his arms, sat beside Altria, and asked, "Where is Grey? Isn't she with you?"

Altria shook her head and said, "She was taken by Ilia and others to play."

"Alright." Shi Lang nodded.

"Yes," Altria said with a softer face, "I'm so glad that kid can finally take his first step."

After a pause, Altria thought about it a little, and quickly took out a few foods from the food next to him, and handed them to Shi Lang, and asked: "Wang, do you want to eat?"

"I just ate it." Shi Lang waved his hand, and then asked, "Did you buy this?"

"No," Altria said, shook her head, "I was invited by El Quette."

"What about El Quette?" Shirou asked.

Altria stretched out her hand, pointed to a toy store not far away, and said, "I said I saw something worthy of a cross, and then ran there."

Shi Lang looked around and saw the golden retriever almost instantly.

There is no other way. The toy store is a kindergarten toy store. Most of them are four or five-year-old children led by their parents. Only Alquette strolls around the toys happily.

Too maverick, there is no way to ignore it.

Fujimaru Tatsuka said disdainfully: "Alquette is really a child! I won't go to such a place!"

"Brother, you are here."

At this time, Kozakura, who had a good conversation with Alice Phil, saw Shirou and his eyes lit up.