I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 972

Don't wait anymore today.

Just like the title, don't wait anymore today, the state is so bad, it's just a mess of shit.Don't doubt, I have tried it.

I owe two more shifts before, and four shifts that have not been paid off, and still owe six shifts.

After these six updates are completed, I will update to about 8K every day.

why?Isn't it good to update more to make money?

I think too, but my waist doesn't allow it.Since I opened this book, the daily update volume has been 1.2W as the base, which has soared to 2W, with an average of 1.4W.After sitting down for three months, my lumbar muscles were strained, and I felt pain when I bent down. It felt like kidney stones.The neck is also uncomfortable. The doctor advised me not to sit for a long time and then do neck exercises.

I did it all, and I don’t want to update.After all, I am not a kid anymore. I am full-time and I have to make money.Even if you don't write an essay in the future, you have to have the capital to be worthy of your time.

But I really can't sit still.

And I have been staring at the third watch before, updating to one or two o'clock every day, and it feels like a primary school student handing in homework.The enthusiasm and ideas are gone, and the endocrine disorder is also lost.The most important thing is to chase down more than half!Directly ruined my great beginning.rub!

I wrote the second volume before, and there were such things every day.The writing speed is too fast, and some plots are not carefully considered, making it all the way to collapse.For example, in the second volume, I should first leave Shirou in Camelot, and get him back after getting him back.This is more stressful, but at that time, the head is on top, referred to as brain twitching.

It made me regret now that I was on my head.Of course, in order to make up for this, I left the "Eternal Dynasty" later, which became the background board of the "Eternal Dynasty" just like the magic eye.

Connect the dots, I am not good at spoilers now.Because this is my autonomous two-design based on the original work.

There are also many book friends who complain about me too much and like to turn to old examples.I have to clarify that this technique is a relatively high-end technique in literature.Although there is not so much attention to online writing, the era of online writing has also changed. From pure YY to high-quality products, you have to eliminate it if you don't learn it!

Of course, my current level is very rubbish, so it looks a bit awkward.

But I'm working hard in this area, because if I don't take the first step, I will definitely not be able to master it.So it doesn't matter if you vomit me, you vomit and vomit, and then I will become proficient.


Skills are learned.

One thing to say, you must take care of your own body, especially those of us young people, the days are still long, don't mess with your body.There are friends with back pain, please be reminded, you may not have back pain, lumbar disc protrusion, lumbar muscle strain, or kidney stones, it is better to check it.

Finally, the update will start tomorrow, and the daytime update will resume.After the six shifts were paid, it was set to 8K.

Not to mention, I went to practice Yanzifei first, and then I went to sleep.In the past few days, the endocrine disorder is really unbalanced, and the liver hurts, which is not pleased.

I don't know how many passers-by will be lost after the break today, and my brain hurts.

Chapter 86: People like us can't enjoy this luxury

After midday, the sun should have been shining brightly, but staying in this house, the light felt a little dim.

Shi Lang's gaze shrank slightly, looking at the believer who told the image of the leader, and said, "You say it again!"

The man looked at Shi Lang with a strange look and said, "I said, although our leader looks very similar to this young lady, our leader has a pair of large horns on his head."

Shi Lang stretched out his hand to come to the killing academy to pray for shortages, pointed at the brows of the killing academies, and asked: "Is there something strange about your leader here?"

Shirou grabbed Shiro's shoulder at Seishiin Kiara, with an embarrassed expression on his face.

But Shirou did not look at her, but stared at the believer closely.

The cultist thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Yes!"

Hearing this, Shirou's breathing was screened.

With horns, there is a strange killing courtyard Qihuang between the eyebrows...

That is undoubtedly the image of the Demon Bodhisattva!

——Protect that Bodhisattva, she is dealing with another...

Before Garna finished explaining, could it be said that what he really wanted to convey was the existence of another killing house, Kiara?

Moreover, the killing house Kiara...

Is the demon bodhisattva in the third beast state?

Subconsciously, Shirou's palm used some force.

Kiara showed a painful expression and said, "That, Mr. Assassin, can you let me go? You hurt me."


Shi Lang returned to his senses and let go of his hand apologetically, but his heart was full of thoughts.

If it is as he guessed, then it would be no surprise that Garna asked him to protect this killing courtyard.

However, why would there be two killing houses to pray for waste?

And this killing house praying for shortage, will Garna say the key?

The most important thing is that this is really Chaldean assessment, the connection point for training newcomers?

It is very likely that the third beast will be infested, and there is still a connection point related to the heroic spirits of the Cthulhu family. Will it be the newcomer level?

Will this be the newcomer level?

As if the sun outside was covered by a cloud, the light in the room became even dim.

Shi Lang thought a lot, but his expression on the surface did not change much.

Although it was only the front side of Shiro Fujimaru who was coming, he was not affected by the side of the King of Eternity, but after all, he had been a king, and his expression control was easy.

It's just that the scene of subconsciously grasping the pain and praying in the killing house just now has already attracted Matthew's attention.

Matthew couldn't help asking: "What's the matter, Mr. Fujimaru?"

Although Shiro was a little confused facing Mordred before, in Matthew's heart, Shiro was a very reliable and mature person.

"No. Nothing." Shilang shook his head.

Kiara's misunderstanding was clarified, but the believers did not give up.Some believers firmly believe that the killing house Kiara is their leader, but with Shirou, they dare not be too presumptuous.

They quarreled endlessly, and Joan took the opportunity to wash their heads back.

However, it is strange to say that as far as the information is available, it is Pope Paul who destroyed the eternal dynasty, a member of the Templar Church.And Joan is also a religious believer, but Mordred saw her and got along with her before, but he didn't cause any contradiction.

Maybe she has her own scale in her heart.

Religious controversy kept in the room, Shi Lang ignored it and was about to leave.

At this time, there was a scream of "Ah--", and there was a cry of exclamation and shock.

Shiro walked out the door.