I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 986

I'm really sorry!

Shiro gathered together with Vlad III and others, with serious expressions telling the information he had learned.

Gray also came out of the Great Holy Grail, Nero was a little surprised that Shirou would be here, but Gray was not surprised at all.

She told Shirou the information, and what happened was that the Great Holy Grail that existed under the Thousand Worlds Tree Castle was not the Holy Grail planted by the [Council], but the Holy Grail of the normal Holy Grail battle.

Grey heard about Matthew.

"Really... Has the child finally stepped out? He even released the treasure."

She walked to Matthew's bed and looked at Matthew who had fainted. She couldn't help showing a happy smile for her, "Congratulations, Matthew. Finally, she can release her treasure."

Chapter 93 Cub, can your play be better?[Second more]

"In other words, the so-called [Beast] is she, Assassin?"

Vlad III stretched out his palm and pointed to the stunned killing courtyard.

After a brief exchange, Shi Lang told all the information and guesses he knew.Among them, there is the information of the Demon Bodhisattva.

"This is too ridiculous, Shilang?" Astorfu looked at the killing house and said, "She is just an ordinary woman, she is not [beast] in any way!"

Hearing this, Shi Lang sighed and said: "I have said that there is a very possibility that there is another [beast]. And listen carefully, what I said is'very possible'!"

Arjuna stared at the killing courtyard and prayed, with a cold gaze, and said, "That is to say, she is very likely to be the co-individual of the [beast]? Since she is the co-individual, this woman may also become [the beast], so why not directly Kill her?"

A Zhou's whole body exuded killing intent, which made Qihuang in the killing house a little scared.

Shi Lang frowned, stepped forward to the tower, and walked in front of the killing courtyard Qihuang, blocking Arjuna's murderous gaze, and said, "No. Garna wants me to protect her. And because nothing happened, he will be executed. One person, this can indeed be 100% prevention, but I cannot do it."

"Galna? There is indeed a certain reference to the words of that idiot...huh!" A Zhou Na coldly snorted, folded his hands on his chest, and looked on.

Looking at Shirou's back, Kiara in the Seishiin Temple broadened his heart and moved closer to Shirou subconsciously.

"Just because of'possible', did you risk coming here to win you over?" Vlad III looked at Shirou and asked.

"Yes." Shilang nodded and said: "It's because it's possible. And, you have no loss, have you? I have given up the holy grail of this Holy Grail war, and will fight against the red hair with you. This is not because the side is helping you. Have you won?"

Shirou looked at Vlad III with a smile on his face.

"This is indeed the case." Vlad III nodded, and then asked: "Then, what do you plan to do?"

"This is a problem." Shi Lang frowned and said, "To be honest, I don't know what the situation of the red side is. Moreover, if [the beast] comes, the red side will become a dangerous place, I will not know."

"Aren't you asking three questions?" Vlad III asked.

Hearing this, Shi Lang nodded with a wry smile.

Danick stood next to Vlad III, listening to these messages.

He thought it was ridiculous!

After being summoned out of the so-called crowned heroes, what "beasts" and visions appeared...


It is no different from the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City sixty years ago. It is ridiculous!

And at this moment--


A scream cut through the tranquility of the Thousand Realm Tree Castle, and then there was a "bang", resounding the sound of an explosion and a strong killing intent.

Everyone present was extraordinary, and almost instantly, they felt this killing intent!

Shirou's and Saber's faces changed at the same time.

This screaming voice is Saber's Master-Fiore Fulviji Yugdomrena!

And this explosion sounded from the room where Shi Lang placed Matthew!

There is a situation!

Shi Lang yelled in his heart and rushed towards Matthew's room, while the surrounding heroic spirits also came out.


The sound of metal shaking.

Before Shi Lang rushed to Matthew's room, he saw Nero holding the fainted Matthew and Saber's Master-Fiore Fulviji Yugdomrena.

"Umm... you finally came here!" Nero put down the two in his hands, breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile.

Saber quickly reached out to help Fiore up and asked, "Master, are you okay?"

"It's okay." Fiore shook his head.

Dannick asked, "Fiore, what's the matter?"

"An enemy invaded!" Fiore said with a panic.

Enemy invasion?

Vlad III raised his eyebrows, which made him feel sensitive.

Shiro looked at Nero and asked, "Where is Grey?"

Nero said: "Grey is at war with the enemy."

Everyone hurried over, and Vlad III took the lead with a sullen face.

"Clang clang--"

The metal surging, like a heavy symphony, made the castle's corridors full of echoes.

Shi Lang and others rushed over to take a look, and really saw Grey was holding a golden holy sword clashing with others.

However, this person surprised Shi Lang and others.

Except for the strange rune on his face, he looks almost exactly the same as Grey!

Saber was originally angrily rushing over, but when he saw the person confronting Grey, he was surprised and subconsciously said, "Mordred!"

Shirou also frowned.

Yes, it is Mordred!