I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1083

Musta Hinako pushed his glasses and raised the sleeve of his right hand, revealing the small, fair skin.

"Oh oh oh -!! Mustard Hinako seniors to get involved with" Moe has a new yelled.

Mustard Hinako: "!"

Yes, yes, they are still here!

Ms. Hinako's mood is a bit unbeautiful.

As a true ancestor of the alien species, Mustako does not like humans, and does not want to live with humans, let alone fight for humans. If Morgan hadn't forcibly dragged her into Chaldea, she would have rejected Maris Billy's Invited, wondering how to get to the inner sea of ​​the stars.

After entering Chaldea, although she was a member of Group A, she actually often teamed up with Morgan.Because they are both heterogeneous, they didn't cover themselves and used their power at will when teaming up to attack the connection point.

In Group A, or when teaming up with other people, she hides her strength, uses the Lanling King to hide herself, acting as an ordinary Master.

But now, she is not only bringing new ideas, but also habitually dropping King Lanling into Chaldea...

What should I do?

After thinking about it again and again, looking at the cute newcomers who looked at him expectantly, Mustard Hinako said in a deep voice, "Run!"

Qihuang, Lingzi, the cute newcomers in the killing house: "?"



Shiro: "?"

what's the situation?

Shirou looked dazed, he was in a big hole, he couldn't perceive what was going on in the outside world, but as the guardian of this connection point, using the black cup, he could observe the state of the Servant he governed.

Send Assassin to die...

But the death did not happen, why did the Chaldean side ran away?

And still being chased by Assassin for thousands of miles...

What is this?

This is not Semiramis, or King Hassan, even Jack is...just slightly stronger than modern magician Hassan!

To tell a joke, the evil force Chaldea was chased by Hassan by Hakmaung... Do you think he was in the Fourth Holy Grail War?

What is this?

If the Chaldeans had no ability to kill Hassan, Baimaung... it was like a joke, even if it was the cute new Master of Chaldeans, there would be old people taking it.

Even if the Chaldean Master entering the connection point does not possess powerful power like Grey and Matthew, he can still summon Servant!

Can't beat the hero of Assassin, who is only slightly stronger than the average modern magician like Hasan Hassan... Apart from the Fourth Holy Grail War, who else is Caster?


Is this a trick?

Shi Lang hugged his chest, touched his chin, thinking about the causal logic.

"That's it!"

Shirou thought, how could he not think of this because he is good at using his brain.

"It turned out to be like this, do you want to catch it all in one go? Really have the confidence!"

Shirou couldn't help but nodded.

The opponent was hunted down by Baimong Hassan, which was obviously a trick!

For what?Of course, in order to attract other Servants over, and then catch them all in one go!

Want to catch it, clever!

Shiro stroked his chin.

If this is the case, then I will help you!

A gleam of light flashed in Shi Lang's eyes, and then he gave orders to other heroes through the black cup.

--go with!Kill Chaldea!

In an instant, the heroic spirits wandering in various areas of Fuyuki City rushed towards Mustako and others.



Mustako ran wild with the killing house Kiara and the others, avoiding the pursuit of Assassin·Baimao Hassan.

As for the ability to beat Assassin Baimaung Hassan with one punch, why did he run instead.

Isn't this a matter of course?

Mustard young children don't like humans, and humans don't like aliens.

As an alien, once the fact that she is an alien is discovered by humans, there is probably no place for her in Chaldea.

So, up to now, she can be considered cautious in order to maintain her own state of existence.


So unhappy!

Glancing at Assassin·Hakamae Hassan, who was chasing behind him, Kazuki was very upset, but she held it back for a while.

"Senior Mustard and Mustard Hinako, what should I do? What should I do?" Qihuang asked in a panic.

How to do?

It's simple, just poke all your eyes out!

Musta Hinako rolled her eyes.

The air was filled with a solemn atmosphere, and cold murderous aura overflowed all around.In the distance, several altered followers flew again.

Killing awe-inspiring!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh, there are enemies again!" Qihuang yelled in a panic.