I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1162

That kind of look was no different from the look that looked at Gurneyville and Merlin.

Saber Alter's [intuition] is obviously much better than Shi Lang's copy, and she actually let her directly enter Asgard, and found Shi Lang who was imprisoned.

Of course, this may also be related to the lucky attribute of Saber alter that Gundam C!

With such a superb lucky attribute, a certain big blue dog and a certain eternal king are only worthy of tears of envy.

Because of lucky E, can't afford to hurt!

Saber Alter took Shi Lang around the ground, and Shi Lang used [evil] to determine the position of the two of them.

To be honest, Shirou never thought that there would be such a complete underground project in Asgard's underground.

It can only be said that the Nordic gods who established Asgard are too good at playing, but it is also possible that Odin was prepared to deal with the prophetic dusk of the gods before disappearing.

However, it is a pity that the Nordic gods did not wait for the dusk of the gods, but somehow disappeared because of the appearance of the dark ring. Only Skadi was left in Nordic, struggling to support it.

"here is……"

Shi Lang raised his eyebrows, and using the position of [Evil], Shi Lang found that Saber alter took him into the Nordic Hall of Valor, Valhalla, which is the building that looked particularly like a UFO.

Saber alter stopped.

Shi Lang asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's the end." Saber Alter stepped aside, letting Shiro see the road ahead.

There is no road ahead, the road has come to an end.

"Let me open a path." Saber alter took out Morgan, the sword of vows of victory, as if he was about to open the road.

Seeing that Saber alter was about to free the treasure and blasted a way out, Shi Lang stretched out his hand fiercely and grabbed Saber alter's shoulder.

Saber Alter turned his head and watched Shi Lang was about to make a sound, and Shi Lang made a silent gesture to her.

Saber· alter: "?"

Shi Lang did not speak, but pointed his finger at the upper right corner. Saber Alter turned his head and looked around, only to see that there was a row of windows in the upper right corner, which just happened to see the external situation.

Through the narrow row of windows, Shirou could see two very familiar Valkyrie goddesses from a diagonally downward angle of view.

One is Valkyrie with green double ponytail, and the other is Valkyrie with red single ponytail.

Shirou recognized that it was the two Valkyrie that had crossed before.

They are now standing in front of a silver, oven-like device, communicating while staring at the stove device.

"Do you feel as if someone is looking at us? Beep, Valkyrie C Type 11475 is trying to get the attention of Valkyrie B Type 224." asked Valkyrie with a green double ponytail.

"I didn't feel it, and our job is to pay attention to the installation time! Beep, Valkyrie B-type 224 issued a severe condemnation, and I am very happy that my sister has spoken." said Valkyrie with a red single ponytail.

"My sister can't teach my sister. Beep, Valkyrie C-type 11475 shows the majesty of my sister."

"You are not a sister. Beep, Valkyrie Type B No. 224 does not admit that she is a sister, but knows that she is a sister in my heart."

Saber Alter looked at the two twisted Valkyrie, approached Shirou, and asked in a low voice, "What are they doing?"

"I don't know," Shi Lang shook his head, and then also whispered: "But be careful not to be discovered by them. They can share perspectives and thoughts. Once discovered by an individual, they will be discovered by all Valkyries."

Saber Alter nodded.

At this time, another Valkyrie came, and she handed three crystal coffins to two Valkyrie.

Shi Lang saw that the three crystal coffins were the remains of the Valkyrie goddess who had been collected by Slud before and died in the Nidhogg crusade.

This is probably to put those Valkyrie goddesses who died in battle to rest.

But in the next scene, De Shilang and Saber alter were a little surprised.

I saw the two red and green Valkyries, opened the three crystal coffins, and poured out the remains of the Valkyrie goddess lying in them.

"What are they doing? Isn't this blaspheming their own robe?" Saber alter looked stunned, a little angry, but did not attack, but suppressed his voice and asked.

I'm not asking Shirou, but myself.

Shi Lang did not reply, but frowned and looked at the outside world.In addition, he stretched out his hand and held the shoulders of Saber alter, lest the overly righteous King Arthur would appear.

Of course, Shirou was obviously worried that it was superfluous, even without Alterization, Saber would not appear.She is King Arthur and has experienced many cruel wars. Although she has justice in her heart, she knows the priorities.

The two Valkyrie pouring out their robe remains from the three crystal ice coffins is really blasphemous, but the next scene is the action that really challenges the three views.

They opened the silver stove device in front of them, then put the short limbs of the robe's body in it, and then closed the door of the stove.The stove buzzed and vibrated, and strange words appeared on it.

That is completely different from the original Luen system.

The cremator?Shi Lang raised his eyebrows, cremated Paoze's body, and then built a tombstone?

Shi Lang thought about it, and then only heard a "dang" sound, and the vibrating stove calmed down.

The red single-pony-tailed Valkyrie turned on the stove, and with a "click", Saber Alt's eyes widened, with a look of disbelief.

Shirou raised his eyebrows slightly, appearing calmer.

I saw that the corpse was thrown into the furnace and came out of the three-body Valkyrie.Shirou and Saber alter are very familiar with that look, because it is the remnant of the three-body Valkyrie that was thrown in before!

"Valkyrie Type C 12785——"

"Valkyrie Type C 12786—"

"Valkyrie Type A No. 199—"


The Goddess Trisola Valkyrie said blankly and stiffly.

"Report passed, welcome to post, sisters. Beep, Valkyrie B-type No. 224 shows the majesty of a sister." said Valkyrie with a red single ponytail.

At this time, the Valkyrie, who called himself Valkyrie Type A 199, suddenly raised his palm and pressed his temple, his eyes were dull and hollow, and he said: "A huge magic reaction is detected, a huge magic reaction is detected. It has been shared. The reaction value and direction have been shared."

"Is this discovering us?" Saber Alter was shocked, and squeezed the Sword of Oath of Victory Morgan in his hand. He was about to kill him first, but was pressed by Shi Lang.

"What are you doing, King Eternal? We have been discovered!" Saber alter said.

"Calm down, don't be so restless!" Shiro said.

"What do you mean?" Saber Alter asked.

Shi Lang raised his hand slightly and pointed to the row of windows.