I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1171

This is the end of the matter, and the defensive technique can only be activated temporarily, blocking it for a while.

Outlind turned his head, looked at Slude, and said: "Slud, you go to Sister Brunhild for help. Let her quickly return from the Mousbelheim gate!"

"But... Sister Brunhild can't move according to Lord Skarty's order, because both Sutert and the Chaldeans whose purpose is Skardy's black cup depend on cloth. Sister Renhilde is on guard..." Thrud said hesitantly.

"Go! Hold Asgard first!" Outlind shouted.

"Yes!" Slude gritted his teeth and stepped back.

Outlind turned his head and glanced at Skadi on the throne, gritted his teeth.



Standing in the sun, Shi Lang turned his head slightly, his gaze swept across Zigelud, and finally fell on the Servant behind Zigelud, he couldn't help showing a knowing smile, "Oh, I finally found you, I Partner."

After a brief stupefaction, the Servant also showed a bright and sunny smile, "Ah...it turns out to be the King of Eternity."

"He, he is..." Saber Alter looked at the Servant, also a little surprised.

Because that Servant is not someone else, it is Adam!

Siegrud furrowed his brows deeply and asked, "You are?"

"Don't you feel my spirit base fluctuations like yours, Saber?" Shi Lang smiled and said, "I am the Eternal King Alter, who came to the rank of Berserker. Although not voluntary, I was summoned by the Master. Then there is no way. Well, now count as your partner."

Ah... Ah!This guy is starting again!

Saber Alter grumbled inwardly.

Shi Lang pointed to Saber alter and said: "She is like you, King Arthur alter, who came in the rank of Saber. Although it is not voluntary, there is no way to be summoned, so she can be regarded as your partner. "

Siegrud frowned.

"So that's it," Adam nodded, and said with a clear look: "Is the Servant summoned by the Faceless Man before? If this is the case, it is indeed our partner."

Siegrud turned his head and looked at Adam suspiciously.

Seeing Zigrud looking at him, Adam smiled and said, "Didn't the Faceless Man say that before? He summoned two-body Servant in another place, but was shot down by Asgard during the transfer. Yes, it is the Eternal King and King Arthur. Although the summoners are different, because the Masters have the same position, we can indeed be regarded as partners now."

"Is that so?" Siegrud raised his eyebrows.

Adam nodded and smiled like a spring breeze.

—Good commentary, Adam.

——Mr. Assassin, taught well.

Shiro and Adam communicated in the unknown through Evil.

Shiro and Adam didn't know if they were in a connection point. Although they used [evil] to connect, they did not use [evil] as a network as they are now.Now that he was face to face, Shi Lang naturally used [evil] to teach Adam how to cooperate with him.

Zigerud nodded, but didn't say anything to suspect Adam, because Adam was the Servant partner who was summoned with him.

There is only one thing, Sigrud cared very much.

"Then one thing, explain, King Eternal." Siegrud stared at Shirou.

"What's the matter?" Shi Lang asked with interest.

"That is--"

As soon as the voice fell, Zigerud glared at his feet and rushed forward. The magic sword in his hand turned into a round of mysterious moon. With a "shoo", the sharp blade slashed straight at Shilang. Past.

However, there is a sword faster than him.

Saber alter collected the notes in his hand, and stepped forward with a stride. The sword of victory in his hand, Morgan, turned into a black light, horizontally on the trajectory of Zigrud's magic sword.

The two swords fought, and there was a "clang" roar, and a powerful wave of air erupted from the center of the two swords fought, and the surroundings were blown to pieces at any time.

Saber Alter asked with a cold face, "What are you doing, Zigrud?"

"You are, as King Arthur, you seem to be a guard." Siegrud was also cold.

Shi Lang smiled and asked, "Are you provoking me, Saber?"

Siegrud stared at Shirou and asked, "If you are our partners, why did you help Valkyrie before?"

That's how it turns out. I have noticed that it was me who gave Valkyrie a boost before?Sure enough, no heroes can be underestimated.

Thinking of this in his heart, Shi Lang smiled and said, "Do you think I was assisting Valkyrie before? You were wrong. I was assisting you, Ziegrud. If I did not do this, you would suffer. It's a disaster!"

Siegrud frowned.

Shiro said: "Don't you know? Skardi controls the entire Asgard, Valhalla is the top priority, and there are many guardians of the gods. When that starts, you can Can't go."

"I was only one step away! Only one step!" Zigerud gritted his teeth, a little unable to restrain his anger, and seemed hysterical, "Don't want to lie to me, I have the blessing of seeing through the truth!"

"It's really convenient to see through the blessings of true and false. However, I still want to say that you are still far behind." Shi Lang shook his head, "Saber and I were hiding in Valhalla before, so we know, What a terrible weapon Valhallari hides. There is a third [beast] that was subdued by Skatie. You only need to move a few steps forward and you will enter the field of that [beast] and be That [beast] tears and destroys."

"[Beast]?" Sigerud was taken aback.

"Well, it is the enemy of our all-British spirits, the huge disaster rejected by human history, [Beast]!" Shi Lang nodded and said: "It is the third [Beast] holding the principle of eros, and its real name is Demon Bodhisattva !"

Zigerud looked at Shirou's eyes, what a sincere eyes, and couldn't see the slightest falsehood.

He possesses an inherent ability of materialization called [Crystal of Wisdom], which is formed after the crystallization of wisdom he obtained by eating the dragon's heart.He has the ability to see through the truth and falsehood, and at this moment, this ability tells him that what Shirou said is true.

"Is that so?" Sigerud frowned.

"Of course, I had contact with the third [Beast] before. It's terrible." Shi Lang nodded, then pointed to Saber alter, and said, "If you don't believe me, you can also ask King Arthur."

Saber alter turned his head, staring at Shirou with wide-eyed eyes, as if saying, Do you want me to lie with you?

Shirou smiled back at her.

Saber·Alter felt very stressed.

"Yes, yes...it is so. We did encounter [the beast] before." Saber alter said.

"That's it..." Siegrud put away his sword.

His abilities told him that neither Shirou nor Saber Alter lied, and they had indeed encountered [Beast] before.

Of course, isn't that the case?They did encounter [Beast] before, but there were some differences in the places they encountered.

"By the way, why are you here, King Eternal?" Adam stepped forward, looked at Shi Lang, and asked.