I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1195

If you want to defeat Shirou himself, you must first penetrate the army, then defeat Ideal Shield and [Avalon], and finally kill Shirou in a single blow.

It is possible that only Tiamat, Enlightened One, and Out-of-Round Stars can do this.

Of course, in addition to this, Shirou’s magic can be dragged to death.After all, although the King of Eternity is strong, he is a big spender, and his magic splurge is indeed too great.

It's just that the current Shiro has surprisingly abundant magic power!

After smashing the first batch of unblocked sea monsters, Shiro, in order to avoid attracting those sea monsters, told Saber alter and others that it is not suitable to stay here for a long time, and turned around and took people away.

Shirou didn't dismantle the group army, but let them stay temporarily, in order to avoid fighting with the unblocked sea monsters again.

Returning to the slaughtered village No. 46 in Midgart, everyone was relatively silent, and the soldiers of the Eternal Dynasty were even more outraged.

At the beginning, their homeland was also attacked by the beast of Humble King Votigeng. How many people's wives were scattered and their families were destroyed?Looking at such a messy village, they couldn't help but think of what happened to their homeland, and they felt more pity and anger for a while.

The only remaining boy was sensible, didn't cry, just silently covered the remains of his parents and relatives with snow and ice, and said nothing.

Zigerud looked quite abnormal. He came to the man, comforted him clumsily, and then asked his name.

"My name is Wali," the boy said.

Siegrud asked him again, do you have any plans?

The boy said: "I want to find the goddess Chun."

The Valkyrie Type A-146 was strange, and asked, "What is the Goddess of Spring? In this world, there are no other gods besides Sikati and Hela."

The boy explained it, and everyone knew.

It turned out that not long ago, two women passed by here.No one knows who they are, but they predicted that the village will suffer and let the villagers follow them.

At first the villagers didn't care much, but the two women showed their magic, and even said that they were Skady's envoys, which made everyone follow them.

And Valli is one of them.

However, afterwards, they were attacked by the monsters of the sea, and they were separated from the troops, and then they were attacked by the monsters of the sea, and in the end he was the only one living.

"Do you know where they are going?" Sigrud asked.

Valli nodded, and said, "They went to Village 74 to the south."

Siegrud said without hesitation: "Okay, I'll take you there."

Saber·Alter looked at Zigrud with a strange look, because at this time Zigrud was too abnormal.

However, she didn't say anything, but the Valkyrie A-146, which represented the will of Hela, had opinions.

She retorted without expression: "You are going to the Mousbelheim gate to kill Chaldea. This is the order of Lord Hela."

Hearing that, Zigerud had killing intent on Valkyrie A-146, and said coldly: "If you want me to go against my will, let Hela use the spell!"

Valkyrie Type A-146 doesn't know how to answer, because there is no such information in the Valkyrie network, and as a last resort, she had to pass the information to the Valkyrie network.

After a while, Siegrud's complexion changed abruptly, and he turned his head and stared in the direction of Asgard with a gloomy expression, "I actually used Lingshu! Wait...wait! This, this is... !"

Siegrud's face became extremely scary, and he raised the magic sword in his hand with a trembling palm and aimed it at Vali.

"Da, damn... Actually, let me, let me do this by Zigerud!"

Siegrud gritted his teeth, a little hysterical, but Vali was terrified.Undoubtedly, this was after Hela learned of the situation and used Lingshu to prepare Siegrud to kill Vali.

And this obviously violated Siegrud's wishes.

When Zigrud was about to start, Shirou and Saber alter stopped Zigrud.

"Thank you, Eternal King, King Arthur." Siegrud gritted his teeth.

But the effect of Ling Shu still existed, no, Zigrud could only ask Shilang and Saber alter to stop him.

Shi Lang nodded, and directly bound him with [Evil], waiting for the effect of his magic spell to recede.

At this time, the journey of several people had to temporarily stop in the deserted village No. 46 in Midgart.

Shirou doesn't matter, but Zigrud is very interested.It stands to reason that after being altered, even if you still maintain your sense, it is full of tyrannical emotions. It is normal for a hero to become a bloodthirsty devil.

In other words, alteration is to infinitely amplify people's negative emotions, so that people lose their sense of justice and reason, and become very extreme, paranoid, and extreme.But Zigerud still wanted to protect the little boy-Vali.

This is worth pondering.

Saber Alter did not stay in the room much, but walked out of the door.

Outside the house, Shirou's Five Hundred Eternal Army was making corrections on the spot.

They saw Saber Alter coming out of the room, one by one stood up quickly, stood upright in full clothes, and said in unison: "Good morning!"

The Saber alter passing by was stunned: "???"

What is this?




pS: That's it for today~!Good night~!

Chapter 62 The Knight Not Summoned

"Master II, it's so happy to see you here!"

"Master II, goodbye thousand years ago, goodbye now, it's great!"

"It is really exciting to be commanded by the king and you again!"


Looking at the soldiers of the Eternal King who enthusiastically surrounded themselves, Saber Alter probably understood what was going on.

It is regarded as'her'!

Saber·Alter rubbed his temples with a headache.

She was once again regarded as'she', the'she' in that eternal dynasty!

This made Saber alter feel a little uncomfortable. She didn't have any negative emotions, even after altering, she only harbored resentment towards her incompetence.But before being regarded as the'she' by Mordred in Romania, to be honest, the experience was really not good.

And now he was admitted wrong again?