I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1202

Olga Marie was crying.

"Shi, Mr. Shiro..."

Matthew has heart and mud, but he doesn't know how to speak.After all, she is just a girl who has been thinking about the meaning of her existence and has no opinion.

There is no doubt that this is a cute new team and can't be wrong.

At this time, Romani said anxiously: "Director, the big thing is not good! One, with a huge magical reaction, is approaching you! Two hundred meters, one hundred and fifty meters...Run! This reaction , This reaction is heroic!"


Olga Marie was surprised.

Fujimaru Tatsuka turned to look at Olga Marie, and asked anxiously: "What should we do, Director?"

"I, I, I..."

Olga Marie was worried, and said to her heart, I also want to know what to do!

"What else can I do? It's fine to fight back." Shi Lang said.

"That's the heroic spirit! It's the heroic spirit!" Olga Marie burned her eyebrows with anxiety. She was chased by several dragon tooth soldiers before. If it were not for the timely support of Fujimaru Tatsuka and Matthew, she would have fallen into danger.

And now, the heroic spirits are here to chase and kill!

It's a hero!

"What's the matter with the heroic spirit? That's it." Shi Lang asked with a strange look: "Is it possible to wait for death?"

Olga Marie is almost crying, why can't humans understand each other?

After all, it is obviously only a third-rate heroic spirit with all attributes of E, among the unknown third-rate heroes, what is the confidence to say such things!

"Fifty meters, director!"

Romani reminded him with anxious expression, and Fujimaru Tatsuka also looked at Olga Marie.

Olga Marie panicked, what should I do?what can we do about it?Run away?Or counterattack?

If it is to escape, can it escape in front of the heroic spirits?If they fight back, can Matthew and this third-rate hero, plus an ordinary person, and her ineffective magician, survive?



Why should I meet this kind of thing?

Olga Marie was crying in a hurry.

Finally, she made a decision.

She gritted her teeth and said, "Let's run..."

Before they finished speaking, there was a "bang", and the gravel wall in front of them was blasted open, and there was a figure in the hazy dust.

How, how could...!

Seeing the figure in the dust that interrupted her order, Olga Marie trembled.

"As a commander, first of all, you must not lose your calm."

Shi Lang said, walking slowly to the person.

At this time, Matthew, who was a shield soldier, realized that he wanted to protect his Master, holding his shield in front of Fujimaru Tatsuka.




pS: That's it for today~!Good night~!

Chapter Three is big!~


Shattered city, burning flames.In the dust and sand flying in the sky, there was a nervous laughter.


The muttering words are like the low voice of an ancient god, and the heavy footsteps, accompanied by the sound of "chachacha" steel across the ground, hit from the dust flying in the sky.

The figure got closer and closer, and then slowly walked out of the dust.

It was a beautiful woman with long purple hair that crossed the knees, a snake-shaped mark on her smooth forehead, and she was wearing a black dress and knee-length black stockings.

A pair of lavender eyes gleamed with dark golden light, and in her hand she held a chain dagger like a long snake.

Seeing this woman, Shi Lang raised his eyebrows and said to his heart, Medusa.

Shiro recognized who this woman was, this woman was no one else, it was Rider Medusa who should have appeared in the Fifth Holy Grail War!

It's just that her situation seems to be very wrong, and her whole body exudes the same curse aura as [Evil], and her eyes are still bloodthirsty.

Shi Lang squinted his eyes, altering!


Medusa whispered, while moving forward slowly, the murderous intent radiating from her body was like a wild beast.

Fujimaru Tachika and Matthew both lived in peaceful times, and they had never even done a fight. Where did they see such a terrifying murderous intent?All was captured for a while.

And Olga Marie?

Even worse!

Olga Marie was trembling all over, her legs and feet couldn't help but back two or three steps, completely captured by Medusa's murderous aura.

"Fujimaru Tatsuka, director, run! This hero...this hero can't be beaten by Matthew!" Romani shouted anxiously.

He was very clear in his heart that Matthew's limit was, even if Matthew had become a sub-hero at this moment, he was definitely not Medusa's opponent.Regardless of other things, just this striking aura can give you a glimpse of the leopard-it can be seen.

"Doctor...Doctor..." Fujimaru Tatsuka said with trembling lips: "I want to run too...but, but the legs...the legs can't move!"

Before entering Chaldea, Fujimaru Tatsuka had never experienced anything like this.Medusa's murderous aura was too terrifying, and captured her as an ordinary person for a while.

"I, I will protect senior and director!" Ma Xiu gritted his teeth.