I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1207

Ku Chulin thought it was strange. He thought that after he had said this, Fujimaru Tatsuka and others should have nodded their heads with a clear face, but when he thought, they looked at him and Shirou with weird faces.

and many more……!

Ku Chulin looked down at Shirou. Now Shirou is six years old and looks very cute, especially the fire-like eyes are full of aura, people can't help but look more.

Damn, these women would treat Lao Tzu as...

Ku Qiulin thought about this and quickly moved away from Shilang.

Seeing this, Shilang turned his head, those big eyes looked at Ku Chu Lin strangely, his face was dumbfounded: "???"

At this moment, Olga Marie shook her head quickly: "No, no...nothing..."

She was like a brick house with a swollen face, with a face full of shame, afraid to see Shi Lang.

Of course, Shirou stated earlier that the key to repairing the singularity lies in the big hole, but she didn't believe it, and instead satirized him.

The results of it?

This face was slapped with bangs.


This is too shameful for the Animus Fia family!

After being slapped in the face by Shi Lang, Olga Marie secretly vowed to impose sanctions on Romani after returning!


The problem comes from the instrument?

No, it is most likely from this doctor.After all, his main job is a doctor, he may not understand the operation of the instrument, mess around, and then make her make a fool of.

In short, no matter what goes wrong, it is right to sanction a wave of Romani first!

Olga Marie said inwardly.

Romani, who was arranging the equipment in Chaldeans and trying to help Olga Marie and Fujimaru Tatsuka, felt a chill for no reason.

Could it be said that Magical Girl Meili is actually a big man who pulls his feet?Why else would there be a chill?

Romani thought.

The goal has been determined, and everyone is striding towards the big hole.

But this time moving forward, the team changed, and the leader became Shiro.

Although he is the Servant of Fujimaru Tatsuka, there is no other way. In this critical situation, the strong will become the support of the weak.

But Shirou had no objection to this, and Fuyuki City, he knew it!

Although this peculiar Fuyuki City is very different from the layout plan of Fuyuki City in his memory, Shirou will not be confused about the direction.

And this made Deku Chulin a moment of doubt, and couldn't help but ask loudly: "You were summoned to live in Winterwood City before?"

"Why do you say that?" Shi Lang asked strangely.

"You know the topography of this city so well, you can't tell that this is the first time you came to Fuyuki City." Ku Chulin said.

Shi Lang smiled: "I have a special ability to find enemies."

Ku Chulin nodded and did not delve into it. Although it is not the Holy Grail War now, it is offensive to delve into the Servant's ability.

At the end, Ku Churin said, "Although you look small, you are still very reliable, kid."

Hearing this, Shi Lang felt helpless: "Could you not call me a kid? Although I was called this time as a young boy, my true appearance is not so small."

Ku Chulin smiled: "But aren't you a kid now?"

Shi Lang also smiled: "That's true. I'm a stinky kid, and you are Wang Jiang who is not stiff."

Ku Chulin was stunned.

Wang Jiang, what do you mean?

A group of people stop and go, all the way to the big hollow.

During this time, Matthew watched Shi Lang hesitating to speak but stopped.

Seeing this, Shi Lang couldn't help asking: "What's the matter, Matthew?"

"Mr. Shilang, you are so powerful, I am too weak in comparison, and I don't know if I can protect seniors." Matthew said in a low mood.

Hearing this, Shi Lang said with a smile: "Everyone has a weak and young time, so don’t care about these. Besides, your adventure has just begun. If you are strong at the beginning, then Ku Chulin and I have already Don't those who have gone through their own adventures seem incompetent?"

Ma Xiu turned his head, looked at Shi Lang strangely, and asked, "Did Shi Lang also have a weak time?"

"Of course, everyone has a moment of weakness. The important thing is not how weak you are now, but you have to face yourself up. In this way, how weak a person will eventually become stronger."

After a pause, Shilang stretched out his hand, pointed to the front, and smiled: "Moreover, you are moving towards a powerful opportunity, isn't it here?"

Matthew turned his head and looked around, and saw three figures standing not far away, each with a skull mask on his face.

Ku Churin said, "It's Assassin! Okay! I'll do it..."

As the most famous hero in Ireland, although Ku Chulin is present in the rank of Caster this time, he still has the blood of a soldier and desires to fight.However, when he was about to leave the station, his shoulders were put on his hands, holding him down.

Ku Chulin turned his head to look, but saw a dark clay hand on his shoulder. No need to think about it. Only Shirou could have such a method.

Ku Chulin looked down at Shirou.

Shi Lang shook his head at him, then stretched out his hand, pushed Ma Xiu's back, and said, "Go, Ma Xiu!"

Not only Ku Churin, but even Fujimaru Tatsuka and Olga Marie understood Shirou's intentions, which was to train Matthew.

Matthew nodded heavily, and then stepped out.

Ma Xiu longed for strength. It was not the strength to show off his might, but the strength to protect the predecessor, Fujimaru Tatsuka.

For this, she is willing to accept all the hard fighting and training.

Assassin's real name is Hyakuma Hassan, who once intersected Shirou in the Fourth Holy Grail War, but now he is defeated by Saber and has become Saber's lackey like Medusa.At this moment, he used his treasure [Vision of Delusion] to split himself into three bodies, and attacked Shirou and others who were going to the Great Hollow.

Three-body Baimao·Hassan attacked Matthew in three directions. Matthew's heart sank, and he stepped forward with a shield and wrestled with it.

Although Matthew inherited the template of Galahad, he was an out-and-out young bird in experience, with many mistakes, which were suppressed by Assassin one after another.

When Ku Chulin saw this, he was anxious and couldn't help but said, "This little girl is not suitable for being a soldier!"