All we have to do is replenish and briefly check. We will immediately depart from Black Lotus, and then watch as the mercenary ships arrive one after the other to Black Lotus, complete the replenishment and servicing and depart.

"Major Serena said the damage was minor, but a lot of ships are pretty damaged, right?"

Krishna's main monitor shows a shredded armored surface and several mercenary ships that are partially crystallized.

"I guess I ate a small-crystalline life form assault. They don't have a shooting attack, they only have high attack power. It's pretty dangerous because it breaks the shield with two or three runs."

What is inherently an asteroid or a shield that serves to protect the hull from collisions with space debris during superlight speeds drives is quite resistant to physical contact. However, small-crystalline life form assaults easily break the shield. The tip is glowing so hard, I guess there is some mechanism, but there was no particular explanation in SOL, so I guess I don't know the details. I think maybe there's a mechanism to significantly neutralize the shield, just like the shells in the shotgun.

Incidentally, the shotgun's shell-to-shield performance is rapidly attenuated when the distance opens. Shooting outside of close range doesn't mean "It's not a shotgun!" It is the enemy who tells me.

"Master Hiro avoided it, didn't he?"

"The speed is there, but they can't get around. We'll figure it out as soon as we get around."

It's dangerous when you're stormed from multiple directions at the same time. Well, the only way out of the enclosure then is to eat through the enclosure immediately. If we got multiple runs with the shield down, we wouldn't keep the hull. Incidentally, armor erosion was implemented in the form of continuous damage and a significant reduction in physical defense as SOL's in-game processing. The crystallized part is set to be significantly brittle.

and wide-area communication came in when we were talking about small crystalline life forms.

"Special Fleet Commander against Crystal Life Form, this is Gil Fawkes."

The source of wide area communications was from the top of the fleet. Probably like a pre-launch lesson.

"The replenishment and minimum maintenance are scheduled to be completed in fifteen minutes. Upon completion, we head to the crusade for the ultra-large crystalline life form, tentatively known as Mother Crystal, present in the alpha sector of the Yerome system '

A wide-area 3D map mimicking the battlefield is projected onto the main monitor.

"The Mother Crystal Crusade is basically going to finish everything with long-range shelling. The number of enemies is high, but they do not have the equivalent of a shield and their defenses are basically fragile. Moreover, the range of the shooting attacks is short, making it impossible to respond to long-range artillery fire from Imperial Space Force battleships and cruisers."

An Imperial NASA fleet positioned on the 3D map will attack crystalline life forms with artillery fire and deplete their forces.

'However, there is a large number of enemies and there is no zero chance of allowing them to approach. Small ships that do not possess the capability of ranged artillery below the destroyer will be placed in charge of intercepting enemy forces that have been diving through the shelling'

"What do you think?

"Well, isn't that reasonable? At least I think it's an operation with a good understanding of the enemy's characteristics. The number of enemies will have already been observed and confirmed, and you can be sure of any plan you put in place on it."

I don't think the military is going to fight all the time. They are professionals in combat. Collect and analyze enemy information, build winning strengths, and then move on to action. I guess they can win more than they think they can win with it. Unless there is an unexpected encounter or unexpected factor, winning on the offensive side is basically unwavering. I wonder if they'll punch a singing crystal in the middle of the fleet.

"If Hiro appreciates it that way, don't worry about it for one second. Are we going in again?

"It depends on the situation. I think it would be better if I stuck it in my grumble and blocked my allies' rays, and I was quiet and in air defense combat. Krishna doesn't have enough firepower to deal with a boulder and a mother crystal."

If you can get close to close range, you can hit four anti-ship reaction warhead torpedoes and never have a chance, but if you're going to do such a dangerous thing, you should honestly leave it to your allies to fire. There won't be a curtain on the boulder this time all the time.

"The next fight, unlike when you come out of Hyperlane, allows you to choose the distance to engage from this side. Wouldn't that be a one-sided development?

There was always a tense battlefield set up in SOL as Reid Battle content, but there's no need to bother with risky melee fights in this real world. It would be over with a one-sided beating from the outrage.

"So you're saying the next fight is almost over with just watching it?


Approximately thirty minutes later. The fleet had disarmed the superlight drive state and had reached the firing position.

"Wow... it's big"

"That's huge..."

"It's a little planetary in size."

Seeing Mother Crystal on the far side reveals each impression. I'm monitoring the movement of crystalline life forms via the Black Lotus sensors, but even at this distance I could detect Guardian crystals and small crystalline life forms starting to move towards the fleet.

"Each ship is attacking!

The Imperial Starfleet launches long-range artillery fire along with the Fleet Commander's orders. Dozens of large-calibre laser projectiles are fired at crystalline life forms, and we can see a flock of laser-irradiated crystalline life forms emitting intense light far away. Black Lotus also deployed a bow large-calibre electromagnetic projectile and fired artillery. - Huh?

"May, do you hit from this distance?

"Yes, because there are many targets."

Gaowon, but should I describe it as, a shell was fired from a black-lotus bow large diameter electromagnetic projectile cannon while turning up a unique shelling sound. I don't know how many seconds it will take to land a bullet, but I wouldn't waste it because it's about May.

"Amazing, you hit from such a distance"

"Whatever the laser is, the EML doesn't usually hit it."

No matter how fast the EML bullet speed is compared to a normal multi-cannon or solid bullet gun, it doesn't have to be compared to a laser gun that lands at light speed. That's not what attenuation of power does in space without air or gravity, but it doesn't mean that none of the factors bend the ballistics. It's not like it cares in close range fights like small ships fighting each other, but in long range shelling like this, a slight discrepancy in ballistics is the point of landing - the point? Anyway, it's going to drastically change where it hits.

"Does the boulder mean mechanical intelligence with positron brains? You know, old empires who fought against people like this didn't perish well."


"Uh, yeah. Right."

Mimi honestly agrees with me, and Elma gives some kind of inclusive consent. Is it correct that it was not actually doomed, but not destroyed? I guess I'm right.

The relentless shelling of the Imperial Astronautical Army and some mercenary ships continues as the Guardian Crystal dwindles that number more and more. However, small crystalline life forms seem to be sliding through and approaching between shelling.

"Whatever the Guardian crystal is, it's small enough to pull it out."

"Out front?

"Right, we'll be forming a front around the Corvette and the Destroyer, so let's get out of here."

"I'll put in a message for you, Mr. May."

Join a destroyer-centric interception unit that sprays Krishna's thrusters to deploy ahead of the fleet while hearing Mimi put in contact with May.

"Oh, here comes the top ace of the Silver Sword Wing Assault Medal."

"You've earned enough credit, haven't you? You can give it to me, okay?

"Mercenaries are the ones who make as much money as they can when they can, right? It's not sexually appropriate to be pulling back."

"You're convinced it's not right for you to be pulling in the back."

"You've actually stuck it in your enemies many times. Crazy too."

"Poor ladies to be attached."

"You can come to me as far as he's concerned, right?

"Hey, don't rush out. I make more money. '

"I'm not trying to powder people's women. I'll kill you."


I don't mind the light mouth, but that's NG on the boulder. Now if you didn't say anything, you'd be licked.

"Woman of man,"

"Eh heh."

I realized that the reaction of the two of them had made me aggressively bold, but it was a later festival.


"I'm ashamed of what I said."

"You're adorable"

"Shut up, distractions. A moment of alarm kills you."

"The enemy is still far away."

It was an objection that had no sound.

Twelve minutes until the interception begins.