I, Yan Ye, want to marry Shichen’s daughter

I, Yan Ye, Are Going to Marry the Daughter of a Time Minister Chapter 153

Task Mode: Public

[Task Type: Hunting]

[Task objective: kill all supernatural creatures in the city]

[Task Reward: Every monster killed has a certain chance of awakening the ability] [Task description: Players’ desire for power affects the aura of the demon world. After bearing this huge aspiration, these auras are given The new form has become a monster chasing the player. Killing these monsters will give you more aura of the demon world.] [Note: ordinary people and even those with supernatural abilities who don’t have much desire for power cannot observe the existence of these monsters. It will not be attacked by monsters. Please be careful during the battle. If you involve civilians, you may be wanted.……

As soon as the mission came out, the player who had originally planned to quit immediately dismissed his thoughts. Regardless of whether he was capable or not, he rushed towards the monsters around him in a swarm.

The battle situation is getting more and more fierce. Every day, a large number of players are sent to rebirth. At the same time, more players are reincarnated and come to Ingyo Market to try their luck.

As one of the powers with the highest ceiling in the current game, the attractiveness of mindfulness to players is simply exploding.

Not to mention new players, even those who have worked hard for a few years, except for those with uninheritable powers such as devil fruits, basically have the idea of ​​coming here to try.

And this idea, after the first player really awakened his mind ability, it became out of control-although the player was crushed by a monster three minutes after he awakened his mind ability.

Yan Ye stood by the floor-to-ceiling windows of the hotel’s presidential suite, looking down at the players who were sprinkled with passion. After the Westward Demon had an existential exchange, he drew part of the Westward Demon’s power, so much so that his avatar can now create The illusion is more real and deadly, and it can even use the fear in the subconscious of others to perfect the flaws. It is precisely because of this that Yan Ye has become able to designate a specific group of people to fall into the illusion.

Although Yan Ye mentioned in the mission to try to avoid causing trouble to the aborigines, but

If the player is hi, are there any NPCs around you?Give me a break!

As the first victim, it was Ursuke Yusuke and his group. Yan Ye hesitated to refresh the relationship between monsters near Yusuke and others. The protagonist group was under tremendous psychological pressure almost every moment. .

Yes, psychological pressure. Although these players who are only the level of D-level monsters are very good at fighting themselves, but committing suicide next to your house day and night, do you feel pressured?

Don't talk about people, even monsters can't hold them, okay?

At least Zangma has now begun to feel whether he is going crazy.

"Ahhhhhh! I can't stand it anymore! What's the matter with these guys?" Yusuke, who was completely dry, began to cosplay huskies in the room, and after demolishing the house in half, he calmed down a little bit- Under Huanhai's suppression, "calm down" a bit.

"The memories of these people have been manipulated." Liu Ze Guangcheng, who has the ability to model and reproduce 100% of the memory, appearance, and ability of the touch object, released his transformation, and said with a solemn expression.

"Their memories are chaotic and short. Almost everyone only has the memories of the last few days. Among them, the main share is the fragments of'killing monsters' and'getting power'. It seems that there are a lot of Monsters that only they can see exist, and what we think is a suicide is actually because they were killed by monsters that were invisible."

"Monster? Near here?" Yusuke widened his eyes and looked around, but saw nothing.

"It should be an illusion type ability." Zangma drank a cup of hot water, calmed down, laughed at himself, and then continued: "The other party hypnotized these people with their ability and made them die by our side. To increase our pressure, is this planning to fight a psychological war?"

"In order to harass us, so many innocent people are involved?" Yusuke stared, his anger began to rise, but at this moment, a voice suddenly echoed from all directions.

"No, no, no one who died here is innocent." Amidst a large number of butterflies gathered and scattered, the white-haired young Yan Ye suddenly appeared in the room with a faint smile on his mouth. On the index finger of the raised right hand, a gorgeous Dawn Butterfly fell.

"Is it you guy who is making trouble?" Before Yuzhu's brain reacted, his body was already in action. It was just that this punch hit Yan Ye's body, but it only turned that human body into countless butterflies again. .

"Don't be so irritable? Didn't I say that? No one who died under my power is innocent."

ps1: Chongye never had the idea of ​​cultivating heirs. He just wanted Yan Ye to participate in the Holy Grail of the Four Guns, so it doesn't matter if Yan Ye runs away, but it's just a few years.

The reason for Yan Ye's departure is also very simple, because he doesn't want Kwai to enter the worm cell!To repeat, Jian Tong's grandfather, great-grandfather, and great-great-grandfather are all dirty inkstones. Why do you think Shinji is Heye's own son?Shen Er's mother is a bacteria protector, how can I say that he died?

ps2: Regarding the rotation of the magnetic field, first of all, this thing is a super power, but it can be practiced with martial arts.

Secondly, although the will is the standard for ascending levels, it is only the standard. If you don’t have enough knowledge, it’s still useless. This point also has a special term in the sea tiger-perfect state, that is, the control and mastery of power. The second man only relied on the electric current to push and explode 800,000 horses of magnetic field rotation.

Then how much does knowledge account for the combat power of the magnetic field rotation?The answer is ninety-nine percent, without knowledge, just like Zhang Wuji who has only learned Jiuyang, he is a hit, and it is not even comparable. At least Jiuyang's magical power can be relieved. If you have no knowledge, the magnetic field is just a Electromagnet.

This is not the author’s Hu Chu, but the original design, reading memory, strengthening matter, reconstructing the atom, flipping gravity... Which of these does not require sufficient knowledge as a support?Blue Dream of the Sea Tiger Second Middle School once reconstructed a person from the dna level in a few seconds, and can still guarantee his strength and physical health. Is it possible to rely on will alone without knowledge?

Chapter 258 Chaos?

"Yusuke, calm down, this is just a clone, listen to what he wants to say." Zangmara stopped Yusuke, who wanted to continue rushing up, seeing Yan Ye's eyes with coldness.

"It's terrible eyes, but don't look at me like that. My ability is illusion, but I don't have any brainwashing function. To be precise, I'm just in this city with some ordinary people scattered. The monster that arrived." Yan Ye found a place calmly and sat down, and talked with his hands on the back of the sofa.

"I didn't brainwash anyone, and I didn't force anyone. These dead guys all died out of'my' own will."

"Then what is the standard for seeing these invisible monsters?" Zangma pressed his spirits and asked, suppressing the confusion caused by the suicide of players these days.

"Good question!" Yan Ye clapped her hands and said in the kindergarten teacher's tone of encouragement to the children, "In fact, these monsters are only those desperadoes who don't care about their own lives and the lives of others, can observe the existence. I can kill innocent pedestrians on the side of the road for my own benefit, and I can easily bet my own life for the goal. Only when such conditions are met can I see these monsters. In other words...I make these monsters..."

"Do you want to say you are trying to reduce these unstable factors?" Huanhai interrupted Yan Ye's words, and stared at him with deep eyes.

"That's right!" Yan Ye waved his hand, like a clown who just told a joke but didn't make people laugh. "In a sense, I am indeed your enemy-I want to go to the Devildom. , So the opening of the Demon World Channel is necessary, but relatively, the impact of the leakage of the Demon World’s breath may lead to the appearance of a large number of unstable factors. People with power but not restraining power are dangerous, so..."

"Then what's the difference between you and them?" Yusuke glared and said angrily, "You are not the same, you are abusing your power."

"Yeah, I didn't say that I am different from them?" Yan Ye nodded naturally, "I am a very bad guy. In order to go to the Demon Realm, even if I want to sacrifice the entire population of the city, Not hesitate, but fortunately, opening the channel is not that troublesome, so for now, my hands have not been contaminated with the lives of any kind people-I can guarantee that I have not killed anyone in my life. Is it guaranteed?"

"Of course I can!" Yusuke yelled, but suddenly found that his companions, not only the Tibetan horses who had been monsters, but even Granny Huanhai and Mudan fell silent.

"Don't worry about some things!" Yan Ye waved his finger and pointed to Peony. "This should be a ferryman from the spirit world, right? You are in her hands. You should have picked up a lot of wanted criminals from the spirit world. Live right? But you know what, those wanted..."

"Stop talking!" Huanhai wanted to stop, but Yousuke suddenly reached out to stop her, staring at Yan Ye with an unprecedented serious look: "Let her finish!"

"Very well, obviously looks stupid, I didn't expect to be quite clever." Yan Yetan spread his hands and continued: "This world is not only a subterranean palace in the spirit world. It's like a real company competing for orders. The world has to compete with many veteran forces for faith and soul. Why do you think there are so many dark brokers under the management of the spirit world? Toguro, do you know? Reincarnated monsters for fifty years, not just Started to do evil, but as a b-level monster, the spirit world has never intended to take action, don't you think it is strange? After all, the spirit world can't deal with s-level monsters, even if it is a-level monsters, it can be suppressed through enchantment."

"What on earth are you trying to say?" Yusuke's voice was very steady, but if you look closely, you will find that his feet have fallen into the ground without knowing when.

"It's very simple, because the spirit world needs the existence of these wicked people. With wicked people, knights have the meaning of existence, and bandits and bandits can be wiped out. In ancient times, it was said that the thief respects himself, that is, deliberately not thorough. Chopping the weeds and roots, but harvesting crops one after another like harvesting crops. After those bandits snatched the civilians and the army was dispatched to exterminate them, they could justifiably attribute the people's anointing to their own, and they could also ask the court for funds, and only deliberately released them. After leaving a part, it won't take long before new bandits can be wiped out. What's more, even these bandits are deliberately forced out by them."

"You want to say that those wanted criminals are actually good people?" Yousuke seemed to have found something to refute, but Yan Ye shook his head, "I didn't say that they were good people, but that you killed the wrong person. If I use one If a person was killed by a knife, will the court convict the knife?"

"But those wanted criminals have their own will! They are also..."

"Do they really have their own consciousness? They really want to kill and kill, want to do evil and do evil? Didn't you find that your partner has shut up? You really think there are so many likes in this world Destroy the existence of the world? In other words, do you think that insects were not discovered by the spirit world until the late stage of the second stage. Is it really too late? Do you think that the spirit world is only you fighting power? Why didn't they directly dispatch the seal squad? Did you come over to fight and play? The answer is simple, because the spiritual world needs disasters. If the disaster is fixed before it happens, no one will know it. It is like doing it in vain. Only by triggering a huge disaster and then turning the tide will humans To believe in the spiritual world, the powerful will value the spiritual world..."

"Yousuke, listen to me, Lord Little Hades..." Peony saw the change in Yusuke's face and wanted to explain, but she got stuck there. Although she was just a civilian, she was also concerned about the dark side of the spiritual world. She understands something, so it is difficult for her to have the confidence to explain to Yusuke.

"What does it have to do with me..." Just as Peony's face turned worse and worse, Yusuke suddenly said astonishing: "Is the spiritual world good or bad? What does it have to do with me? I'm just a bad one. Boy, now I just want to beat you!"

"Oh? Ambitious! Your father was hammered on the ground by me back then. You didn't even awaken your blood, so you dare to say this to me?" Yan Ye raised his eyebrows, but Yusuke's face was exposed. Doubt-"My father is just an ordinary person..."

"Ordinary people, do you really think that the soul of an ordinary person will be valued by the spirit world? If you are an ordinary person, the spirit world will come up with precious phantom beast eggs to resurrect you? You guy, you really don’t understand anything. !" Yan Ye left a meaningful sentence, then turned into a butterfly again and disappeared in the room. The rest, let the protagonist group go for it!

Chapter 259 Tong Yan Ye wants to fight

The entrance of the demon world is getting bigger and bigger, and even D-level monsters have begun to pour into the world. Tennuma has already expanded the game field. Even Toguro (brother) who should have been here is wearing his vest to remove opponents. In the huge space, only Yan Ye, Lu Huang'er, Tree, Xian Shui Ren, and Sang Yuan tied up by the five flowers and placed at the entrance of the Demon World were left.

"I didn't expect you to be able to do this." Xian Shui Ren looked at Yan Ye with a weird look. He was very confident in his vision of seeing people. Although it was not that he had made mistakes, it was still the first one with such a big deviation. Back to

He thought that if Yan Ye was going to cause chaos, he would at most make a little thunder and rain, and it would be enough to carry a few heinous guys out to kill him.

Who can think that this man with thick eyebrows and big eyes can do this kind of indiscriminate massacre?

To some extent, Xianshui Ren has the same characteristics as the player, so he can also see the monsters made by Feng Xue.