I, Yan Ye, want to marry Shichen’s daughter

I, Yan Ye, Are Going to Marry the Daughter of His Admiral Chapter 164

But all was in vain. Every piece of his soul and every engraved insect seemed to be firmly bound in place by that thread. He had no possibility of escape.


This huge blood-red word appeared deep in the dirty inkstone's thinking, and then quickly occupied all his thinking memory.

The dirty inkstone is waiting for death in despair and terror. Yan Ye, who holds his existence in his hand, naturally knows, but he doesn’t care at all. The fear faced by Sakura in the original work is definitely more than five hundred years older than him. The old ghost is much older. A five-year-old child has been in such an environment for ten years. How long have you been, drizzle!

Yan Ye stood outside Jiantong Mansion for more than half an hour, and there were more and more players around. They watched these dozens of seconds of battle but they seemed to have been baptized by natural disasters, and a few learned techniques such as condensation. The players stared at Yan Ye, and photographed the silk thread that seemed to be burning in his hand, and shared it on the forum.

Everyone is guessing where Yan Ye's ability comes from. Some people say it is Yan Ye's stand-in ability, some say it is his mind ability, and some say it is some kind of special tracking magic, and no one can convince anyone in various discussions.

And at this moment, Yan Ye finally smiled and raised his head, and the lines of fire finally rolled back. Books written in different colored covers were rolled back with these lines of fire, out of thin air from his hands. Drop

"Machiri Sorgan's Fighting Teaching"

"Jiantong Dirty Inkstone Teach You Hand in Hand"

"Art and Cultivation, Historical Changes from Renaissance to Modern Times"

"The Art of Magic"

"Law and Absorption"

"The Price of Eternal Life"


The books just fell from Yan Ye's hands to the ground. Looking at the profound book titles, the players seemed to have guessed something, but they couldn't believe it.

When the last "Old Man's Investment Event Book" was dropped, Yan Ye finally left only two things in his hands, a canvas with a size of about 6 square decimeters, painted with mysterious patterns, and a wailing with a rancid smell. soul.

The scroll was rolled up by Yan Ye and collected into his pocket, and after he showed an expression of disgust, the rotten soul was eventually twisted into a book bound with a material like human skin. Except for the back cover, only A one-page booklet, at the top of the cover, there is only a charred black text that is not fancy, as if imprinted with a soldering iron


Throwing "Prison" into his pocket, Yan Ye began to pick up the books on the ground. Although these books are of different colors, they seem to have some magical power. As long as you read the words above, you will feel like there are pictures directly on your Unfold in consciousness.

"This free law is really interesting, so just call it a'librarian'." Yan Ye smiled and put away the books. On this day, he developed the first free law of his own.

ps: Regarding the close combat between Red A and Saber... I really didn't expect that there would be people fighting...

Not to mention the legend, not to mention the treasure bonus, not to mention the equipment gap, it is the most basic-bloodline, or physical fitness.

Saber is the blood of the red dragon. The flow of blood is the flow of magic. Every breath and breath is the release of magic. At best, Shiro Weimiya is the modern magician of the origin of awakening.

Let’s talk about combat experience. It’s right for Red A to fight single-handedly all over the world, but what is his opponent?Looking at the original memory, you know that most of them are ordinary people, right?It's great to have two magicians, but what are the opponents of Mao Wang?The hand-to-hand combat ability of other people and fantasy species is not comparable to that of killing ordinary people?

Shiro's only advantage is that the projection can "same growth experience", that is, experience the fighting skills of the original owner of the treasure when projecting.But even if you have fighting skills, is it suitable for him to use?What percentage of the small body can use Hercules' martial arts skills?How much can Hasan's martial arts imitate after his body modification?Why do red a spend most of the time with Moxie?Isn't it because he used his own martial arts?

In terms of martial arts, one is the best practice for oneself, and the other is to directly copy other people's tricks; in terms of physique, a red dragon bloodline, an ordinary human; in terms of experience, one is fighting against ordinary people, modern magicians, one is fighting fantasy, and the same level. Cavaliers, I really can't think of the possibility of a strong red a...local bonus?But he has no legend!

Chapter 273 Favor Store

When the last hardcover book titled "A Sad Wish of Justice" was put away by Yan Ye, the atmosphere of the entire Jiatong Mansion had completely changed.

The barrier of the original protector's building began to shatter, and countless insects died in the harsh screams. After the existence of the dirty inkstone named Matsumoto was completely decomposed, everything that existed on him was disintegrating.

"Help clean up here." Yan Ye threw a word to the players casually, and greeted You Youzi and Lu Huang'er to walk towards the mansion together.

At this moment, the players also received the mission from Yan Ye in good time.

[Task name: Post-war repair]

[Task Level: Simple]

Task Mode: Group

Task Type: Special

[Task objective: repair the periphery of Jiantong Mansion]

[Task Reward: Favorability of Jian Tong Yan Ye]

[Mission description: After the war, the surrounding landscape of Jiantong Mansion was completely destroyed. Warriors who didn't come in handy, should you use the residual heat?Don't worry, Mr. Yan Ye will remember your good!If it’s just this task, the players will probably not even watch it. Now it’s been more than three years since the game has been launched. A mere favorability task is simply not enough for players to work hard and costly to complete, but it’s tight Then they got a prompt

[Npc Room Tong Yan Ye’s Favorable Store Opens]

Friendship store is a feature that many NPCs have. It is similar to the prestige store in traditional online games. When your liking degree reaches a certain standard, you can unlock the corresponding top-grade products. The higher the liking degree, the more goods you can buy. , It’s just that the gameplay is more realistic than traditional online games.

To put it simply, this npc is like a hawker who sells, but only deals with acquaintances. The stronger the relationship, the lower the lower limit. If you come for the first time, even if it is introduced by an acquaintance, he will only sell I will give you some common goods on the market, but if you are already in a female ticket female relationship with him, then he will sell you the only things he can't think of.

Although there is no lower limit to this description, there is really this kind of goodwill merchant npc in this game to open a selling business. Oh, yes, the Crescent Witch Xinyueying mentioned before is one of the more famous players. Friendship businessman.

Nowadays, favorability merchants are not uncommon, so when it was first opened, everyone was only treated as a chef-like npc who would sell some high-end food, but when the product list was opened, the players' breathing suddenly became heavy.

[Product List of Yan Ye (General)]: "Basics of Nordic Fighting Techniques", "Magic Power Refining", "Insect Feeding Methods"...

Friendship merchants are not uncommon, but favorability merchants who sell skill books are really rare!You should know that in this game, skill books are basically written by those who have the corresponding knowledge through copying skills. After four years of service, the players with the highest copying level also write basic recipes and other life skills. That's all, as for high-end skills, unless you are lucky enough to encounter ancient ruins and jump off the cliff to hunt for treasure, you can only learn it bit by bit in the corresponding "school". As for the difficulty-Mei Chuan Xiongyi has not learned it for a year You know how difficult it is to learn a basic cooking skill (well, this is an example, in general it is much faster than in reality).

Although it can only be rented, it doesn't matter!Players can learn it just once, and at most they can't sell it on loan!

However, after seeing the value of Yan Ye's body, many players wailed. They were all players who had just reincarnated naked. They had no time to point out the empty account, which means they missed the simple way of building a house. Favorability task!Considering the erratic appearance of Jian Tong Yanye, the advanced number, when will the next time be?


"Hey, are those people Yanye's subordinates?" With a cute mouth addiction, You Yuzi looked at those half as if they were beaten with blood, and the other half as if they were dead relatives. In the memory that the Holy Grail passed to her, there was no such strange battle.

"No, I don't know them." Yan Ye spread his hands and said indifferently, "but I think they risked their lives to troubleshoot dirty inkstones. They should be good people. Since they are good people, they should be able to help. ?"

"It's like this!" Youyouzi nodded with a pretentious expression, and then ignored it. Only Lu Huanger looked at the strange pair with a broken face, and barely uttered a word - "You don't really believe it, right? ?"

Yan Ye took out the door key that he hadn't used for many years and was almost rusty, and led his girlfriend and little secret into the door of the house that he had never returned since he crossed. Then he saw a "big brother" with a look of fear. ", and Shenji who shrank into a ball--of course, he still had curiosity and excitement on his face.

"Yan...Yanye?" Jian Tong Heye was obviously sluggish for a while, and it took a long time before finally recognizing his brother, but thinking about the movement of the ground and cracking the other day, I didn't dare to recognize each other.

"It's me, big brother, long time no see." Yan Ye greeted him casually, and then hugged his thighs, lowered his head, and saw that Yan Ye looked expectantly at Yan Ye and said: "Yan Ye, Yan Ye ! We are a family starting today! Get ready to receive the wind banquet!"

"Well...Do you really know what it means to adopt?" Yan Ye rubbed her small head and said silently.

"Of course I know, daddy...well, Patriarch Tosaka said that from now on, Patriarch Tosaka will no longer be a member of Tosaka's family, and change the surname to Makiri, and become the heir to inherit the magic way of Matosaka's family! I planned to let Sakura come over, but I think she is too weak, and it’s better to stay with her mother, so I volunteered to come over!" Rin patted her breasts hard and praised me soon. The expression, this made Yan Ye couldn't help but construct a picture of the deflated timeliness...

"Okay, the mystery is solved..." Yan Ye pouted. He also felt that Shichen's magician thinking circuit shouldn't be more suitable for gem magic because of pure emotional factors. After a long period of trouble, the little guy wants to quit!

"Okay, I'll talk to your foster father for a few words, you go and clean up first, um, Huang'er, you and You Youzi should also choose a room, just ask the maid." Yan Ye greeted, You Youzi He walked away obediently-if Yan Ye's perception was strong enough, he couldn't find the pink cherry blossoms on the roof!

That must be the anti-soul butterfly, right?

ps1: The original emperor pointed to Clinton and said-"This man named Clinton is the current strong enemy." In other words, Clinton has already come to power at this time, otherwise it is impossible to point to the crown prince (candidate) and say that he is a strong enemy Right?