I, Yan Ye, want to marry Shichen’s daughter

I, Yan Ye, Are Going to Marry the Daughter of a Shichen

After eating the salt goose (incorrect) before, Yan Ye was inexplicably enthusiastic. Although this time should be decided by ordinary ingredients, it is a pity that there are basically no ordinary ingredients in Yan Ye's pockets.

I picked a puffer whale with the most correct position of the poison bag and took it out. Because the position of the poison bag is just right, the knife is very straight, and it looks almost no different from the ordinary slaughtered fish. It is precisely because of this that it has Eligibility to become a squirrel fish.

The azure blue blade in his hand danced with a dazzling light in an instant, the flesh was rolled, the fish bones were removed, and the complicated flower knife was declared complete in an instant.

"Huh?" Luo Tianyi and Yanhe showed a slightly surprised voice at the same time, but more of them were still curious. They naturally could see that Yan Ye's swordsmanship had become superb, but he was more concerned about him. The flower knife is not the wheat flower knife commonly used by squirrel fish, but a more messy cutting method.

The ingredients are different, and the cooking methods are naturally different. Although they have not really cooked the puffer whales, they probably guessed the nature of the fish from the method of Yan Ye’s processing. It is just such a legendary sashimi fish. Can squirrel fish that needs to be fried really achieve the desired taste?

However, Yan Ye didn't care about the two people's views. He felt that his condition was unexpectedly good at this time. Yanhe's salt goose seemed to have added some buff to him. Although it did not permanently activate the food cell, it let him As if I had eaten some experience pill, I always felt that my understanding was exploding.

Maybe it's because there is something that Yanhe lacks in his dishes?

Yan Ye had this kind of conjecture at the beginning, but at this moment, he didn't care about these at all, the so-called state of enthusiasm was like this.

There is no distraction, only one.

Various fantasy condiments are spilled from the treasure house of taste and mixed into a bowl of sweet and sour juice with attractive color in Yan Ye's hands.

But all of this is just a supporting role, the real protagonist, who has just played at this time.

The tube of golden grease fell into the pan, and the pan was heated with cold oil, and the squeaking sound slowly sounded, but strangely, there was no fragrance in the air.

Obviously, it is necessary to use the deep frying method with the largest oil fume, but Yan Ye did not turn on the range hood.

As the oil temperature rose, Yan Ye carried the puffer whale and put it into the oil pan. There was a pleasant frying sound, but there was still no fragrance.

At this moment, it seemed that everyone's sense of smell had failed, and nothing could be smelled.

Compared with normal squirrel fish, it takes a few minutes to fry. The puffer whale is fished out after just entering the pot for more than ten seconds. The golden fat in the pot is put back into the pot, leaving only a shallow layer to continue heating, and then the previous The well-prepared sweet and sour sauce was poured into the pot. With a stab, the rich sour fragrance exploded. Before he had time to smell it, Yan Ye was already holding the wok and poured the orange-red sauce evenly on it. Above the fish.

"Yan Ye special squirrel fish, please advise."

Chapter 301 Squirrel Fish

Squirrel fish is a classic dish in Huaiyang cuisine. Although mandarin fish is mostly used in modern times, carp has also been practiced in history (Beijing cuisine and squirrel yellow croaker). At this time, Yan Ye uses puffer whale as the main ingredient. .

However, the meat quality of the puffer whale is obviously different from that of the mandarin fish, and Yan Ye also took a lot of thought for this, first of all, the knife work.

This squirrel fish generally uses a wheat-eared flower knife, and the blooming fish flesh presents a small square or diamond-shaped structure. However, this squirrel puffer whale is dozens of times denser under the swordsmanship of Yan Ye that has reached the realm of the master. , The whole fish is not like a squirrel tail, but like a hedgehog.

Each shredded meat is uniform in thickness. Although it seems that it is not as thick as the chopstick head, it stands upright under the firm flesh of the puffer whale. After being fried with the fat from the tongue of the puffer whale, it is golden. Very pleasing.

"Squirrel fish freshly made with red meat fish?" Luo Tianyi pouted, as if he wanted to say something, but shook his head again. He only stretched out his chopsticks and broke a small piece of pork with sauce.

(Tips, although tuna was used in Tiaodingji in the Qing Dynasty, the ancient tuna should refer to sturgeon, even if it was really tuna, only the belly of the fish was used in Tiaodingji, so in general Is white meat)

"Kacha!" After a crisp sound, there was a soft sticky feeling. For this touch, even with chopsticks, Luo Tianyi could clearly judge the state of the fish.

"The outside is crispy and the inside is tender, and the heat is moderate..." Luo Tianyi gave a series of comments in his heart, but the chopsticks in his hand brought the shredded pork into his mouth without hesitation.

Squirrel fish, the taste characteristics are nothing more than four characteristics and eight characters-fresh and crispy, sweet and sour.

But none of these four features is easy to achieve.

As one of the representatives of Huaiyang cuisine, the squirrel fish gathers the characteristics of Huaiyang cuisine that is good at cutting skills and fireworks, paying attention to the original flavor but full of change.

It can be said that it is one of the dishes that can best express the skills of Huaiyang cuisine.

The puffer whale in Yan Ye has been fished for eight years. Although it has not deteriorated significantly, it is inevitably pale compared to the freshest state. If the slightly loose flesh is made for sashimi, it is not qualified anyway, but it is chosen to make squirrels. The fish is just right.

The slightly soft flesh and the crispy shell mixed with egg yolk and starch blooms between the lips and teeth, and the heavy weight forms a sharp contrast with the slender appearance.

During chewing, he stutters raw body fluid, and the essence locked inside by the oil of the puffer whale tongue is mixed with saliva to continuously deliver the delicious taste to every corner of the mouth.

"The fiber feel is weaker than ordinary fish, and the softness is maintained very well, but it is very chewy. This kind of feeling is only a small bite, but the more you chew, the more flavorful it is. It is a legendary fantasy ingredient. ——Puffer whale?" Luo Tianyi's face showed a slight blush, and the salt goose (how many times do you have to use this stem! by salt goose) saw it and stretched out his chopsticks curiously.

"Hmm..." Yanhe's face suddenly turned red, his slightly squinted eyes oozing a subtle amount of liquid, and his small mouth squirmed quickly. In an instant, he changed from a tomboy to a beautiful girl, and it felt like an instant hair. Qing (passing false characters) is the same.

"Um, estrogen is secreted excessively?" Yan Ye looked at Yanhe's young daughter's overwhelming expression, vomited a groove in his heart, stretched out his chopsticks, picked up a shredded fish and sent it into his mouth. I am curious, what kind of delicious food has been made this time.

The sweet and sour sauce mixed with tropical pineapple and cat cheese is rich in taste, fully penetrated into the holes created by frying, but the thick state of the sauce itself prevents it from being soaked in the crispy fried clothes for the first time , Which allows the crispy outside and tender inside to be retained.

The starch used as a deep-fried coat is just an ordinary thing, but it is mixed with a little bit of kemira seed egg liquid, the overflowing breath of life is forced into the inside of the fish under the stimulation of the puffer whale oil, and it is firmly sealed. The delicious gravy of puffer whales overflowing at high temperatures.

The meat of puffer whales tends to be red meat, and there is no obvious fibrous feeling. One bite is more like eating roasted pork belly. The fat and thin scents are mixed together. After the delicate barrier of the crispy coat, it gives the teeth. Sufficient rest time.

It's like a pair of small hands slowly massaging the inner wall of the mouth, and the whole person can't help but relax.

As the chewing continued, the flavor of the seasoning gradually dissipated, leaving only the sweetness and lusciousness of the puffer whale meat itself, but a touch of salt still lingered on the tip of the tongue, adding a touch of embellishment to the pure meaty fragrance.

Just as Yan Ye was savoring this super-level cuisine, the fish on the plate was already half less, (over 200 catties) Luo Tianyi gently stroked his belly and leaned on the sofa, his face The blush has not disappeared.

"At this moment, if You Youzi suddenly break in, it will be a madness..." Yan Ye looked at the soft cute girl limp on the sofa, and curled his lips weakly. Fortunately, You Youzi was also the daughter of the martial arts eight hundred years ago. , Although there is still some jealousy in sultry sister in front of her, but she doesn't have any idea of ​​catching rape.

"Fantasy ingredients really have the benefits of fantasy ingredients!" After a long while, Luo Tianyi finally awakened from the lingering rhyme of the food and let out a long sigh of relief, watching Yan Ye's eyes also change.

"Those old-fashioned saying that only cooking with ordinary ingredients can show the way of eating and the heart of cooking, but cooking this kind of thing, obviously only delicious is enough! What kind of food is not all for making the cooking more delicious? "Luo Tianyi is slandering in her heart. As a small or small celebrity, she hasn't eaten fantasy ingredients, but due to the modern international status of the Central Plains (after all, everyone is playing the set of Weili's own , The economic strength is almost normal), it is difficult for her to make reservations to those restaurants with more than seven stars, and naturally she can't reach the top chefs in the foreign gastronomy circles.

Therefore, she has always been convinced that only ordinary ingredients can brew the most delicious food under the esophagus and the heart of the kitchen. It was not until he had eaten Yan Ye, a guy who used the Central Plains cuisine to cook fantasy ingredients, and realized that he Errors and omissions in the education received.

Ordinary ingredients do help to exercise the heart and esophagus, but this does not mean that fantasy ingredients cannot be controlled by the esophagus.

"You've passed the barrier!" Luo Tianyi looked at Yan Ye with a little blurred eyes, and pushed his body hard, "Today is too late, you come over at six tomorrow morning, I will give you all the inheritance of the Huajian School... "

"Is this pass?" Yan Ye thought he would have to test his character, talent, etc., but immediately afterwards, Luo Tianyi's next sentence sounded again.

"Of course, it's up to you to understand how much you can understand."

ps: Luo Tianyi has never eaten fantasy food dishes that contain esophagus. In fact, it is not because she has never been in contact with Qixing restaurant. In fact, even if she goes there, she will only find it delicious without any insight, because of the esophagus. Originally created by the author, it belongs to the exclusive inheritance of the Central Plains in this book. It symbolizes the idea that the mighty power of the Central Plains belongs to itself. It must be trained with superb techniques and ordinary ingredients. It is an insight into the processing of ingredients. The internal skills, techniques and philosophical thoughts of the flower planting system cannot be understood.

Of course, it’s not impossible for outsiders to comprehend. Either they grew up in the celestial dynasty, accepted the Central Plains way of thinking, and understood the Central Plains philosophy, or they must have the heart of a traverser from the Central Plains... If Yan Ye is not a traverser, Even if he had studied in Shaolin Temple for ten years, he still couldn't understand the esophagus.

In other words, the ordinary food world only has food righteousness and food sound, at best, it is nothing more than a sense of cooking. Only the inheritance of the Central Plains cuisine world can learn the gut.

To sum up, Shiyi/Shiba is the gratefulness/conquest of all things, it is the state of mind; the food sound is the feeling of the food, it is the talent; and the esophagus is the explanation of oneself, the way.Crooked Guoren wants to learn, first clarify what "Tao" is, of course I can't tell what "Tao" is, but I at least know what it feels like to be "Tao". I believe that every Chinese is right. This word has its own understanding, and this unspeakable understanding is "Tao" itself.

I know, there must be people who say that I am crazy to strengthen the Central Plains, what happened to me to strengthen the Central Plains!

Chapter 302 Luo Baozi

"The puffer whale reserve in my hand is almost used up. Counting days, it shouldn’t be long before the next puffer whale migration?" Early in the morning, Yan Ye came to Luotianyi’s tube building again, thinking about the puffer whale in his heart. The issue of reserves.

I used two more last night, and it is still a question of whether I have enough stock to last next year.

However, compared with the main body of whale meat, there are still a lot of by-products such as fins, skin, and oil. If consumed normally, two or three years will be enough.

In contrast, the tear inventory of Kemira seeds and Lanlong is the problem. Although the consumption rate is only drizzle compared to puffer whales, the number is far less than that of puffer whales.