I, Yan Ye, want to marry Shichen’s daughter

I, Yan Ye, Want to Marry the Daughter of a Shichen

"The Mammoth will be here. Does it mean that Vampire Beast has found its tenth child? If he is really a witness to that incident like us..." The children quickly found a comparison In the spacious park, sit down at will and start discussing the tenth child.

"No, if I have found it, the Mammoth will not be walking around on the street alone today, but the selected child will really be in Guangqiu?" Guangzilang pinched his eyebrows, some cloth A certain way.

"What do you mean?" Taiyi frowned when he heard Guangzilang's words. Could it be possible that the old man Xuan Nei would give false news on this mission NPC?

"If you think about it, apart from seeing Digimon five years ago, we also have one thing in common that we moved away from Hikaru. Although this is not necessarily necessary, the bombing that year did make a lot of People have left a psychological shadow, so there are not a few people who move. Moreover, those who can see the Digimon battle at night definitely live near the scene of the explosion. Think about it, it’s so close to the scene of the crime. It's not that you are really incapable, otherwise you will move?" Guangzi Lang said so, everyone was surprised, but at this moment, Rin suddenly said: "If this is the case, Taiyi, I remember you have a sister? "

"You said Jia'er, don't you?" Taiyi's eyes widened, but Sona, who knew Taiyi since childhood, clapped her hands.

"Yeah! Jia Er didn't go to the summer camp accidentally because of illness this time. In this way, there is a reason for missing one person? And Jia Er also saw Digimon fighting with Tai Yi at the time. After moving away from Hikarigaoka, all the conditions are in place! And most of us moved to Odaiba, so even if it’s not Kaer, there is a high probability that the child will move to Odaiba!"

"How can it be! If Jia'er is the tenth child...I..." Taiyi's face showed some unsure what to do. Upon seeing this, Ahe patted his shoulder with deep feeling.

With the encouragement of good friends, Taiichi quickly cheered up and patted his face vigorously and said: "Anyway, Jiaer is indeed the most likely target at the moment. We will go to Odaiba first. Jiaer is not for us to find another clue!"

Chapter 669: Arrival in Odaiba

"Wow! This sofa is so soft and comfortable! There are also these lunch boxes! It's delicious! Well, this fruit is so fresh...and..."

In the train-man hunter-exclusive carriage, the children jumped up and down to experience the carriage comparable to the treatment of a five-star hotel. From food to seats, beds, TV sets, computers and game consoles, all kinds of drinks and beverages were filled. A shelf, if there is not enough, there is a list of wines from all over the place, if you want to send it from a nearby place of origin supersonic drone immediately, if it is not because this is a group of children, there will even be a pink list on the table on.

This luxurious configuration, even the beauty that has seen the world can not help but be amazed, and this treatment is only because of a small card that Rin showed.

"Well, it's too wasteful to ride in such a luxurious carriage? How much does it cost?" Asuke asked a little dazedly. In his opinion, it would take an hour for the trainman to reach Odaiba from Mitsuoka. There’s really no need to exaggerate the distance of the journey-even though I have been suffering for so many days in the Digimon world, it’s only natural to want to enjoy it after coming back-for example, Taiyi and the ball beast have begun to have a cola madness Drank it.

"Ah, no money! These are free, just use it." Rin waved his hand casually, and then added, "Although it is free, don't waste food."

"Free?!" The children's eyes opened wide, and Tai Yi directly choked Coke out of his nose.

Digimons don't know much about the concept of money, so they didn't think anything was wrong.

"Yes, the hunter license allows you to try 98% of the public facilities for free, and you can have special private rooms on large vehicles such as planes and trains, and you can enter top hotels for free. There is no need to go through any formalities when you go abroad. The cost of eating and drinking is all The Hunter Association is in charge." Rin shook his hunter license, and briefly introduced, "Did you not know this A help before?"

"I know, but I didn't expect it to be so exaggerated!" Asuke originally thought that the so-called special box, but there are reserved positions at all times, and there will be no such thing as not being able to buy tickets. Who would have thought that it would be free of charge. Are you using such a luxurious facility?!

"Hunter's license is really amazing! I really want to take one, Rin! Is that hunter's license difficult to take?" Taiyi put down the coke bottle and asked with the expression of a middle-aged uncle drinking beer in one breath.

"It's not a difficult problem, but a very dangerous one..." Lin recalled his exams that year, and introduced: "The passing rate of the Hunter exam is very low, and the death rate is very high. Excluding those who did not even pass the first round of selection, there were 30,000 people who arrived at the exam site alone, but there were only more than 1,000 people who actually entered the first round of the examination. There were only three people, and at least 400 people died during the exam."

"Four hundred people?" The children's vision for the Hunter's exam was a bit declining in an instant. As long as you think about this salary, it's not so strange.

The children fell silent for a while, but Rin turned on the computer, logged into the exclusive website with a hunter license, and began to inquire about Odaiba's recent information and the situation of the masters of the human world.

"Rin, what kind of website is this, why have I never seen it before?" Guangzi Lang came up curiously when he saw this website.

"The hunter-specific intelligence website is used to purchase all kinds of intelligence, but the Odaiba intelligence I want is all popular things. It does not involve high-ranking rewards, but it is very cheap." Rin said and called out a briefing. And the video, "There are currently no masters stationed in Odaiba, and there has been no chaos recently. It seems that the Vampire Beast has not launched a destructive search, but this, this, and this..."

Rin pointed to some surveillance videos on the screen that were just taken to see the date and said: "Look, this tall guy wearing heavy clothes in the summer. If you look closely, you can see his iron chin. It should be a Digimon in disguise. , And this guy dressed up as a wizard who sends balloons to children on the street, it should be a wizard beast, and the cat on the rooftop, isn't it the little guy who stopped us last time?"

Rin quickly read the surveillance videos from all over Odaiba, but Taichi interrupted suddenly: "Rin, wait a minute, playback, it's the previous one!"

"This Dilu beast? What happened to her?" Lin quickly rewinded the video to that of Dilu beast, Tai Yi's face suddenly turned blue.

"It's very close to my home!"

"How long is it to return to Odaiba?" Suna asked while comforting Taiichi.

"What we do is the Flashing Star. It is also one of the best in the train rider. It takes about half an hour to reach Odaiba. Unless you can teleport, this is the fastest means of transportation." Lin called out. Timetable, shook his head slightly, although the black technology in this world is very strong, the territory is also huge.

"Um, Taiyi, it's useless if you are in a hurry. Let's eat something first, at least to ensure the physical strength to fight!" Suna took a bento from the table and handed Taiyi, although she wanted to say that she had no appetite. But the sensible Taiyi didn't refuse, but just sat there and ate the lunch in silence.

When everyone saw it, they didn't have any interest in playing. They immediately picked up the lunch box and started to replenish their energy. During the period, apart from the Digimon's praise of human food, there was only the sound of tableware collision and chewing.


After half an hour of suffering finally passed, Taiyi almost got out of the carriage with a rush, but he was grabbed by Guangzi Lang within a few steps: "Taiyi, don’t worry, we have been using surveillance to monitor your neighborhood. We are currently sucking blood. WoW has not investigated this side, and the scope of Dilumon's investigation has not yet reached here. If you are too anxious, it will easily attract the attention of the other party. It is best to take your friends home as usual."

"Papa!" Taiyi patted her cheek, as if she wanted to use the pain to make herself more awake, and then apologized: "Sorry, I was too anxious."

"It's okay, after all, it's normal to be anxious when it comes to your sister. If it's Sakura, I might be more anxious than you!" Rin patted her partner on the shoulder, but didn't notice that Sakura paused slightly. I took out the license and went to the station to negotiate for a while, and soon a bus appeared in front of the children.

The children who got in the special car were already a little numb at this time, but in their hearts, they couldn’t avoid the yearning for privilege

"Hunter license, really a good thing! After you go back, you must check the assessment standards..."

(Uploaded at eleven o'clock, I don’t know why it didn’t come out......)

ps: Transition chapter, artificial soul.

Chapter 670 Fill in the password directly at the beginning of the game

When the bus came downstairs, Tai Yi's original eager footsteps suddenly hesitated. The caring Sona immediately patted him on the shoulder, trying to comfort the childhood sweetheart.

"I'm okay, I'm just worried, in case Jiaer is really..." Tai Yi gritted his teeth, in fact, in his heart, he had already confirmed that Jiaer was the tenth child, because just before he came back, Jia'er can even recognize the ball beast, but doesn't this mean that Jia'er will also face the vampire beast with them?

She was still having a fever before!

"You have to think about it from another angle. If she is also the selected child, she will have one more Digimon back. On the contrary, the security will be higher! After all, more chaos in the human world may occur. Compared to that, the mere vampire beasts are not a problem at all..." Rin said, and suddenly stomped his feet with a bit of gritted teeth—"It's all blame for the smelly Yanye, I actually went to spend... a vacation at this time, otherwise it's not useful So troublesome!"

"That's right, you have to think for the good in everything!" Taiyi quickly adjusted his mentality, and then took everyone to his house. The intuition of finding the right goal for Rin's start is hidden in the brooch. Yan Ye was also a little embarrassed. This feeling was like adding a string of numbers to a password box indiscriminately while playing a decryption game and then inexplicably cleared the customs. It was simply a violent break.

But this situation is put in reality, but it has to be said that it is quite easy to use. When the children walk up the stairs, when the digital machine starts to emit beeping sounds, everyone understands that, really, it is. Jiaer.

"Brother!" Jiaer heard the sound of the door being opened, and immediately walked over happily, but saw that in addition to the two acquaintances of Guangzi Lang and Suna, there were also many newcomers, especially the three beautiful girls. , Makes Jia Er especially vigilant.

Tai Yi didn't notice the strange look in his sister's eyes at all, and introduced the little friend to her sister very carefreely, and then explained the Digimon thing to her exactly.

Throughout the process, Jiaer did not interrupt her brother's seemingly whimsical story. As a girl who saw her brother "ascend to heaven" with her own eyes, she was very receptive to this incident, but...

"By the way, do you have this?" Tai Yi took out the sacred plan and showed Jia'er, but Jiaer shook his head confusedly. The friends were not disappointed, but followed the instructions of the sacred plan. The light spot searched, and within a short while, Jiaer's sacred plan was found in the cat litter.

"Is it really Jiaer? But where is Jiaer's Digimon?" Guangzilang frowned, and everyone's expressions were very solemn. If there is no partner Digimon, then even the selected child will be There is no use.


"Ah ah ah ah ah! I can't bear it anymore! Do you want to be so unconfident? A mere vampire beast, a great seventieth level! The reason for looking for the tenth child is because I am worried about this game It's not over here!" Lin said with his hands on his hips and pouted confidently: "That vampire beast, as long as you dare to come, I will slap him to death!"

"It's not over yet? But we have returned to the real world? The digital world has no reason for us to continue running around, right?" Ah He frowned. The reason why the children are fighting until now is not for the digital world. Peaceful reunification is not to protect the world from destruction, but to simply want to go home.

Now that you have returned to your hometown, how can you continue to play this dangerous game?

However, just as Ah He asked this sentence, the sacred plan signal that Yan Ye had been monitoring suddenly reacted, but this time, the signal did not come from Lin's sacred plan, but directly pointed to Jia'er.

"This direction... is not the digital world, it should be, Dilu beast?" Yan Ye smiled in his heart, quite satisfied with Rin's violent method of breaking the situation.

For constancy, light and hope are necessary conditions to guide the battle of Tyrannosaurus and Iron Garuru. If children choose to kill the Vampire Beast first and then find Digimon and emblems, it is likely that Dilu will be lost in the process. The beast is destroyed. In this way, the light loses half of its effect. Although the main function of guiding evolution is still there, this is not an acceptable question for constancy.

As a result, Perseverance resolutely acknowledged and revised his plan again. The dialogue that should have taken place three or four days later suddenly happened between Dilumon and Wizard Beast, and then, there was only sharp eyes. The kitten was taken all the way by the wizard beast to the window of the Iori Tai family.