Ihoujin, Dungeon ni Moguru

<Chapter V: Usurper> [05]


The wind is blowing.

The wind of rumor flows through the city.

The story of a usurper covers the city.

The story of a man who slaughtered a hero.

The story of a man who slaughtered the pope.

The story of a man who slaughtered the mercenary king.

The story of a killer who slaughtered the king of adventurers.

It is a story of an adulterer who obeys a black dragon and deceives a person in a foreign art.

Once, there were three kingdoms on this right continent.

Countries with powerful technologies and civilizations that can no longer be reproduced. There is a woman who destroyed those who were proud of Eika alone. My name is Mislanica. A woman who has won the throne of god by wrongdoing and plot.

It is the name of the god the man serves.

It is the name of an unknown god. It's a name that's being forgotten even among enemies.

Was that god really? The truth is unknown to anyone. Other gods say nothing.

A beast appears many times in a man's anecdote.

A beast you can't teach, you don't know.

The man was a beast hunter. And the one who kills “the first beast hunter”.

So is a man an enemy of a beastman? No.

So are they allies? This is not true either.

Men do not choose enemies in races. Therefore, it can be said that all people are enemies. The man sang himself as a usurper, but the man secretly called the man the Demon King.

But is.

The more you listen to the rumors, the harder you become interested.

Was the man really evil? Is it a person called a demon?

That the so-called heroes are not justice is the truth that everyone shuts their mouths.

The Pope only hears bad reviews. The politicians are just the dead of gold.

All heroes are bloody.

That doesn't mean that those who slay evil are justice. It is a child's assumption.

So did the man call for domination?

Was the king killed because there was a king on the man's path? No one knows. Speculation flies, but no one reaches the truth.

In fact, the truth is really boring and personal. It is rare to be funny.

But that is not what the public knew. She has a funny story with a tail fin.

The man filled his craving with his sword. The sword has no honor, its blood has no glory, and its soul has no peace.

The miracle of God is always ironic.

The man fought with several adventurers.

Some asked for the truth.

The man answered with a sword and silence.

Rumors spread throughout the city.

Famous adventurers defeat men one after another. Some lost from the front, others fled unnaturally, and even those who did not treat men as threats.

It is said that even the Adventurers' Union is now under the control of men.

Quiet despair spreads the city.

There is no one to oppose. A man's whim may begin a massacre.

The man's eerie silence spurred fear.

Depressing air covers the city.

The people of the late kingdom were seeking salvation.

If you have a hero, you should get up. If you have a hidden hero, you have to confront it.

But reality is not so sweet.

The man was cunning.

He had captured the reminder of the late King Lemuria. With her as a shield, she commands the people from her shadow.

An order to solidify your control. Domination for adventurers.

However, one day, different colors of hair flow.

"Look for a talented person. Regardless of status or race. All the talented, gather on this continent. '

That is the word of the adventurer's king.

It's not a word from the Demon King's mouth. It is a wish that she, the daughter of the king, insults the Demon King.

Regardless of the truth, the people believed so.

Words ride in the wind, run around the continent, cross the sea, pass through the islands, and echo on another continent.

There was fever in the words. There was strength.

Of course, the danger.

"A man is going to eat human talent"

Someone lies, someone believes.

Someone says to others.

"That's why someone really has to stop the man."

There is no answer.

Because there is no value, the person who starts up has value.

Gentiles, Yukikaze.

When people heard the name they hadn't heard, one thing they thought was "again."

There are plenty of adventurers who have come out. No one remembers when the sun goes down. This is because the end is more talked about.

Both women and men, both young and old, are hung on the street naked.

I heard that Yukikaze is a woman. In addition, she says that her companion is also a woman.

The imagination that people float was a vulgar thing.

Even the understated imagination is up to hearing the companion's name.

The name is Gormreis Melforuna Gastolfo.

Gastolfo, a famous brave clan on the left and continents. People's expectations are rising, but they are anxious.

Although it is Gastolfo, it is a name that I have never heard of. It may be a deception. In the first place, it is just one of the old titles such as the hero. The hero himself can be a deception.

Either way, the battle with the Demon King will be immediately apparent.

People waited.

Overnight, they watched the end of their battle.

The city was hit by a storm that night, whether by accident or by the Devil's anger.

Some saw huge winds, lightning, and giant shadows in the dark clouds over the sky.

Some heard a scream of a beast larger than the thunder.

Intense and intense, the city seemed drowned in fire overnight.

No one has seen the battle in detail. Only intense sound and light spoke of a fierce battle. Old and young, even the ears of the rat, tightly closed the door.

In the sound of the war, someone heard the sound of a demon king's army, brave reinforcements, or military shoes. Some saw a small shadow. Terribly many small shadows.

Someone is,

So someone saw.

Sure saw.

Two women fighting the Demon King and the myriad dwarfs they use.

A child's name known only to children.

The name of Gunmary, who was said to call the end.

The morning was quiet, like a storm.

What they saw were three women falling tired.

Gentiles, Yukikaze.

The brave Gormreis Melforuna Gastolfo.

And Lansir, daughter of the adventurer's king.

There are a lot of dwarfs around them. Behind it is a giant dragon frame wrapped in black mucus.


One small piece of meat is called Demon King.

Burnt, scattered, but shattered pieces of the crown, witnesses of the usurper, and witnesses of the demon king rolled beside.

That was the only sign of the Demon King's death.

The wind of rumor flows through the city.

The end of the story of the Usurper begins.

The story of a man who slaughtered a hero.

The story of a man who slaughtered the pope.

The story of a man who slaughtered the mercenary king.

The story of a killer who slaughtered the king of adventurers.

A story about a filthy man who follows a black dragon and deceives people in the art of the Gentiles.

Finally, the story of the Devil, who was killed by the same Gentiles, the brave, and the Beastman's daughter.

"So ----"

Makina Rosie Maple stops writing and asks me.

"Is this Demon King gone away?"

"No way"

I was checking the condition of the prosthetic hand that I had made.

Carbon prosthetic hand made by Gummelly using materials brought in by the snow breeze. It moves almost to the same level as the original arm, but it hurts considerably.

The joint between the living body on the shoulder and the machine, and the prosthetic hand that is supposed to be bloodless, hurts.

Yukikaze, an experienced person, says that she will take care of her pain for six months.

Rather, it is a sign that the nerves are connected because it hurts. Pain is a sign of life.

I am still alive. She disguises herself as a death, pushes it all over her, can't keep up with her beloved, and survives in vain.

"Then add an end?"

"The story of the Demon King is over."

Makina rewrote part of my memoir he had written before as a story of a demon king.

In order to spread this story to the world, and to spread it to bards, as the world has done so many times, we spread falsehood as truth.

"The rest is a fight that nobody knows."

The weapon is a slender sword. A sword disguised as a father-in-law's witness. The blade, which has a sword blade on the handle and lightened everywhere, is as light as the wind. It cuts like sweets. A sword that hurt myself because I am too skillful because I am too sharp.

It may be a famous sword of some origin. I don't have that knowledge. However, words and intentions were inherited.

"that's fine"

He would say. Or,

"Do you know"


The costume is a new Tongari hat and an old adventurer costume in the north. This is the costume of the home of the dead god. A figure reminiscent of a wolf and snow, with a slight smell of a dream.

After that, a prosthetic hand that is not used to the missing body. Flame inside.


It can be said to be perfect.

Okay, go? To the last enemy.

"Return to lunch"

"Yes, good luck."