Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 465: The Same Noble Man


In a hot sensation, Shana sobered up slowly and opened her eyes.

The field of view in front of you is somewhat blurred.

The surrounding air is extremely dry.

It appears to be sand on the body, filling the skin with sand grains.

The sun on top of her head was so pungent and burning, if it wasn't for Shana being a firefog fighter, it would certainly have dried her tongue and drained her of water.

“Desert? ”

Shana, that's when she realized where she was.

Shana won't be sure until the field of view is restored.

Himself, lying in an endless desert.

Body, not hanging.

“ ———— ”

Shanna got up in a panic.

Shana found out when she got up.

Here, in addition to yourself, there's another person upside down.

Who else but Fang Li?

“ ———— ”

Ha Na's face flashed red.

“Psst! ”

With the whistling sound of the wind, a pitch-black coat appeared in Shana's hand and was dressed in a naked delicate body, barely covering her naked body.

Until then, a voice didn't sound.

“Are you awake? ”

This voice, Shana, naturally can't be ignored.

It was the voice of the devil who had always accompanied him.

Shana immediately lowered her head and looked at the pendant in front of her.

“Alastair. ”


The Red World's demons responded briefly, even saying: "We escaped from the Starry Palace. ”

“… is it?” Shana couldn't help but look aside.

Falling there, his face was extremely pale, his breathing was impatient, and he looked extremely painful, but he had already passed out.

Seeing this scene, Shana's heart had to beat and she had to make a sound of herself.

“What's wrong with him? ”

“I don't know." Arastal replied directly: "After being hit by a happiness trigger, you passed out, and I was awakened by the power of the treasure, which, although only incomplete, was enough to burn everything down. ”

“I thought the square would surely be devoured by my flames, who knew that he had suddenly burst out with great power and survived from my flames, relying on the effects of treasures.” Alastair said so, "and then he took you out with him. ”

Under the flames of Alastair, the starry palace fell into flames, and almost all of its apostles were annihilated.

The existence of one of the ranks of the Three Pillars, while fleeing, should survive, but under such disasters, it is not possible naturally to lock the position of Shana in the formula, which will no longer be possible to follow.

Hence, Fang Li and Shanna escaped smoothly.

“But didn't I get hit by that gun?” Shana puzzled, “Alastair showed up well, but I seemed fine. ”

“In the end, it's just incomplete. If you want me to show up completely, the power of the treasure is not enough.” Alastair didn't say anything complacent: “And you survived because you completely accommodated me. ”

That's why Fong Li suddenly pulled out the happiness trigger and shot Shana.

It will be recalled that in the original book, Alastair used to say that about Shana.

“This child is a noble man. ”

What is a noble man?

An artist of all time.

Important politicians.

Leader of the brave battle.

Nobody knows musicians.

Those who have such a future, or who will educate these beings in the future, are the so-called noble ones.

And the Fire Warrior is a man who takes all his past, present and future existence as a cost, turns it into a container, and makes a covenant with the Red Devil King.

In other words, the greater the firefighter's past, present and future existence, the greater the qualification as a container.

Once the Demon King, who made the covenant with the Fire Warriors, is awakened, the reason why the covenant container is exploded is because the container itself is too small to accommodate the power of their awakening.

However, Shana, as a noble man, is capable of accommodating the true Red World demon god and is known as the "Heavenly Fire Robbery" Arastol exists.

So even if the happiness trigger hits you, the demons inside you are awakened, and Shana is not going to explode.

It is precisely because of this recall in the crisis that the happiness trigger was removed and Alastair was awakened to escape with the power of Alastair.

Of course, in order to survive in the flames of Alastair, all efforts were exhausted. It was not enough to wear a blue fire escape ring and a light breath that halved the damage. In the moment of Alastair's appearance, the holy marks were again imposed, which was enough to sustain the past. With Shana, we tried our best to escape from the flames.

If for a second or two at night, the power is exhausted in the same way that those apostles at the Costume Ball are buried in the flames.

But even so, as a result of the imposition of the sacred mark, the soul of Minori was severely tortured, as it had once done in the world of the Phagocyst, again in a deep coma.

“Perhaps this is the price of his sudden outburst of such a powerful force. ”

Alastair sighed: "I'm afraid he used this power once before, so that he could fight the Three Pillars and escape again under the thousands of horses of the" Costume Ball, "and almost escape completely. ”

Rumor has it, even Shana had to look at the man again.

This man, again and again, really surprised Shana.

“It's obviously just a human being...”

Shana whispered in exchange for Alastair's rare rebuttal.

“From its performance so far, I should understand that this is definitely not an ordinary human being. ”

Alastair said so.

“While there are many mysteries, there is no doubt that the existence of this human being is not inferior, if not superficial, to you. ”

“The future of this man is also a noble man. ”

This is the assessment of the Red World's true demon gods.

When I heard that review, Shana had only one idea.

“So he's like me? ”

I don't know why, Shana actually felt a little happy.

And in this case, Alastair dropped a basin of cold water.

“In any event, we have to find a place to give him a rest, as if he were suffering immensely and staying in this environment would be absolutely detrimental to his recovery. ”

Shana nodded, hugged the square, and then spread the wings of the Red Lotus towards the distant sky.