Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 699: The Wind Has Been Muddled

It's night.

At the corner of the campus island, Wushui High's campus was quietly situated on the campus, leaving the entire school with a silence that would not have existed during the day.

In front of the school door, he stood here and looked at the high martial arts detective in front of him. He had to smile.

“I suppose that's where I came from when I first came to the world? ”

So, there's still more or less to be missed.

After all, in this world, it has been here for more than a year, and it is by far the longest in the world of copies ever experienced.

“Although it's only been three months in the world, it's been almost a year since I've been back in terms of my somatosensory time. ”

So, the footsteps rose and walked into the school.

The school campus at night is somewhat intimidating, giving people a feeling that it's not strange when an incredible phenomenon appears.

Walked around campus like this and took out the phone.

“Reggie didn't tell me exactly where we were going to meet, so call over and ask. ”

Unfortunately, it has not been possible to implement it yet, and there is a glimpse in the corner of the horizon.

On the rooftop of the school building, a flash lights up slightly.


The square stopped and looked up at the roof of the school building.

“Scopes? ”

It should be a sniper sight.

That is, on the rooftop of the school building, someone is aiming here with a sniper gun.

There is reason to believe that you are on the crosshairs of that scope.

And whoever's in the sight doesn't even need to guess anymore.

“Are you gonna shoot me? ”

“Reggie. ”

The famous genius kid is aiming at us with a sniper gun?

If I had a different person, it would have made my hair numb because of this, couldn't help but find somewhere to hide?

However, instead of finding a place to hide, the square stopped and looked at the past.

The flash of the scope flashes once again.

Air, slightly tightened.

But Reggie never fired.

Or maybe Reggie didn't think of shooting from the start?

“What exactly is Robot Girl thinking now? ”

The party helplessly lifted its steps and walked in the direction of the school building.

Target, that's the roof.


School rooftops are very cold at night.

Anyway, this school island is situated at sea, and at night, when the sea breezes come, it's impossible to warm up to anywhere.

And the door to the roof was not closed.

The square leads down the stairs to the roof.

Look straight ahead.

The cold wind blew from the other side of the sky.

In the wind, a girl colder than the wind stood there like a statue, moving.

Wearing a uniform of high martial arts detection.

Hold the sniper in your hand.

Put a headset on your head.

Face, face without expression.


They whispered each other's names.

Originally, the relationship between the party and Reggie was not close, it was just a few missions with each other.

Even if it's an S-level martial arts detective, it doesn't mean that feelings must be good.

Not to mention, with Reggie's personality, you can't imagine how well her relationship with someone turned out.

So, there's no such thing as an association with Reggie dating herself in such a late night.

“Time to tell me, huh?” The party went straight to the point and said to Reggie, "What brings me here? ”

The words in the square finally gave a slight reaction to a girl standing in the wind like a statue.

Of course, it's just a little bit.

Reggie lifted her curtains and looked up at the square. She still didn't carry any expression on her face. After half a silence, she said so.

“The wind, it got messy. ”

Unbeknownst words, you can't help but pick your eyebrows.

--" Wind ".

As long as you're talking to Reggie, you can always hear the word.

Reggie seemed to think of the so-called wind as a specific object and was able to read the so-called wind and learn about certain things.

As Reggie once said to Fangli, Fangli encounters events that make a huge difference around her.

That statement is very similar to a result that Snow and Fong once divulged.

And in fact, the incident did happen in the square.

For example, the Il-Phantom event.

The eventual result of that incident was that Arya inherited the shell.

Moreover, the process of inheritance seems to have undergone some unexpected changes due to the fact that the party had almost killed the bomb.

So, you know, there's a lot of vortex going around you.

It's just, what's Reggie's point this time?

That's when Reggie suddenly asked.

“Fangli classmates.” Reggie asked, “How's your relationship with Arya? ”

“Me and Arya?” Fang Li was surprised.

That robot Reggie, he asked about something like gossip?

Of course, since it's Reggie's word, that's definitely not why I'm asking.

So here's what we said: "What if I said that our relationship wasn't very good? ”

Rumor has it that Reggie's expression hasn't changed a bit, so she says: "In that case, nothing will happen. ”


Does that mean you can go home when things haven't happened tonight?

Thinking of this, she squinted her eyes and asked, “So what if I said I had a good relationship with Arya? ”

In a word, Reggie raised her head.

“That won't work. ”

Unprecedented strong tone, Reggie said so.

“You can't get too close to Arya. ”

With the passage of this phrase, Reggie began to feel a little pressure on her.

How can you not understand what that means?

This is a sign of imminent action.

“What's the matter?” She looked straight at Reggie and said with a smile, “Do you want to do it with me? Reggie?”

The query in exchange for a voice without any Angyanton frustration.

“No, I won't do it with you. ”

Reggie's faceless voice.

“The wind tells me that once I do it with you, I will not have any chance of winning. ”

That's what she said, but Reggie put up a sniper gun in her hand.

It wasn't until then that we noticed.

Reggie's sniper gun has been replaced.

Previously, Reggie used a Dragonov semi-automatic sniper rifle, a gun from the former Soviet Union, with a very strong armor penetration capability and a very long range, but with low accuracy.

Now Reggie's gun is a Barrett M82A1 sniper rifle.

With this gun, Reggie said something like that.

“Although I am not a rival of Fong Li classmates, that does not mean that I am not an rival of Arya. ”

“So I'll kill Arya. ”