Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1736: Distressed Territories


Blood, like a pat on the ground, suddenly stained the snow, making the colors of the bright red extremely dazzling.

“Uhhhhhhhhhh...! ”

Two villagers who had been torn limbs had fallen to the ground and cried out in agony.

“Knock...! ”

“Knock...! ”

And the two rabbits who tore off the arms and thighs of the villagers with their tiny mouths, with their lovely screams, ate the arms and thighs that were thicker than their own between two and three strokes.

Suddenly, the flesh on the arms and thighs was torn, chewed, and swallowed at an alarming rate, and eventually even the bones were eaten by two rabbits in a "clicking" eating sound.

This process took less than two seconds.

In less than two seconds, two palm-sized rabbits ate the arms and thighs of two adult males.

With such a terrible appetite, the rabbits jumped one after the other, pounding over at the villagers who were crying on the ground.

That's the real countdown to death.

If it was at the rate of eating just now, everyone had reason to believe that in a matter of seconds, the two villagers would be instantly eaten up by the rabbit's community, leaving no bones behind.

This is the trickiest, most troublesome and most difficult appetite incarnation of the three great warcraft - the Rabbit.

Just as this bunch of rabbits was about to swallow two villagers...

“Buzz ————! ”

A beam of light suddenly swept past and evaporated the snowstorm, while falling hard on a bursting rabbit.

“Psst! ”

In the sharp scream, the rabbits devoured by the beam were extinguished with a scream, as if they had been burned out by the flame, with no hair left.

As for the remaining rabbits, they were slaughtered by the Light Sword.

“Pfft! ”

In the crackling sound, the sword-shaped brilliant weapon crosses a beautiful trajectory, and several rabbits will be cut in half in the future, causing the blood of the warcraft to fly in mid-air.

Sylvia just went from gun-shaped to sword-shaped with a brilliant weapon in her hand, slaughtering the rabbit as she murdered him.

“Come on, get out of here! ”

In the tone, there was a slight anxiety.

“Are you all right? ”

“Come on, lean on the old man! ”

Rem and Lutz immediately came behind Sylvia, carrying both villagers behind their backs.

“Knock...! ”

“Knock...! ”

And the bunny group, almost integrated with the snow scene, screamed like anger, pounding over Sylvia.

But before that, Goki had started singing.

“Boom --! ”

A raging wind shook like a shockwave, blowing up all the rabbits coming this way, even pushing the surrounding snow storm away, making the surrounding area a blank zone.

“Now! ”

At Sylvia's direction, Rem and Lutz took the wounded villagers in the direction of the cathedral.

However, there are not only two villagers in the village.

“Help... help! ”

“No... no! ”

The rest of the villagers were also caught in total panic, crying and fleeing in the direction of the cathedral.

Had it not been for the fact that the villagers were human and Asian hybrids, they would have more or less been able to fight and perhaps had died or been injured.

Even so, many people were devoured of their flesh and parts and cried out in agony as a result of violent attacks by avalanche-like rabbits.


Sylvia bit her lip and was taken a step ahead when she was about to sing to save the dying villagers.

“Pfft! ”

A pair of palms curled into claws and took a sharp ray and tore the rabbit down on the wounded villagers.

“What are you touching fish for!? ”

Garfield yelled at a crowd of villagers.

“Garfield!? ”

“Plus boy!? ”

Both the villagers and Grandma Lutz were surprised.

In exchange for Garfield's roar.

“Run! Do you want to die? ”

With the roar of Gaffir, the villagers reacted, holding the wounded, opening the way, running away with Rem and Lutz in the direction of the cathedral.

And Sylvia and Garfield chose the opposite.

“I can't believe the woman next to this guy is so strong. He likes strong females! ”

“Thank you for the compliment, but now cover the villagers to the cathedral! ”

Garfield had a brief conversation with Sylvia.

When the two broke, they killed the rabbit and took all the villagers to the cathedral.

The cathedral, as its name suggests, is a huge cathedral, but it appears to be old as a relic.

“Come on!”

“Get in there! ”

At the behest of Rem and Lutz, each of the villagers fell into the cathedral with blood and wounds.

Sylvia and Garfield also jumped into the door.


As soon as you enter the cathedral, Sylvia sings loudly.

“Psst! ”

A gleam immediately blossomed, turning it into a barrier that covered the entire cathedral.

“Knock...! ”

“Knock...! ”

A huge number of rabbits jumped, but they all hit the barrier and got bounced out.

“That's amazing.” Garfield said in a striking way, "Can't you actually solve this by yourself? ”

Sylvia didn't stop singing, but shook her head in the dark.

Her abilities, as it is called, besides the healing system, are all-powerful and can achieve a wide variety of effects, but all-powerful is inherently weak.

One is that a song can only achieve one ability.

One is the drastic depletion of star power.

The latter, because Sylvia's current INT (mystery) has grown much higher than before, coupled with equipment that is reducing consumption and recovering, basically, so long as Sylvia stays calm, don't worry about it.

But the former is an absolutely insurmountable limitation.

In such cases, even if Sylvia sings a song that can cause widespread attacks, there is no guarantee that all rabbits will be killed.

And as long as all rabbits cannot be killed, no matter how many rabbits Sylvia kills, the rest of the rabbits will split and replenish the quantity.

If Sylvia is able to use both abilities at the same time, then all rabbits can be captured together and extensively attacked, eliminating all rabbits.

Sylvia can't do this without using only one capability.

Besides, there are tens of thousands of rabbits, and it's not that simple to capture them all and gather them together.

If you miss one, you'll lose everything.

“Props may solve this problem…”

After all, in the fairy's cloth bag, there are magic props that contain bursting magic.

With that, Sylvia can do it as long as she gathers the rabbits together with her abilities and then blows them up with bursting magic.

The problem is that once Sylvia does that, the rabbit will kill a lot of villagers before singing.

In addition to Sylvia's need to capture all the rabbits and to make sure that it is enough to kill all the rabbits, it is also necessary to protect the villagers who have been attacked by a large number of warcraft.

How easy would it be to talk about these three conditions simultaneously?

So, Sylvia wanted to get away with it and protect the villagers, but she shouldn't be able to successfully crusade the rabbit.

This is also the toughest part about rabbits.