Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 1775: Reunion Every Other Year

After entering here, it was discovered that the water feather pavilion was essentially a Japanese hotel.

To describe it, it's like a spa.

And in the hotel, the staff were dressed in yukata, and even some of the guests were dressed in yukata, which surprised Amelia and Beatrice.

“It feels completely different from the outside world. ”

“Betty also has the feeling of entering a different world. ”

This kind of evaluation makes all the cubes a little sloppy.

If Nanaka was here, would you say that?

“What's it like to go back to another world? It's like coming home! ”

That's what happened.

For the modern man, the Water Feather Pavilion is the familiar landscape, but this magical and warcrafted world is the real different world.

So, when Amelia and Beatrice twitched, they just swept around and took their gaze back.

Undoubtedly, this manifestation was discovered by Anastasia, who had been observing the square.

“I thought everyone who came here for the first time would be surprised. I didn't think there seemed to be any shortcomings for Sir. ”

Anastasia seemed unfortunate and seemingly profound.

“It is increasingly felt that Fang Liqing is unpredictable. As Li Gatu said, it is you who is the most difficult. ”

Anastasia couldn't wait to react, so she ran away and continued to lead the way.

She looked at Anastasia with a cute, playful smile, and her eyes flashed slightly when she talked to Amelia.

“What a fox...”

This is also the most suitable term to describe Anastasia.

If Amelia is naive and kind, Kudoshu is just right, Philutte is unrestrained, and Priscilla is a bully, then Anastasia gives the party a sense of attack.

Whether it was the initial invitation or the first time we met, Mavi showed the other party's intention to test this side.

It was even argued that the sly businessman in front of him would not mind using any means as long as he was able to achieve his purpose.

“It really fits the image of a wealthy businessman...”

And without that, it wouldn't be worth being called one of the most likely candidates to win the throne with Kudoshu, would it?

The difference is that the expectations of Kudoshu come from their beliefs and insistence, while Anastasia is better at using the means.

So, here's what we think.

“Of all the alternates to the throne, perhaps this is the woman who should be most alert...”

With this idea in mind, she held Beatrice's hand in her corner unconsciously because she was afraid of life, and looked at Amelia in conversation with Anastasia, led by Reus, and came to one of the rooms.

Isn't this the biggest, most spacious dining hall in the Water Feather Pavilion?

Based on the size of the door, it should be enough for a restaurant with dozens or so of people.

Instead of opening the door directly, Rius took Anastasia's place and knocked respectfully first.

“Excuse me, a new guest has arrived. ”

After that, Rius pushed the door open, allowing the view of the dining hall to enter everyone's eyes.

In this case, the next second, the square and Amelia held together.

Only, in the dining hall, someone already arrived first.

That is the combination of the two servants of the Lord.

The owner was a noble girl dressed like a military uniform, full of charm.

The servant was a cat's ear in a light dress and an elderly swordsman dressed as a deacon.

Looking at these three, Amelia was surprised.

“Lord Kudoshu? ”

The noble master in military uniform, is Coolidge.

And those two servants, of course, are Phyllis and Wilhelm.

“So you're here? ”

As if there had already been speculation, Kudoshu came before the people.

“Long time no see, Amelia. ”

Kudoshu first smiled at Amelia.

“I haven't seen a white whale since the crusade, and I'm relieved to see that you're all right. ”

Phyllis and Wilhelm also came forward as Coopers greeted them.

“Long time no see. I'm so sorry, Lord Amelia. ”

Wilheim Bishop saluted the bending courtesy.

“Yo, Lord Amelia, how have you been? ”

Phyllis was naughty and saluted a gift, a malicious look.

“What are you doing here? ”

Amelia hasn't reacted from surprise yet.

In this regard, Kudoshu was also slightly oblivious and turned to Anastasia.

“Didn't you tell Amelia we were invited, too? ”

When he said that, Kudoshu had no affection for Amelia, but was wary.

Apparently, Kudoshu seems to be watching out for Anastasia.

Anastasia smiled as if she hadn't noticed.

“We just wanted to surprise you. ”

Obviously, that was a straightforward statement, and it didn't let Coop explain it.

However, Kudoshu was not pursued either.

“Never mind, if I can see a friend here who fought side by side with me in the past, I will express my pleasure frankly. ”

So Ku Yuxiu also looked into the square and revealed a powerful smile.

“Sir seems to be doing well, too. ”

Rumor has it, the square smiles back.

“No illness, no pain, it's a good life. ”

Such an answer, however, attracted the tune of Phyllis.

“Not only is it going well, but it's going well, isn't it meow?” Phyllis came to the side of the square with his elbow against the side belly of the square, twisting: “But in Wang Du, he heard the bravery of the kisses, his ears were cocooned, like he had a contract with the rumored elf or something, and he also crusaded the rabbit, which scared the meow. ”

“This is the legendary elf, isn't it?” Wilheim also looked at Beatrice and sighed after a while: "So it would be rude to be able to feel extraordinary spirituality and power. ”

“Being able to feel that Betty is different, you're also kind of a guy who barely made it to the stage.” Beatrice lifted her chin slightly and her arrogant style remained the same, “Betty forgave you for being your friend in the party. ”

“Thank you very much.” Wilheim bowed his head again.

The long-delayed reunion seems to raise some mood on both sides.

And when you look at all of this, Anastasia also looks like she's smiling.

But that's what I said.

“Well, there is a lot of sympathy, and it seems that the rumors that Camp Kudoshu and Camp Amelia have allied themselves to each other should be true. ”

In a nutshell, it makes people feel a little higher.