Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Chapter 582: Catholic Sacred Religion

In Mohe City, Zhang Zeyang and Xiao Linger clashed in the liquor tower, Zhang Jia insisted that Rock bring the elite family to the house.

The cracks above the ground and Zhang Zeyang, who crawled on the ground and refused to get up, and the five men who could not fall beside him.

Zhang Yan's face at the door looked so gloomy that he called the paperman over and asked, "Tell me what happened. ”

Five great martial artists actually died. One great martial artist lost his elite fighting power in Mo River City. Five people died suddenly. Zhang Yan was not in a good mood.

The small page warily said things over and over again. Zhang Yan used to pull Zhang Zeyang up and said nervously: “Sir, don't talk to him. The young master is in a bit of a mood. ”

Zhang Yan glanced at him and didn't care. He insisted that I was his old man. What's wrong with waking him up?

“Fuck off, asshole. Didn't you hear me? Grandpa's face hurts so much that he doesn't want to wake up. Now whoever screams won't wake up.” When he heard the sound of footsteps, he lay down in Zhang Zeyang and immediately woke up loudly.

Zhang Yan's face changed and he kicked directly into the past. Zhang Zeyang's whole person immediately banged and was kicked off.

After seeing that the visitor was Zhang Yan, Zhang Zeyang hurriedly climbed up on the ground. He could climb halfway there. It was like something terrible was in his mind, and he quickly fell back on his knees.

“Dad, I really can't get up right now. Leave me alone. Let me stay here for the night. I'm not feeling well right now.” Zhang Zeyang on the ground cried and said.

Zhang Yan scolded: “Crap, take him back, and bring the bodies of these five back to Lord Embassy for examination. ”

“No, I'm already here. ”

In the lobby, sometime, a young martial artist in black fell from the roof.

The black robe is embroidered with many ancient patterns to make the whole person look solemn and mysterious.

When Zhang Yan saw this man, he hurried to his respects and said: "Visit Lord Apostle. ”

Ignoring Zhang Yan's attitude, the black messenger directly began examining the bodies of five people, turning one of them over and discovering that he had a blood hole in his eyebrow, which was the fatal cause of death.

He opened his hand and sucked, and the man's head began to shake left and right, as if something was stuck dead in it.


A tiny piece of debris flew out of the blood hole, rubbing a sound, the moment the fragment flew out.

The overwhelming power spread, and the body's head burst open, grinding directly into powder.

The surrounding Zhang family martial artists, including Zhang Yan, were all frightened and pale. The power that has remained for a long time is so powerful, how powerful is the person who did it?

The masked man looked at the fragment in his hand and was somewhat surprised: “This is a fragment of a medium spiritual stone, the man who did it is quite large. ”

Zhang Yan asked cautiously: "My apostle, how is this man's strength? ”

The man in black said faintly: “Zhongping Wu Wang, leave me to handle this, call all the men in the store, the man must have been here, you can judge by asking carefully. ”

Zhong Pinwu Wang, Zhang Yancheng is tight, Xiao family owners only have the strength of Pinwu Wang, this person has the strength of Zhong Pinwu Wang, isn't it easy to kill him.

Fortunately, however, when Lord Ambassador has spoken, the King of Chinese Pin Wu is not a problem.


In the backyard of the blacksmith shop, Murfan drank a sip and sighed after hearing Xiao Chen's question: "When you wrote to me to help take care of Xiao family, I kept it in mind, but this time I really couldn't help you. ”

Xiao Chen's heart moved and there was something else to hide. In the morning, he received news of the sudden and serious injury of Xiao family members and elders from the mouth of the shop's junior year.

He had already thought that there must be some secrets in this, so he was not in a hurry to meet with Xiao Linger, intending to hide his identity first.

Four years ago, Xiao Xiong had the strength of the peak Wuzheng, and now four years later, with Xiao Xiong's strength, there must be a Wuwang-level cultivation. The figure who can seriously injure him must be a high-ranking Wuwang.

If Zhang Jia spends a little money accumulating, please go to the Lower Wu Wang, there is still a possibility, but if you want to hire a higher Wu Wang, then they will not be able to afford it.

If he could afford it, Mo River City would have been unified by his Zhang family, and there was no need to wait until about 10 years.

Mofan continued: "Two years ago, Kaji County came to a Catholic sect called Catholicism, very powerful. Your father was injured by the messenger in their door, and Zhang family is also a puppet supported by the Catholic Church. ”

Xiao Chen sipped a sip of wine gently and frowned: “Catholicism, what is it? Never heard of it. ”

Murfan said: “I have carefully investigated the holy teachings on this day, and the beginning is big and mysterious. I already have a slight speculation, but I am not sure yet, so I will say I am sure! ”

“There are six small towns in the county, each with Catholic-supported puppets, which unknowingly control the entire underground forces of the county. ”

“I spent some time visiting several other counties and discovered that several counties had Catholic subdivisions, all in the same way supporting puppets to control an entire county's underground forces. ”

“It seems that there is now a Catholic sub rudder throughout the Great Qin Nation, except that they are all operating in the county city and do not go to the state capital city, so not much attention has been paid. ”

Xiao Chen thought about it, but didn't think about it too deeply. It seems that this day the Holy Church is just a small-time mess. After all, it is the development of one's own force that is the way of the king.

Such a small-time mess, when he really pisses off the powerful sect, he can come to a Wuhuang to destroy the solution of draining decay.

There was a rough bottom in my heart, Xiao Chen said: "You told me about Catholicism at the headquarters in Lingzi County, and I went there myself. ”

One Zhang family is easily extinguished, but the other party can support the other Zhang family at any time, so you have to solve the problem from the source and be afraid of the other party.

“Don't say that, I'll give you something.” After getting the answer, Xiao Chen turned his head and took out the nine Thousand Thunder attribute demon nucleus. "In addition to this, I'd like to ask you a favor. ”

Mofan took over the demon nucleus, his face changed dramatically, shouting: “This is the ninth order demon and beast demon nucleus for thousands of years. Where did you get this, you bastard, where is it now? ”

Xiao Chen smiled slightly: “The demon beasts of the last thousand years are all Wusheng level, I will definitely kill no, this is from a friend. I want you to help me reinsert this nine-stage thunder nuke into the Moon Shadow Knife. Can you do that? ”

"Leave it to me," said Murfan. "With the prescription you gave me, my leg is still a little crippled, but the meridians are finally working. I haven't stepped in place for the past four years. ”

Without the slightest hesitation, Murfan directly agreed, holding the Moon Shadow Knife and the Demon Nucleus in his hand, and refused Xiao Chen's help to walk directly towards the underground forging room.

“Catholicism, I hope it's not a big deal.” After Mofan left, Xiao Chen muttered.

In any case, Xiao Jia was his root in the world, and Xiao Chen could not have watched Xiao Jia's difficulties without making a move.

That way, he would not leave without peace of mind, some anxiety, and his heart would not calm down.

Re-melting the Moon Shadow Knife is expected to take a while. Xiao Chen did not want to waste it. He took out two superior spirit stones and went straight into the cultivation state in the courtyard.

Two hours later, Xiao Chen's heart subsided and felt a powerful breath, detecting him with perception.

Opening his eyes, God immediately probed out and saw a strange man in black on a roof a kilometer from the blacksmith's shop, staring at him in this direction with a bad eye.

The black-clothed man retracted his perception and whispered: “White clothes, five officers Qingxiu, will not be older than 22 years old, looks like this person, but doesn't look like a good deal. ”

“Are you looking for me? ”

A sudden noise sounded behind him. The black man heard a dramatic change of speech and looked back quickly. He only saw Xiao Chen appear sometime. He looked at him with no expression.