Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Chapter 1272: Who Walks With Who

However, the situation does not appear to have progressed in the direction foreseen by Xiao Chen.

After the Thunder Fire King fell in the summer, I saw this group of pirates riding beasts, I was very happy, I was saddened not to have a chance to perform, it was timely that this group of pirates arrived.

Covering the joy in his heart, Summer fell on his face with anger: “A bunch of garbage, get the hell out of here, or don't blame me for being vicious and vicious. ”

“Ha ha, where's the little white face, you want to learn from other heroes to save beauty too. On your knees begging for forgiveness will keep you alive, but you women have to stay with us. ”

“That's right, we're not interested in men. Get lost if you want to live. ”

A bunch of pirates burst into laughter, ignoring the summer fall, all looking at the moon ice cloud with their eyes open.

In their eyes, the moon ice cloud is like a fairy, and their body is even more luxurious. Likewise, her waist is full, her temperament is dusty, her skin is shiny, her eyes are beautiful, she is as agile as autumn water, and she has endless charm.

“Kill the little white face and take the girl back.” The head of the prestigious pirate, looking at the moon ice cloud, the more heartbeat he looked, he couldn't help but roar.

Summer stepped forward and stopped in front of the Moon Ice Cloud. “Ice Cloud, these pieces of junk, just leave it to me to deal with, lest you get your hands dirty. ”

When the voice fell, he stamped his hands and then quickly opened his hands. A group of magical flames were struck by him into the pirates.

The subtle impression of fire is that there is no entity, and in a moment of light, it ends up in these pirates, and there is no resistance.

It made the pirates feel strange, but after a good luck check, it didn't get in the way, and one smiled and continued to rush over.

“Pretending to be a god, watching me tear you apart! ”

Dozens of pirates jumped out of the air and slaughtered him hard in the past. If they were surrounded, they would be in real trouble.

Xia Yue smiled coldly: “I don't even know how to learn the thunderbolt of my Xia family. Dead! ”

Shouted, Summer set finger to the sky, a flash of lightning split the sky, immediately followed by a thunderbolt.

In the moment when the thunder sounded, the warrior, who had been previously imprinted by fire, instantly turned red. Then the explosion exploded, and his body was like gunpowder, and he was bleeding to death.

That rumbling thunder, like a lead for explosives, killed most of the pirates around the summer.

The rest of them were still alive, scared and frightened. The festivities killed by the summer fall were defeated and wolfed.

The pirate leader riding the beast called out badly and hurried: “Retreat. ”

Many pirates who had long had no heart to fight, immediately retreated back like a tide and disappeared into the sight of the two.

Summer was cheerful, her face filled with the smile of spring wind. “Ice clouds, are you okay? ”

The moon ice cloud color did not fluctuate at all, politely said: “Mr. Xia, it's better to call me moon ice cloud. Thank you for your help. ”

The look was a little embarrassing, Summer said: “You're fine, the journey is dangerous, the pirates come and go frequently, but with me, it's enough to keep you safe. ”

On the reef, Xiao Chen was somewhat disappointed. If it hadn't been for Summer, the Moon Ice Cloud would have saved itself.

The mysterious veil of the other party can definitely be slightly unveiled, what strength has reached.

However, this summer's martial arts also aroused his curiosity by printing a thunderbolt into the fighter. Then it detonated with thunder, and it was fantastic.

After a moment of reflection, Xiao Chen learned a little about the thunderbolt, and after thinking through it, he wasn't as godly as he looked.

The flame mark of the material that appears to be selected, in a moment when it touches the true element of the Warrior's Body Protector, turns into zero, turning into countless tiny forces, penetrating the Body Protector's True element like air.

Then through the pores, glued to the surface of the Martial Art's skin, the inner sight of the mind, naturally unable to find anything unusual in the body.

As for how to explode these scattered imprints with thunder and lightning, only secrets that have seen the thunderbolts can be known, and only a rough one can be known by surface observation.

However, this step can be seen. Xiao Chen has solved this thunderbolt.

The trip to the Black Sea surprised him a lot, and the trip was unblemished.

Whether it was the former pirate leader's hunting world or the thunderbolt of the summer before him, it was a unique martial arts technique that opened one's eyes.

“Uh, Miss Moon, can we go? ”

The pirates were solved, but the moon ice cloud was not in a hurry to leave. There seemed to be some new discoveries, and Summer Down asked curiously.

Moon Ice Cloud seemed to determine something, smiling: “No rush, I ran into a friend, wait for him. ”

“Friend? Where, why didn't I see it. ”

Summer's eyes flashed a hint of nervous divinity. The Quartet watched, but Xiao Chen, 100 miles away, was not known who Moon Ice Cloud was talking about.

Yue Bingyunguan smiled and opened his mouth back, saying a few dumb words.

“Young Master Xiao, when else do you see it? ”

Jian Xiao Chen, who had been observing on the reef, looked at him for a moment, a hundred miles away, and the moon ice cloud also found his presence.

“So acutely sensing you, how much stronger than it is this summer.” Xiao Chen whispered to himself, guessing in his heart that it was probably when he shot each other with his own mind, which caused the moon ice cloud to be alarmed.

Since it has been discovered, there is no need to hide. Xiao Chen's foot is a little more pointy, walks on the water, and steps on the thunder dragon.

Three thunder dragons dive in the water, four thunder dragons dance beside each other, and three circle over their heads.

With the green dragon tending cloud trick changed the thunder dragon step, the momentum is huge, it is also more suitable for Xiao Chen himself. Used with care and in combat, it fits perfectly with your own martial arts.

Half a minute, a hundred miles away, Xiao Chen arrived easily, his feet were a little above the water, ten thunder dragons flew into him.

The tremendous noise, instantly disappeared, showed Xiao Chen's strong control over the thunder dragon stride, send and receive casually, the progress and retreat are all in between.

Slowly drifting to the moon ice cloud, Xiao Chen fell, did not bring half a splash of water, calmly said: “It was a little unexpected, I didn't expect to meet Miss Moon here. ”

“Oh, how can you just come here to practice in the Black Sea? I'm not allowed to come here. I also have the Zhuan Emperor to fix it.” The moon ice cloud laughed softly.

“Mr Xia introduced my friend Mo Yun from Kunlun Mainland. ”

Mo Cloud?

I don't know why the moon ice cloud is hiding my identity. However, this is also good, in the Black Sea, although I know that there are not many Green Dragon Kings, I can use an alias to save some trouble.

Xiao Chen did not veto, consider it acquiescent.

Summer smiled happily and after greeting Xiao Chen, he asked: "I don't know, where is Brother Mo's destination for this trip? ”

“Black Water City.” Xiao Chen said honestly.

Summer's color changed and a slight smile flashed in her eyes. “Really, Brother Mo, think about it. ”

This is already a bright threat, let Xiao Chen change his itinerary and leave him alone with the Moon Ice Cloud.

Crazy, Xiao Chen's heart cursed in secret, looking at each other faintly: “Am I wrong, I know better than you, don't worry Xia Brother. ”

When Xia Sunset heard this, his face couldn't help but be shady and extraordinarily powerful. This guy couldn't understand his clear suggestion.

Moon Ice Cloud said with a smile in due course: "Then it seems that this trip to Blackwater City can go with Prince Mo. ”

Between words, I simply ignored Summer Fall and made each other uncomfortable for a while.