Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Chapter 1633: Pain to Peak Heartlessness

Too far, these four words apply wherever they are.

Like this wonderful rain of flowers and fireworks, taking the pole of yin and yang, dancing in the sky. There is no such thing as a beautiful view of the world, beyond sight.

But the beauty is too much, and it's not a good thing when these 10,000 sparks explode together. It's the Sickle of Death, much more terrifying than the toughest beast.

Xiao Chen didn't have the effort to admire the beauty of the scenery, nor did he think about the consequences of the landing of the kaleidoscope. He had more important things to do.

He's going to kill people!

On three occasions, the request to leave was not allowed. From the moment Tian Yi Immortal is aggressive, threatening him to belong together, forcing him to defeat, the intent to kill in his heart quietly erupts.

And now it's unstoppable, unwilling to stop.

And let this killing intent, in the heart, flutter in every cell in the body.

A man cannot be soft and decisive if he wants to be harsh and kill himself.

Yes, Xiao Chen refused politely when he asked for forgiveness.

Who knows about you, whether you will no longer have extraneous branches, whether you will no longer make small tactics.


In the Tai Chi knife domain, the infinite knife deliberately transformed into Yin Yang Er Long, roaring away. In the wind, devour the Immortal Heaven and the Immortal Undermoon.

Boo! Boo! Boo!

Two storms formed, and in the midst of the storm, there was a constant noise. Each dragon, made up of 500 knives, converges using the Tai Chi knife domain, and when it erupts, it will constantly attack the target.

The strength of 500 people, combined, Xiao Chen will feel a little overwhelmed, let alone the two immortals.

After half a noise, a little light came out of the storm, the essence that dissipated after the defense magic treasure was crushed.

Deep eyes, a little cold, flashing away.

On the throne, Xiao Chen is like a tense bowstring, probing out, like a ghost shadow. With seven blades of sin and jealousy in his hand, he lifted his knife and fell, waved his knife and danced.

Lawless knife method, fourth move, heartbreaking.

This move breaks the heart, breaks the self, then breaks the enemy. When this knife was cut out, Xiao Chen's heart broke and the pain spread all over her body. Because of the pain, that's why the bones are engraved, because of the pain, it provokes all the anger in the heart.

Broken hearts are the most negative emotions and the most aggressive of all.

Xiao Chen was hesitant to create this knife. Because of the pain, the edge, the boundless, the abyss of hatred and jealousy, there is no end.

Once caught in, it is likely not to pull itself out, and the power of the knife tactics may exceed control.

It is not the knife of man, but the knife of man, who has become a demonic.

But nobody is perfect, nothing is perfect, and there can be no perfect knife. After much deliberation, Xiao Chen still created the knife, deliberately turning it into a flaw in the knife-free method.

There is no perfect knife path, there is no perfect person, some are just a heart pursuing indispensability, which is the essence of the knife-free method.

The storm dissipated, the two Immortals threw up blood and retreated, panicked and quickly changed their techniques.

Late, Xiao Chen is waiting too long for this moment.

Just moments after the storm, the corner of the mouth spilled a bit of blood, spreading a green and evil light on Xiao Chen. He appeared in the field of vision, terrified, frightened his hands and feet slightly, and broke his liver and gallbladder.

Heavenly Immortal, deeply regretted, threatened such a fierce man.

The fall of flowers in no way affects the other party's mood, but rather reinforces the other party's intent to kill.

I knew it, he would never, ever let out such harsh talk.

Pu Pu!

The blood splashed, the flesh of the two, at the moment of contact with the knife body, broke up, turned into dust, and fell into the blood lake.

Two little humanoid lights burst out, possessed over the treasure of life, like a laser movie, quickly wandering away.

“The Shadow Knife King, wait. Today his body will be destroyed with vengeance. He will surely pay in blood on that day. ”

“You have no idea who you've offended, the big man behind Penglai Immortal Sea, you can't piss it off! ”

The two resentments appeared in Xiao Chen's mind: the Immortal Venerable of the Undermoon and the Immortal Venerable of Heaven.

Xiao Chen looked at these two former babies like a bereaved dog, lazy to ignore them, jealous blade, bounced back to the throne.

In both eyes, two points of light flashed and then quickly rotated.

Right index finger, gently, glistening with glow in your eyes. The fingertips pop out, a tiny Tai Chi Yin Yang flame map, and then it expands.

At the end of the day, expand to cover the entire lake, dragging the flowers of the sky gently.

The power of the inner chaos is instantly halved, and you can look at the ten thousand petals that fall just over half a metre above your head.

It's worth it!

The intense feeling of exhaustion in his mind came, Xiao Chen just lay down, the throne sensed, flew to catch Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen, lying on the throne, slightly narrowed his eyes and poorly drained the corner of his mouth.

Xiao Chen was exhausted and wounded in order to chase away these two great immortals. Not only does it consume emptiness, it is also severely overdrained, and the heart is wounded.

Luckily, however, he finally expelled the two great Immortals and preserved the Sacred Coffin.

If you look closely, you can actually see that under Xiao Chen's weak appearance. Hidden in his right eye is a flash of the world, his strongest baseboard thunder god's eye, which is already running quietly.

At the moment, it is far from really able to rest, the weak appearance, just Xiao Chen's illusion.

Holy Virgin Tian Xuan, this little three has repeatedly reminded the person to pay attention, Xiao Chen has never relaxed his vigilance.

Beautiful to the extreme, the demonic divine Virgin of Tianxuan, silent in silence, appeared in front of Xiao Chen.

He glanced lightly at Xiao Chen, and his right eye seemed to pause for such a moment.

“What was the last knife called?” Holy Virgin Tian Xuan asked.

“Broken hearts. ”

“Good name, I had such a sword many years ago, called heartbreak. I didn't expect to see a knife of the opposite curve in a million years. You and I seem to have a lot of fortune. ”

Xiao Chen was not surprised that the other party practiced martial arts to the extreme, and then dispersed all the magic of forcibly practicing immortals.

“Wrong, you and I are not just unprovoked, but different. I do it intentionally, but you're used to it. If I guessed correctly, your sword broke your heart, and in the end, your whole heart was gone. ”

Xiao Chen did not slow down, continued: “It hurts to the peak and I have no heart to reconnect. This sword has no heart. I really want to see it. How powerful is it? ”

“How did you guess? ”

Tian Xuan Holy Virgin's eyes have changed color, but her face is still flawless, but she is still beautiful and astonishing, not to be left with a touch of red dust and vulgarity.

Xiao Chen quietly scattered the sharp light of his right eye. It is already certain that the other party did not intend to do so.

At that moment, when he was weakest, the other party didn't do it, and he took a breath of relief, but it was no longer so good to deal with.

Faced with the question of Holy Virgin Tian Xuan, Xiao Chen answered honestly: “From the first time I saw you, I felt strange, bright and beautiful to the extreme. Why are you still palpitating and afraid to approach. ”

“Just now when you said the sword that broke my heart, I suddenly realized that you had no expression, no smile, no tears, no pain, no trouble. Because you're simply, like, a heartless person. ”

Blessed Virgin of Heaven and Xuan, who has been silent for a long time, indeed seems to have been said.

The biggest secret can be discovered. The woman's face still has no fluctuations. I have to say, it is really chilling.

A heartless man, is he still human? Obviously not, inhuman is not a ghost, so the question before Xiao Chen had the answer.

Ghost Fairy, Tian Xuan Holy Virgin did become a ghost fairy back then, and is also a real ghost fairy.

Thinking about this woman, Xiao Chen guessed a possibility. The woman in front of her may just be a little sadistic of Tianxuan Virgin, who left Kunlun when the true Tianxuan Virgin became a ghost fairy.


Xiao Chen waved his hand and fell to the other side of the coffin. He said, "I have done what I promised. I helped you to hold the coffin. It is time for you to fulfill your promise. ”

Holy Virgin Tianxuan glanced at the Sacred Coffin and looked up: “No rush, promise me one last thing, all your demands will be met. ”