Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Chapter 2164: Dealing with Dandelion

Seeing Xiao Chen was somewhat confused, the Lord of the Three Palaces further explained: “Is it now a goddam in the general sense, a sort of living spirit, with its own wisdom. This is commonly referred to as Dandelion and can only be produced in the process of refining Kandal, although the odds are also very rare and are usually demons. ”

“But once the Dandelion is produced, it is more valuable to the refiner than the refiner itself. ”

Xiao Chen herself will refine some Dan ‘medicine’, the Third Hall Master explained this, I understand.

This is equivalent to an additional assistant to the refiner, who lives in a fire of bears and can observe the success and condition of the various‘ medicines' materials in the ring.

Even the supreme alchemist does not reach the level of knowledge of dandelion ‘medicine’ in the ‘medicine’.

“Understand? ”

"But it's a little difficult to ‘get’ it," continued the Third Hall Master. "Normally, Dandelion will have a sense of intimacy with his refiners. But the refiner, who had not known how many years he had died, was in a special situation, and I communicated several times without building a tree. ”

Xiao Chenru thought: “Let me try. ”

The Lord of the Third Hall did not have much hope: “Forget it, there is no need to force it. ”

Xiao Chen nodded, indicating that he understood that the sky jumped and fell on top of the 'medicine', and then jumped into the fire.

Inside is a world of flames. Xiao Chen knows that Danling cannot be found if he is to hide from himself.

We have to do something. We have to do something strange.

The so-called odd trick was to ‘force' Li ‘to seduce’, Xiao Chen was about to ask.

A child appeared in front of Xiao Chen, with a red belly pocket in front of him and a 'delicate’ little boy.

Angry look at Xiao Chen, angry: “It's you again, the last time I ‘smoked’ 10% of my ‘medicine’ ‘‘ sex ’, another old man tried to destroy me. If you're threatening me this time, you won't go out, we'll all die together. ”

Boom, boom!

‘Fine' little face, full of anger, looks incredibly cute.

But what they say is no joke.

Xiao Chen felt a little embarrassed and prepared to reintroduce him. I didn't expect the other party to launch a proactive attack.

Looking at it, only the entire flame in the ’medicine' ring is gathered here, forming a fiery fireball.

The divine literature ’medicine’ is deep, suddenly brilliant, hot ‘waves’ are overflowing.

The Third Hall Master outside was surprised: “What's going on in here, how does this Danling feel, like Xiao Chen has a deep hatred. ”


He jumped quickly and came to the top of the ‘medicine'. Looking down, he was shocked by the 'color’.

Just see the flames in every corner of the 'medicine', concentrated into a bright fireball, hovered in the middle of the 'medicine’, gathered undisturbed.

The Lord of the Third Palace burst out a spiritual force. After some difficult piercing of the fireball, Xiao Chen was found to be fine.

I don't know exactly what happened in there, but I'm in a bit of a hurry.

“Xiao Chen, how is it going? ”

“It's okay, I'll talk to him. ”

In the flame junction, Xiao Chen looked at the environment of the Quartet and was surprised at first.

But for a moment, it shocked me.

After all, Dan Ling is Dan Ling. The more often he manifests himself, the more timid he is.

Xiao Chen soothed: “Don't be impulsive. I'm not here to" smoke "your" medicine "or" sex "you. If you were spiritless, I might find a way to refine it. Now that I have the wisdom, I really can't say anything. ”

“I came this time to bring you a makeover. Look at you, stay in this flame for a long time. You don't have the guts to replenish it. Sooner or later, the spiritual ‘sex' has to spread, do you? ”

Dan Ling had a heart attack, but didn't want to admit defeat, the airway said: “So what? Anyway, if you want to ‘smoke’ me ‘medicine’ ‘‘ sex ’, and swallow me, I will go with you. ”

Speaking of this, Xiao Chen has completely gained certainty, and said calmly: “Are you cheap to turn me around like this? When you die, Shendan's prototype loses its intelligence, I refine it, and there will be no pressure. ”

“You... I'll blow myself up! ”

Dan Ling was said by Xiao Chen to have a midterm ending, said solemnly.

“It's not necessary, it's not good for everyone. As long as you promise to help me, I will not only refine you, but give you the resources to help you practice. Historically, it's not like there's no Dandelion, and then you succeed in getting rid of Kandal, and I can refine Kandal naturally. ”

Dan Ling's mind, a little shaky, but soon disappeared, and he said, “None of you humans deserve to believe, I will not cooperate with you. ”

That's it, I didn't expect Danling to be so stubborn.

Xiao Chen frowned slightly: “At least I'm half your master. If I hadn't suppressed the demons, you wouldn't have been born, would you really be willing to cooperate with me? ”

Dan Ling shook his heart again, but finally shook his head resolutely: “Don't do it. Sooner or later, you'll have to refine the alchemy. Nor do I take advantage of you. I just need to take a sip of the spiritual energy generated during refining. ”

Xiao Chen chuckled: “I don't know what I want you to do for me. Just say no. It seems like your first impression is really too bad. All you have to do is plasticize my dan in the alchemy and nourish a little bit of dan 'medicine’. In addition to the spirituality of the alchemy process, I will supplement you with other heavenly materials and earthly treasures to help you cultivate. ”

Danling said somewhat unbelievably, "Really? ”

“Naturally, I said so. To help you is to help myself, to give you resources, is to refine Kandane, you practice well, and Kandane is almost complete. By then, you will be able to survive without Kandal, and I can feel comfortable refining Kandal, why not do it. ”

Dan Ling bowed his head and fell into contemplation, obviously some were moved by Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen continued: “You can try it first, you won't lose anything anyway. ”

“Okay, I promise you, give it a try. ”

Danling finally agreed, waved away the flame, Xiao Chen ‘revealed’ a smile, vacated and flew out of the ‘medicine’.

“What do you say?” Lord Three asked nervously.

Xiao Chen nodded: “Yes, just give it a try. ”

“No problem! The resources given to him are not worth mentioning at all compared to the rewards received. Well, not only will my refining ‘medicine’ go even further, but the Temple of Heavenly Dragons may even change! ”

The Lord of the Third Palace said, "How did you do that?“ ”

This Danling didn't even want to see him. He tried to get in a few times, and each time he 'made’ his face dirty. Several times, I almost rolled out of the mouth of the 'medicine' scum 'hole.

The Lord of the Third Hall did not have much hope for a long time. He did not expect Xiao Chen to leave the horse and instantly take care of it.

Xiao Chen softly laughed: “Mainly, they would still give me the chance to meet. Although they almost killed me once they met, they finally convinced each other. ”

The Third Palace Lord looked at Xiao Chen Fox suspiciously: “What have you done to him? He frightened me so much. I thought he was going to explode. ”

Xiao Chen thought that saving people's hearts and minds at the time, directly ‘smoking’ the other party's 10% of the ‘drugs’ and 'sex’, was really a little cruel.

It's like a living person being "smoked" into a soul.

Without answering the question of the Third Hall Lord, Xiao Chen glanced at the divine ‘medicine’ Ding, and said: “Master Three Halls, this‘ medicine ’Ding can be‘ handed over ’to you for free use for a year. A year later, I will take it back. If the Third Hall mainly borrows its high-end Dan‘ medicine ’, there must be no problem. ”

Xiao Chen has his own thoughts. If Green Dragon Palace is rebuilt in the future, this‘ medicine ’will play a huge role.

Adventure to persuade Danling is also intended for his own green dragon pulse in the future.

The Lord of the Third Hall felt a sense of pity, but this‘ medicine ’was originally Xiao Chen's.

It was quite a makeover to let him use it for a year, and he said, "Well, what resources do you lack in the course of the year, so long as I can give it to you, you can just take it from me. ”

“Many thanks. ”

Lord Sanchong laughed: “Your son is still polite with me. Go back and get ready. The trip to Silver Dragon Palace is also an opportunity to open your eyes and take good advantage of it. ”
