Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation

Chapter 2312 Cultivation into Rapid Progression

“Turns out he's a senior high school apprentice at sunset, please come inside. ”

“I can't. I'm just a disciple. ”

Seeing the other party's self-reported family, Xiao Chen dared not slack, Lu Benwei arched his hand into the courtyard.

Sitting down, Xiao Chen asked: "Your Excellency is looking for me. What do you mean? ”

Lu Benwei took out a picture roll and handed it to Xiao Chenxiao: "This is from Master Xiao. ”

Xiao Chen wanted to spread out the scroll and look at it. Lu Benwei pressed the scroll and said: “Master Yuan had to wait for me to leave before he could watch it. ”

Weird thing, Xiao Chen's heart muttered, not forced.

“Then I'll leave Mr. Xiao alone. ”

“Wait a moment. ”

“How can you remain in the Holy Spirit of God in this world of the Vain, either the Vain, or a superpower disciple like me? ”

Lu Benwei laughed: “Emperor can also come in, just pay a price. As for me, the Master has helped me to obtain the permanent identity of the Holy Land God, and can freely enter the realm of the idols. But this permanent identity, even the honor of a teacher, is not easy, and being like me in God is rare. ”

“Oh, I'll give you a ride. ”

“You're welcome. ”

Stand up and send each other out the door. Xiao Chen grabbed the scroll and thought about it. In the trial tower, he defeated the statue of the other side and returned at dusk to give him a picture roll.

what do you mean

If you see yourself, why don't you show up face to face and take me as your disciple.

Xiao Chen was still happy to point out to himself and take him as a disciple.

Not only is it a pleasure, but it is also a desire, with the fingers of the mighty, and the fingers of the mighty without the mighty, which are really two different states.

With a hint of doubt, Xiao Chen stretched out the painting roll, just above the painting roll, there is a lake, out of the lake is the blue mountain, the lake is green and quiet.

Green mountains, green water, white clouds, idle clouds, wild cranes, flying in the sky, typical mountain water painting rolls.

The painter is delicate, the Shan Qingshui show, the scenery is enduring and thought-provoking... but that's all.

Axis drawing paper, ink paint, are all common, nothing special.

“Weird. ”

Ask the disciple to give me a painting for no good reason, not to see me, not to say much else, what does this senior mean?

Xiao Chen watched for a long time and could not see the true meaning of it. He had to shake his head helplessly and put it away.

“Let me just not delay things, three kilograms of source liquid is enough to keep me steady and possibly go even further. ”

Sighed lightly, Xiao Chen entered the secret room and began to dive.

In the evening palace, Lu Benwei respectfully said: "Master, the painting has been sent out, I did not say much else. ”

“Well, a year later, in giving him a second painting, if you don't understand, don't blame me for your future. ”

Stopped other phantom knives. After all, the evening heart was a little impatient, but I couldn't pull my face to see Xiao Chen.

The director came out helplessly, but Xiao Chen really didn't see anything.

Lu Benwei hid in his heart that his temper was so unresolved. He read the mountain painting for 10 years before realizing some sincerity. Among them, there is the teacher's honor dialing one or two from the side, which for no reason gives a painting, Xiao Chen will probably want to break his head at 1: 30 can't even make sense.

If you are obsessed with it and accidentally delay the time, it is truly misleading.

Of course, he can only say that in his heart, the master always does.

Evening glanced faintly at Lu Benwei and exclaimed: “For the master to know what you are thinking, for the master to do this, there is naturally my reason. Remember, you don't want to see him in private. Don't talk too much. Go on down. ”

Lu Benwei nodded and withdrew, but could not guess what was in Sunset's heart.

Seeing Lu Benwei go on, a sly glance flashed in the evening's eyes. "I already understood half of this painting when I was 200 years old. If you don't understand it, it's better than me..."

It turns out that at dusk, I was still uncomfortable in my heart, trying to compare with Xiao Chen.

Many years later, when Xiao Chen understood, he laughed. If you knew each other's temper, sold a blossom, and lost the battle, it wouldn't take so much to learn the true meaning of the demon knife.

Central World, Shenlong Empire, Golden Divine Dragon Lineage Ancestral Palace.

High above the throne, one wears a golden dragon robe, looks like a razor-sharpening axe, the diamond angle is clear, and sits on the throne.

It is Shenlong Empire, the highest power purple gold Dragon Emperor!

“Your Majesty, it has been confirmed that Xiao Chen did enter the Heavenly Alliance and has now appeared in the realm of fiction and is undergoing 10 years of painstaking repairs. The news just came that he broke the records on the first and second floors of the trial tower, which was astonishing, but that none of the impostors took him as a disciple? ”

Someone below knelt down and said respectfully.

Zijinlong heard that the face of the speech did not change color, and said faintly: “It is strange that there is no idolatrous apprentice with such potential. If no accident, ten years later, he will become emperor. What do you say? ”

“Time to kill! ”

The person underneath was a little nervous, but said softly.

“But he's in the Void God world, how do I do it? ”

“His Majesty will not be troubled when his subordinates have the means to do so. ”

Purple Dragon Emperor shrugged: “I didn't kill people, I didn't order them to kill them. Why bother? ”

The person underneath, his face slightly changed, his mouth twitched, nodded: “My people understand. ”

“Go on down. ”


When the people come to retreat, in the empty palace, there is only the Purple Dragon Emperor left.

Highly placed, in charge of the power of the Divine Dragon Empire to kill, but no one knows. Purple Golden Dragon Emperor muttered to himself: "Jiangshan... your good heir has really fought for you. But my golden dragon pulse will never break my hand, no one can stop it! ”

With a hint of chill in his eyes, the entire palace was suddenly frozen, and the golden and glorious dragon columns turned into ice columns under the spread of the cold.

Those who are studying in the Vain God Realm will certainly not know. Even in this Vain God Realm, they have not escaped the attention of some heartfelt people.

And I didn't mean to think about it, three kilograms of source fluid, which kept him locked up for a year.

A year later, he blinked and stayed in the secret room except for once. Relying on three kilograms of source fluid, combined with the help of the Blue Dragon God, it was repaired in a year to make rapid progress.

Only half a step away from the crown's peak, at the bottleneck, resources can no longer improve.

It takes some edges, not a shutdown to break through.

After consuming the source liquid, Xiao Chen began to practice the Nine Changes of the Upper Antiquity Law, and occasionally went to hide the Book Pavilion. In the meantime, Mu Yunzhu approached him once in order to fight him and was rejected by him.

Beyond that, for more than a year, Xiao Chen's days were as pale as water, and the days were not very volatile.

But in the virtual divine realm, it is lively and extraordinary. The struggle between the major super forces and each other is also wonderful.

In the Trial Tower, someone keeps breaking records and killing higher levels.

Everything, but Xiao Chen didn't have much to do with it. It wasn't too slow. Follow his planned steps and walk step by step.

The pace is unpleasant, but the footsteps are solid, the strength is sophisticated, the strength is steady and steady, one footprint at a time, and the point is not empty.

“There are so many divisions of power in the kingdom of man. ”

In the pavilion, Xiao Chen let go of a book, thoughtful.

It is quite normal for most people to get stuck in the cultivation after the King's peak, or for a thousand years, or a hundred years, the most spectacular people, the most talented people, maybe for decades.

The kingdom of man is the limit of man, and once it has been broken, it will begin to practice divinity. Taking this step is the separation of human gods, in which the gap, which is the word divide, is easily adjudicated.

Yes, there are also strong and weak, the closer to the Divine Vein Emperor, the stronger the strength.

The human king peak, generally has three major boundaries, the first is the anti-heavenly king. Such as Tian 'an's sons Lan, Ink Rain and Umon. Obviously more than a star and a half stronger than any other king of peaks, these people can be called anti-heavenly kings.

The first half of the Emperor is only half a step away from the Divine Vein Emperor. The most obvious sign is the integration of the Dojo and the Soul Power into the Spiritual Pool to form a divine seal!

For example, Mo Yunzhu, the Holy Land of Xuantian, is this realm. The first time Xiao Chen was seen, it was just a word. So let the rhyming sound, deep into Xiao Chen's soul, always echo, because it condensed into a divine seal.

Finally, the pseudo-emperor, to this realm. In fact, it has been removed from the realm of the King of Man, even able to convert the true element into a divine element, unable to penetrate the divine vein, is not a true divine emperor, called a pseudo-emperor.

In this realm, the king is invincible, the emperor is invincible, and hardly anyone can defeat him.

Among the four major super forces, Mixed Yuan Palace, Wujin Palace, Xuantian Holy Land, and Spiritual Hidden Temple, all the talents have reached this realm.

The more you learn, the sober and enlightened Xiao Chen is in the realm of the Void God.

He is now cultivated as only the peak of the Great Adult King. He has not reached even the full King, and more efforts are needed.

“My strength now can be regarded as an anti-heavenly king, but when I meet a half-step emperor such as Mu Yunzhu, my chances of winning are about 50%, it will be difficult to win. If you encounter a pseudo-emperor, you are likely to fail, and you will have to fix it as a breakthrough. ”

Xiao Chen thought about it, 3,000 source liquid, let him fix it into a rush. You can break through to the King's Peak at any time, but you are just a little off the edge and need a real fight.

“Perhaps it is time for me to go out of town and hunt the beast. ”