The next morning.

The family is having a delightful breakfast at the table.

At this time, a news bulletin suddenly appeared in the morning news.

‘Last night, Rongcheng police uncovered a mega-trafficking infant case, caught 37 suspects and rescued 16 infants... The journalist has called the relevant person in charge of the case, but since the case is still being processed, it is temporarily difficult to disclose the details...’

Subsequently, the television was cut to the Wuhou station, and many parents waited anxiously outside the conference room door.

After receiving the police summons, the parents rushed into the conference room and started searching wildly for their children.

Only sixteen children were rescued, but there were hundreds of parents present.

After all, the police do not know who these children belong to, so they can only invite parents who have recently lost their children and then hold such a family reunion.

The old man had good luck and saw his granddaughter Tingting as soon as he walked in.

The two elderly people quickly walked to Ting Ting. After seeing the scratches and edema on the child, the old two couldn't bear to shed tears on the spot.

It is a joy and a cry, but also a joy for the rest of your life after robbery.

The two old men held their granddaughters in their arms and cried for a while. After their emotions had calmed down a little, they came to the side under the guidance of the police to start registering.

The scene stopped.

Cutting back to the live room, the host smiled after a few brief comments and started broadcasting the next news.

News, always good news without worries.

And this congress, for parents who have lost their children, is actually no less than a second blow.

Okay, but what if I can't find it?

The greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment.

Coming to the congress with unlimited expectations, you end up watching others find their children, who don't know where they are yet.

How strong does it take to endure this endless torment to hit again and again?

Consequently, at the end of the congress, parents will always be overwhelmed by the cry of despair.

When the sniffer is really sad, the sniffer weeps.

Such a scenario is naturally inappropriate for news.

As a bystander, Aunt Zhang, like most people, did not study the details.

So when she saw Ting Ting on TV, she couldn't help but laugh loudly: “Just get it back, just get it back..."

Speaking of which, Aunt Zhang didn't forget to reach out and touch the little guy's head, and then said to her seriously: “Read, if you don't obey me in the future, Grandma will sell you to the human traffickers. How about that? ”

After hearing Aunt Zhang say this, the little guy was scared at the scene, so he immediately shook his head like a wave drum. He muttered and shouted: “No! Don't sell me! ”

As he spoke, the little thing drilled towards Qin Ruoying.

Aunt Zhang couldn't help laughing.

“Silly child, Grandma is teasing you, you are so cute, how dare Grandma sell you? ”

Qin Ruoying comforted her with a laugh.

Rumor has it that the little guy snorted and expressed his strong dissatisfaction.

Children also have human rights!

Breakfast ended in such a delightful atmosphere.

After Cai Shuqin and Xie Pinglin went out to work, Aunt Zhang picked up and prepared to take Chen Xi's family out to play.

But because of the need to bring my granddaughter, Aunt Zhang hasn't tidied up for a while.

In the meantime, Chen Xi quietly consulted with Qin Ruoying.

This year is over, so they should probably leave too, they can't stay in Aunt Zhang's house for a long time to eat and drink, right?

Therefore, after a brief discussion between the two, Chen Xi presented their intention to Aunt Zhang.

After they left Rongcheng, they had to go to China Sea for a few days, sort of relive the year and then go back to Beijing.

When she gets back to Shanghai, she can't let the little guy play so carefree anymore. She needs to find a kindergarten so that she can become a pre-school child.

This is Zheng's eighth scripture reading class, never fish for three days and sun-dry the nets for two, as before, so Chen Xi and Qin Ruoying did not discuss with the little guy at all, just slap the board and decide everything about her...

Although very reluctant, Aunt Zhang did not hesitate to respond to their detailed plans.

But it's okay to go, but it's not until the end of the year.

Aunt Zhang put all the words here. Naturally, the couple could not disobey her intentions, so she stayed with her for a few more days after midnight.

Later, the family went out to play Rongcheng in the last few days.

It has to be said that the Internet era has indeed made life easier for people.

After Chen Xi rented a shared car with his phone, he drove the family to Huang Longxi with joy.

Rongcheng is not comparable to Beijing, counting only a few attractions to play with, Huang Longxi is also a relatively good resort nearby.

But since Chen Xi's return, she has brought this little thing to the 5A attraction, plus she has lived in the rear sea for a long time, so naturally she has some immunity to this vintage street, which is not at all exciting.

So after wandering around, she yelled to play somewhere else.

There was no way, Chen Xi had to drive her all the way around. After Qin Ruoying found out online that there was another marine park nearby, the little guy's big eyes finally lit up.

The size of this marine park is not very large, but it is better than a little guy who has never been to a similar place before.

After all, there is no harm without contrast.

It also made her have so much fun, chirping all the way to the fish in the tank asking questions.

Why is this fish so big?

Why does this fish have feet?

Why does this fish glow?

Her understanding of marine life still lingers, as long as the fish live in the water...

The trip was quite enjoyable.

Before leaving, Chen Xi bought a dolphin pillow for the little guy, and she couldn't keep her mouth shut.

Out of the ocean pavilion, there is a shopping mall not far away.

When the little guy held Qin Ruoying outside and waited for Chen Xi to drive out, he suddenly noticed the shared bike beside him.

Sharing a bike……

She can't ride a bike yet!

The rear sea street was small, so few shared bikes were seen riding in. After suddenly seeing so many shared bikes at the moment, the little one's eyes immediately warmed up.

“Mama, I'm riding this! ”

Often when you look at people riding a shared bike, this little thing starts pouting.

Qin Ruoying was embarrassed to say to her, “No, you're not young, you can't ride this. This is not for children...”

“I'm riding this! I want to ride!”

Seeing Qin Ruying refuse, this little thing suddenly took his little hand away and ran to one of the bikes.

By the time Chen Xi pulled the car out of the parking lot, the mother and daughter were still "talking" alongside the shared bike.

Looking at that momentum, this little thing must be riding today...