For those in the solar fence, the solar system is an unlimited place in ancient mythology.

The so-called sanctuary is naturally a place where no one can speak as deeply or even as colourfully as they do.

Even unattended people have rarely arrived, so many may not have been there in their lifetime.


While many people have not personally visited the restricted areas, they have been able to speak up and even describe it in more detail than those they have seen themselves, when referring to the horrors of the restricted areas.

The ancients were clouds: the three men became tigers and the words were fearful.

This is the horror of rumors.

It was only after the words of the good deeds that the ruins of the Heavenly Prix became synonymous with such horror today.

Especially when a living meteor falls in front of everyone, rumours about the ruins of the Heavenly Prix also seem to be confirmed.

Heavenly Prix Relic.

Heavenly Venerable Restricted Place.

Even the great figures of the heavenly honor level can't get into it, who would think they were dead and have to break into that restricted area again?

Unless she dies.

As a result, the desperate young girl would not show such despair until she had confirmed that her eastern brother had entered the ruins of the Heavenly Prix.

Is this love?

Who knows.

There's no reason to fall in love anyway.

Perhaps when she grows up, she will laugh at her stupidity today, but she will never regret her decision today.

After all, she just happened to meet the person she liked at the beginning of the love sinus.

The girl closed her eyes gently.

Then, with a sharp smile, he rushed to the meteorite belt not far away.

She was even ready for the next moment to crush her bones and destroy her soul.

But never expected...

She waited for a very, very long time to close her eyes until she opened them again...

What's in the curtain is not a place of death and peril, but a sea of silence and tranquillity.

We looked up, and the stars in the sky were stars.

The universe is large and the solar system is small.

There's only one star in the entire solar system, and that's --


Because it's too far away, the sun looks like a star in the eyes of a young girl, hanging silently in this pitch-black sky.

She looked back at the Otto Nebula behind her, and the dense and numb comet blocked her gaze, as if it were a sky, completely isolating too few walls from the ruins of the Heavenly Pivot.

“This, this...”

The young girl stood under the bow and looked at it with incredible feelings in her eyes.

She broke into the Heavenly Prix ruins so easily?!

After a long period of calm, the teenage girl finally accepted the fact in front of her.

Since she's all right, it means...

The ruins of Heavenly Pivot are not as dangerous as legendary, and Brother Oriental may have explored them!

Young girls instinctively want to catch up.

But after a while of thinking about it, she turned the bow and rushed back to the Auto Nebula.

“This place is too big...”

“If I wanted to find my Oriental brother on my own, this would be like fishing for needles in the ocean...”

“No, I have to bring this news back! ”

Unlike Zhonghua's reckless greed, the teenage girl doesn't care about the ultimate ownership of the Heavenly Prix ruins.

Therefore, when she determined that the Heavenly Prix ruins were not dangerous, she wanted to bring the news back first, so that more people could help her find her Oriental brother together...


And while the young girl rushed back to Tai Weiguan, Chen Xi's side was not idle either.

He put every man in the sky on the back of the moon.

So from this moment on, the sky really floats in the sky.

What you need to be aware of here...

Because while the moon revolves around the Earth, the moon itself is still autobiographical.

Plus it has the same rotational cycle as an autobiographical cycle, so no matter where you stand on Earth and look up to heaven, humans will always see the same side of the moon.

And as for the other side, which is unseen, we call it ——

Dark Moon.

In order to prevent Yu Huanzheng from sneaking off to Earth, Chen Xi also laid a large sealing formation on the back of the Moon.

Heaven still has a lot of high-end fighting power, and gathering the power of the crowd may break the line violently.


This place is too close to the Earth. Even if Yu Huanzheng wants to break the line of violence, Chen Xi can rush to stop it first, so after laying the line of battle, Chen Xi completely let go of his heart.

By this time, Yu Huanzheng also seems to have accepted his fate.

Since the collapse of the great world, which led to the forced relocation of the heavens to the solar system, Yuhuan respected the whole human being as if he were a defeated rooster. He was frustrated all day and did not return to the Japanese scenery at all.

According to theory, arrogant people like Jade Atlantic Heavenly Pride should not lose their fighting spirit altogether because of one failure.

Chen Xi guessed there must be something hidden in it.

Therefore, he arranged a traveler from heaven to the moon, fulfilled his promise to be kind to the remnants of heaven, and then took his soul to find Yu Huantian to respect a new conversation.

Chen Xi had planned to extract confessions under torture, but he didn't think...

Jade Atlantic Heavenly Venerable is much more refreshing than he thought.

I don't know if Chen Xi is making love to himself. In short, he feels that Yu Huan Tianzheng is not too hostile to him right now. Instead, he seems to have a lot to say to him.

Too much?

Afraid it's not yo.

They flew side-by-side to a nearby circular hilltop.

Looking not far away at the planet with fluorescent blue light, the tone of the Jade Atlantic Emperor no longer had the previous noble people, but somehow more than a little Xiao Zhuo Xuo.

Turns out…

Ten thousand years ago, Tai Qing Sheng Jo left a message saying that the heavens would eventually end.

Until then, only the soul taste can guarantee the infinite incense and spread of heaven.

In this regard, there is no doubt in the natural conviction of the Ten Parties of Heaven over the generations.

And because of that, when Yu Huantian learned that the spirit of the lower realm had begun to recover, he began planning to build a soul bridge and prepare to lead the people back to Earth.

Ancient immortal cultivators were forced to leave the earth, and now they deserve to return.

Everything was supposed to go as planned.


Chen Xi's birth of the horizontal sky led to the forced activation of the Great Formation of the Sun and Moon Stars.

And what happened after that completely refreshed his three perspectives.

It was not until the moment of the Nine Stars of Pearls that Yu Huan Tianzheng discovered...

Things have never been as simple as God has imagined.

Too Qing Saint Joe must have hidden some amazing secrets!!

In fact, there is not much in the ancient books left by Taizu about soul sampling and the Great Solar Moon and Stars Formation.

Even Chen Xi, an outsider, can see at first glance the exceptions of the Sun and Moon and Stars Formation. Will the heavens and the earth not see?

Therefore, all generations have believed that the Great Formation of the Sun Moon and Stars is the last life-saving straw prepared by Saint Joe of the Qing Dynasty for Heaven.

Who ever thought...

Is the cost of activating the Great Array so tragic?

Is that what you call a card?

You don't need the enemy to do it, you destroy the foundation first?

For some time now, Yu Huanzheng has been wondering why Tai Qing Sheng Jo was so arranged.

Combined with the scriptures I once read in the Imperial Palace, and my previous personal experiences, Yu Huan Tianzheng suddenly remembered a terrible rumor that spread from ancient times.

The contents of the rumors are actually very simple, that is...

The reason why Taiqing Holy Joe led Ancient Immortals to the Great World to build Heavenly Capital is not to save the sky from water fire, but to satisfy his selfishness!

This is regarded by the ancient fairy cultivators as the god's too clean holy ancestor...

He is simply a sanctimonious little man!!



The holidays are over!

At the beginning of the new year, I strive for multiple words, and I wish everyone luck in the coming year, and make a big fortune in the promotion!