Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 42 picks up 6 emperors

The ghost market is the most prosperous market in the magic, and people have more traffic.

A shout, let the people passing around are curiously.

"Let the opening, let the opening, save people! This emperor has the latest beauty liquid in the top of Baibaoge!"

The six emperor sealing the clouds in hand holding a bottle of light green medicament, and the wind is fired by the crowd, and rushes to Mo Snow.

"Slow, this kind of thing will not be useful, will completely destroy the face of Sixth, please also ask the Six emperor to come."

Su Xiyu immediately opened, and the glamorous face has rare strict.

"You said that it is useless, and the emperor listens for you. Daddy is not useful, the emperor marks the junkuo to do Wang Hao is."

Feng Yun is completely unspew to the warning of Su Di Yu.

She said that she didn't use it, she cut, she had two great vowed to say that her Dan medicine is used, the result.

He didn't ask Jun Yuxue to the end, I would like to be unwilling, pulling her hand, splashing a whole bottle of medicine on her face.

All this only occurs between a few seconds, many people have not reacted, and they will not stop.

When they see the medicine of Junku, the courageous, the courage is already holding his eyes and dare not look again.

What jokes, Sujia's seven-star medicine does not care, a bottle they have never heard of drugs, what will be used?

Moreover, Su Dai Yu said, this bottle of medicine will not be useful, the five-star refining pharmacist, can they do not believe it.

It can be imagined, and Jun Yushui must be screaming, and his face will be more powerful.

A person in the people in the people in the population grasps the beauty repair liquid in the hand, how can someone grabbed his line, and also grab his drama?

"The big guy heard, the six emperors did need to use unidentified drugs, if the Sixth Miss is completely destroyed with us Sujia!"

Su Xiyu has been secretly tone, some people come to pick up, then she can take a boat will be responsible to the Yun Yun and Baibao Pavilion.

It is a problem with the medicinal agents of the Baibaoge of the six emperors. They have caused Junku Snow, and there is no coaster in Sujia.

Do not meet water when processed medicinal materials, is a basic common sense in the refining pharmacist.

All medicinal herbs must be calcined with Danfire to calcine the essence of medicinal solutions, and the smelting into the talents can play a pharmacodyne.

I thought that several medicinal materials were milled into medicine, and there will be pharmacters together.

Oh, childish.

However, let Su Dai Yumen have not arrived. After the wound on the face of Junku Snow, it is not to continue to rotten, and it will start to get up with the speed visible at the naked eye.

The two Dan drugs of the worship, the scars on the face of Junku snow rushed over.

The cheeks have seriously dropped the meat and see the bones.

Where the light green medicine, the wound stops hemostasis, and the scar is nor, and the cheek is also slowly growing.

This scene, naturally let the people of eating melon shocked.

"Wow, it's a magical!"

"It's okay, it's really effective!"

"It's a miracle!"

Listening to a burst of exclamation, even the small people put down the hands of the eyes, and they looked at the miracles in front of them.

After ten minutes, Junku Xue's terrible face was fully restored.

The new skin is smooth and smooth, and the snow is white, it is tender to her skin.

The beautiful five senses brought a simple smart. I don't have any disparishes of the ruins.

"This, Miss Su didn't say that this bottle of medicine is useless?"

After laughter, some people finally reacted.