Imperial Phoenix Rules

Chapter 294 is very expensive, you can't lose 1

Junkuple pulled the lips, look good!

I don't com myself!

"Go, call the people who lined up there and say that the city gate of this is open."

Junku Phoenix refers to the Yun Yun, led the team behind the team to the martyrdom.


Sealing the clouds, running that is called a fast.

Seeing the junko's figure is getting closer and closer, the stunned people have finally reacted.

"Junku Huang, you dare to scream the city gate of the beast city, unauthorized break, simply boldly!"

The first standing of Yun Yunyi stands out and stopping the pace of Junko.

Until now, he still has some reaction, and the courage of Junko is so big, but also

Junkko is a little funny to watch him: "Do you break into?"

At the same time, I took the hand of the emperor Ling Tian, ​​to prevent him and fly in a palm offered.

Feng Yunyi continued: "You don't have the invitation order. Of course, you will break into the enter! Hurry up and make mistakes, wait for the Miss Master, this emperor will give you a feeling, let you not be punished by Miss Master. ! "

"Oh, I see that you can't be punished, I am punished."

Junku Hui smiled, he would be so good, ask her?

The feelings are fake. Seeing that she can't get relieved in a dilemma, I am really cool in my heart.

Like Yunyi, this slag man, once abandoned her to choose Su Dai Yu, and never let himself regret it.

Don't let yourself regret, of course, it is to see that the person who has been abandoned is in a deep heat.

"Junku, you don't know how to you!"

Feng Yunyi saw her mocking expression, angry in his heart.

Her mocking eyes, let him expose all the darkness of the heart to the sun.

The people of all major families have exposed the eyes after the cloud and Yunyi, and I feel that Junki will not know.

But I saw the emperor of the Junkuo, and suddenly he bowed the satiria of the mouth.

"Good dogs don't stop, labor is troubled."

Jun Mochun doesn't want to continue to be .

Feng Yunyi was completely irritated by her sentence: "Junku, you said who is a dog!"

"Who should be, who is."

The Junkou Huangfu-like eyelve flashed a taste, with his own team crossed Yun Yi, and the big shot into the beast.

Feng Yun Yi is on the air, not coming and dodge, almost being smashed by a carriage.

"Be careful, my carriage is very expensive, don't be bad!"

Chisa driving a carriage, and the disliked glare.

Heaven and earth conscience, he is telling the truth, there is absolutely no more ironic meaning.

The carriage is that it is expensive, and it is more than the future of his future, and it is very expensive outside.

I heard this sentence, Feng Yunyi's head is almost smoke!

"Red Chi, plus fifty years."

The Emperor Ling Tianshi is bent, obviously very good.

"Red, I will give you another fifty years, your family is honored."

Jun Mochi feels that the phrase of Chi Chi is simply a pen!

"Thank you, thank you, thank you."

Chisa is almost jumped, it turns out to make this four emperor to eat, can rise to his wife.

I also rose double!

So more times, his wife is not there, hahahaha!

When he is a tribute, when is the object that is playing with others!

Bluff Yunyi is straightforward, it is going to be fainted.